Dealing with the Distance on the hardest of days.

Picture by Damon Nofar on Pixabay

Long Distance and The Pandemic

If you are in a long distance and you had your life turned upside down because of the pandemic year of Hell, Then you are not alone. There are couples all around the world who haven’t seen their partner or fiance, or even wife or husband.  There is nothing that makes people like me so depressed.  I am sure I am not the only one who has had those ups and down days this past year.  Most borders haven’t fully opened up and the ones that do probably only have seen their Long Distance partner once or twice the whole.  I’ve heard rumors about how it could take up to 8 hours to get through the whole arrival process of immigration or other things that might take even more time to travel.

The Struggles are Real

It can be so hard for couples around the world.   Even sexually it can be so frustrating for even the most modest.  We’ve all had those days where the need to feel their touch from our partners and that can be the hardest part of this pandemic.   We don’t know when those international borders will open and I am hopeful and watching the Philippines that it will open in November or December.

Handling the distance

We all have our ways to handle the distance but I thought it would be a good idea to talk about some of the things that I’ve learned over the years.   Even the idea of buying Airplane tickets can be hard for someone to save up the money to be able to see their partners internationally.  Some things to keep in mind while you are waiting:

  • Faithfulness — Try to keep true to your partner and try to not make any mistakes with your partner.   This has definitely been real hard for most to do.   I’ve heard about how hard it is and I can totally relate.
  • Patience — Seeing all what is going on with borders, we can have those days where we will have little or no patiences with Governments or even with your Partner.   You’ll need to walk carefully on how you deal with disappoint.   We’ve seen governments that have really disappointed us all.
  • Determination — After all you’ve been through this past few months to years.  You’ll have to keep your determination and keep reminding yourself why you are in an LDR.  Try to have fun and remember those really special times with your partner, that has helped me tremendously.
  • Understanding — This is also something you must do while you are waiting for the borders to open up.  We have to remember to keep understanding our partners and listen to their needs and wants.

Strategize the meeting

Finally, when the borders finally open up for your partner and you.   You should already have plans in place for the next meeting.   This can be so helpful to see there is going to be a time together.  This will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.   I am already doing this and we are planning for the time when we are finally together.   This has helped me so much and kept us rooted in what really matters.   We are also talking about closing the distance.   If you can close the distance this will help you keep grounded and knowing that there is more at the end of the tunnel.   These are just small tips to help you survive the distance and even the pandemic.




WandaVision Season 1 is like a Long Distance Relationship!

WandaVision on Disney+


I’ll say this one this post will contain spoilers and you are there for warned ahead of time. Read at your own risk to finding out spoilers.

Beginning the Season

We start off in a 1960’s suburban home where everything is black and white and we see the newlyweds walking though the door after getting married.   A nice suburban couple doing everyday routines and nothing could be any perfect than two people who want to be together.   This starts off so wonderfully made and makes you think about your long distance relationship.    This is what everyone who is in a LDR to be like and want to achieve.

The Beginning of the season was tied to build the characters up and make the audience grow to like them in so many ways.   We find ourselves wanting to know more about how this came to be when we saw Vision dying in Avenger’s infinity war.

Season Progression

We progress into the first few episodes of WandaVision and see that things start to change from being 1960’s to 19070’s to even the 1980’s.   It starts to get a little different because we are progressing rather quickly from the beginning.   We see there are forces trying to get into the city through means that are rather peculiar and not normal.  We also get to see some people from the other movies such as Darcy Lewis best know in the Thor Universe as the assistant that tagged along with Jan Foster in the Thor timeline.   Which was cute for the movie theme and everything.

We also see Wanda having all sorts of abilities and see her do things we have never seen her do.   This pretty much brings her back to the comic book era because they have to explain to the movie audience why she can do what she can do without much thought or know how to do spells.   It seems they want to make the audience see who Wanda is in the comics and also I think bring the comic book audience into the show also.   So they are working at explaining her abilities in ways we never really got to understand until now.   In my book, I was always wondering how she could do what she could and now we are finally understanding that.

We also see she gets pregnant and have two boys all in the span of a few days or two weeks in the show.  I know it was unexpected but also we have to understand that this was her ability to create characters through her special powers.   It however brings me to thinking this reminds me of how couples who are in Long Distance might just be in this situation.   They have kids together and have this happen to them where they are apart and want the support of the other while giving birth or even parenting.

Season Ending

Finally we have a villian named Agnes, who teaches anda about her abilities and tells her she is the Scarlet witch.   This was nice to see and understand some of the things that was happening.   We have a really big fight scene against Agnes and Wanda.   We learn about what happened to Vision and even learn about some of the supporting characters in the show or movie.   In the end we also  see her give up the very things she created to let the people of this little town out of her fantasy she created.

We See in the end of episode 9 that she is saying Goodbye to vision and her kids and it reminds me so much of a LDR because just as we are about to get on the plane to leave we are saying those very words as we are about to leave.

“I have been a voice with no body. A body, but not human. And now a memory made real.” — Vision


“We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason..” –Vision

“We’ll say hello again.” –Wanda

This made me think about all those LDr where we had to say goodbye.  I remember those times where we will say Hello all over again.   This just reminded me of how many times we said Hello in the long distance relationship getting off the plane to see our loved ones.   This season just kept reminding me of LDR’s.  I know I am not the only who felt this way in the past.  I know it was a reminder of things to come.   I fully recommend people checking this series out.

Finally I leave you with a thought.   If you had the powers would you go see your loved one right now?  I know my answer would be yes and without thought.

3 Ways to save money for that plane ticket

Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels

Those Flights are expensive

I’ve flown international and I know how much it can be to buy those tickets to go see your other half.  I’ve even talked about how to buy cheap tickets because you don’t have to buy the most expensive.   If you have never bought a ticket to another place than you are missing out.   People always ask about how to save money to be able to afford that plane ticket.   I thought it was high time to discuss it.   There are many ways to save money or even earn extra money to be able to afford to buy that one plane ticket, but I am going to talk about at least 3 ways that I have learned to do just that.   Each way I am going to talk about is just my way of making or saving money to buy that ticket.

Change Jar!

You would be surprised how much you can save if you keep dropping money into a change jar each night.    If you plan this just right you could save the money for the ticket for the following year.   It can also be used to for the money you might need while you are there in the other country or place you are visiting.   This can be used in conjunction of other ways to save money to buy that ticket.

Side Job or setup a business!

If you are like me, you are constantly trying to find ways to make money to go see your other half.   I make it my point to use my business to make money.   I work on computers on the side and have customers who need me from time to time and I use that money to buy my plane ticket.   It can be kind of hard to find enough work or get enough money from your business but it will also be the easiest way to save even more money to be able to get that ticket.

Sell stuff or give plasma!

Unlike everything else this one seems more like a good way to earn more money for those tickets.   I usually go give plasma to get paid by the process.   You can sell stuff that you might have or know how to do it.   Each way can also help to give you money  and give you a chance to buy those tickets.   You could sell muffins or other foods that you can easily cook to people who might be hungry.  You may need to think outside the box but if you really think about it.   You’d be able to make enough money to buy that ticket.

These are just a few ways that I do to be able to buy those tickets.   Do you have a way that you use to make money for those causes?   Why not leave a comment and tell me what you do to get money?   Maybe you can help others by your comment.



5 ways to stream videos in a Long Distance Relationship

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

You want to watch videos or maybe even movies with your other half and you don’t know how. It can be very hard to watch a movie or show together. Most of the time it can be very difficult to schedule a time together to watch a movie or to video chat together. It’s important to do things together.  Here are 5 Ways to watch videos together.   In the coming months I’ll be talking about how to do it with more effort on one or both persons.   Here though is the simple ways you can watch videos together.


Youtube This is the easiest one of the ways you can watch videos. Most of the times you can find videos or movies that both of you can watch. Some videos will be harder to find or watch because of country restrictions. So you might have a hard time finding the right video to watch or can.

There are plenty of videos or movies that might be copyrighted that you can watch together.   Although it will be taken down relatively quickly, so you might need to watch them as you find them just because you never know when it will be removed by Google.


I like Netflix because you can watch movies around the world and maybe you can find one that both of you can watch together. There are shows or movies that one of you can’t watch based on where you live. So it might be a little bit difficult but there are good chance that you can find something or some stuff that you can watch simultaneously.

Sometimes you might have to share your account with the other depending on if she/he can afford to do this. You’ll need to know what you can and can’t do with your account and the TOS that Netflix makes clear.  Just be weary of the consequences is all I can say!

TubiTv is great because it can be streamed on any device or region.   The main problem with this service is that you will have advertisements and it might be a time difference in movies.   I’ve not really tried this service but I have looked at it and thought to try it out.   You don’t have to share your passwords or account because both of you can have your own account.  Some of the content is sexual in nature and are rated R but you can both view it them at your discretion. is great for gamer’s and if you like to game together this is great way to watch videos together. I enjoy watching people play Minecraft and this just is kind of nice to see what people are playing.   Some are playing Fortnight and other games that you can enjoy together.   I know some of you are gamer,  this is why i suggested this service.   It depends on what you do with your other half.

This service can be used around the world so you don’t have to worry about regional selections.

Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime is something I like because you can use it around the world but again you have problems like Netflix where you will either have to pay for the service and give out your account information to the other person.  I’m not sure about the TOS for Amazon Prime.   So you will have to search thoroughly and see if it will work for you.   The good news is that you if you are married or getting married you might not have to worry about the TOS.   The Bad news is that you pay $12.99 per month or 119$ per Year in the US and it can be a different price in other regions.  So it can be very expensive for some people who are struggling to pay bills.

Each one of these services might require you to sign up for their services or pay for their service.   So there is that issue as well as what you might need to do to watch videos.   This is however a common problem with streaming services and as such you will have to figure out which service is best for your situation.

Got a streaming service that works for you?  Why not drop a comment and tell others?  Please feel free to share this post and help others with their streaming problems.

Understanding The Way you communicate in an LDR!

Women Sitting by Window holding a phone! Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

You Didn’t see this coming?

You probably didn’t see this coming as you started this long distance relationship. We’ve all been there, saying the same exact thing. LDR’s are extremely hard and can be almost heartbreaking. The idea that you want to be with them and do everything with them. You just got back from your trip to see your other Half and now you are down and depressed or maybe even crying your eyes out! This is what every guy or girl has went through after a visit. I’ve heard from people that it doesn’t get easier over time or some have learned to cope with it. Each person is really different when it comes to this process of keeping a relationship working and surviving the long days and nights without your other half.

The Truth behind Visits!

When I come home from every trip to see my other half for some it’s your Girlfriend or Boyfriend, it’s extremely hard to get back into my routines here because ultimately the problem exists where you just want to be with them rather than you wanting to be apart. Sometimes distances doesn’t make the heart grow fonder but makes it extremely hard. So, what I have to do after each visit is drag myself out of bed and get back to my routines but why do people even start doing a Long Distance Relationship? It all stems from several reasons, you can bet no one really expected to be in one. Some do it because they met one way or another while traveling, or playing games with that person and becoming friends through the process. Anyway it happens, I’ve found most people have a unique experience with an LDR.

Dealing with an LDR

There are a number ways of dealing with the distance, whether you keep really busy or finding other ways to cope with it. You can find many ways to deal with it like communicating daily or I have heard people staying on Video Chat while they sleep. I don’t get that but I’ve heard it in a few of my LDR groups. I am not sure if it is healthy or good idea to do. So you can see that it will be different for each person or couple. I’ve read ways to survive the distance and I believe that it can be very helpful to do some of these suggestions.

Other ways you can survive!

I’m going to suggest even more ways to survive the distance and these are what I’ve learned so far and I want to explain some of this and try to help those who have been there and done that. It can be extremely hard not go from one extreme to another.

  • Boundaries — setting boundaries can help prevent some arguments or problems. I’ve had arguments with my other half because she did stuff that shouldn’t or they get jealous over the little things. Set personal boundaries and say it isn’t OK for some stuff and let’s make the change that is needed.
  • Miscommunication will never go away — Depending on where your other half is in the world. You will find that no matter how long you are with that person apart, you will have miscommunications. It will start to get better because both of you will start understanding each other.
  • Be Slow to Anger — I had to deal with this one, and others. I’ve learned the past few years that nothing you do is worth getting angry with your better half. Learn to see the signs of getting angry and instead start listening even more and trying to see their perspective.
  • Have a realistic Goal(s) — each one of you should come up with your own realistic goal(s) and start doing them. Sometimes these goals can be anything from working harder or getting ready for your next visit!
  • Be open to change — When you started this relationship you probably never thought it would be changing and you to would be all lovey and dovey through the whole LDR. This is simply not true each one of us changes over our lifetime and when you finally close the distance you will see that they may of changed but is it for the worst or for the good. That is up to you to decide.

No relationship will be ever be the same as another or have the same exact circumstances. You will have to go through some bumps and trials in the road. You have a lot of hard work, a lot of sweat, and being apart but it will not be forever. This is what I’ve learned so far after almost 2 years in this relationship. Do you have something to say or talk about, why not leave a comment and tell people what you’ve learned?