How to Cope with being in LDR!

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Distance is Hard!

Every day you are talking with your girlfriend or boyfriend.   It’s hard, lonely and even downright depressing.   I’ve been experiencing this since I left her a few weeks ago.   You get depressed and start missing them because you were so happy together and thinking about how nice and great it was to be with them or something like that.  Each person is really different so I am sure it is different for every person.   I figured I would write about my experiences and help with the distance who might be experiencing these things!

Constant Sadness

After the visit with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you will be sad and maybe even need to cry.   It can be quiet hard to get out of bed and start the lonely routines that you had before you he/she came and now you are wondering how do you get through it.  

  • Create Goals —  I’ve found creating goals can be a tremendous help with fighting the Sadness and putting your mindset on something. 
  • Find friends — Another good way to get past the constant sadness is finding friends to talk about this because you won’t feel so lonely.
  • Schedule the next Trip — If you can start thinking about  the next trip and keeping your mind positive is very important in an LDR.

These are just a few that I can think of right now but I am sure if you are looking for more ways to cope with the distance you can google it.   

Other ways to Deal with it!

Now before I talk about this,  I am no doctor so do this at your own risk.   I know it helps me so I thought I would at least mention these and let you decide if you want to try this.   I strongly recommend you talk to your doctor before you try some of the the herbal remedies:

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  • Ashwagandha 450mg — I’ve been talking this for the past few weeks and my mood has been generally better.   So you can try it yourself.
  • Gaba 750mg —   This is a naturally produced in the brain and an Amino Acid.   It helps to calm my mind at night but I also have been using it in the morning due to the LDR.  So it works really well for me from being moody!
  • L-Theanine 200mg —  It can be found in any sleep formula but I also like to take this at night to help with my sleeping because you know how your mind likes to keep you awake.   This one is really good also for LDR but should be used at night only.

These are what I do to help with the who Long Distance sadness and missing her but I am sure there are even more things you can do to get through those long periods of not being together physically!  If you have tips and tricks and want to share just leave them in the comments section.   Remember to subscribe to my blog for even more stuff about LDRS! Â