Photo by mohamed_hassan from PxHere
The Job Market
First and foremost we will at least talk about what I mean by Investigation of the job market. According Websters dictionary, the meaning of investigation is “to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry“. Now since we will study this and look into other aspects of this to see how the Job market is looking you can see this will be quite enlightening. First we need to look at the DATA of the whole situation of the Job Market for 2024. Let’s start with looking at trends and see if we see anything that shows us what it’s look like. I am going to look at what people are searching for in Google using the Google Trends that is quite useful for this data.

Recession in 2007 and 2009
According to the Federal Reserve History:
The Great Recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, which makes it the longest recession since World War II.
In history we are most likely going to start looking back and saying yes we are in a recession. If you look at the graph from Google Trends you can tell people stopped searching for the job market after 2009 and it started to decline. We really need to stop denying this and just buckle up and be ready to slow our spending and slow down trying to spend. If you have any debts, it is best to pay them off as quickly as possible and try to not spend to much right now. Here’s another indicator that people are starting to ask the important questions.

Understanding that people are searching for stuff like this can help you see how many people are actually asking these questions. If the Economy is so strong and working properly, then why are people asking these questions, should be your first question?
As you can see people are asking “is the job market Bad” and that is something you should consider when you look at the stats. Why are a lot of people asking the same exact question. I drilled down and looked and I see people are searching for Remote Work, WFH, Work From Home, Job Fairs, and other things that seem to indicate how many are actually looking for a job.
I am sure there are some people who will say this doesn’t mean that we will be in recession but I honestly think we will or we are in a recession right now due to how hard it is for people to find a job. This could also be considering us into a Depression that looks like a recession. I can’t tell right now but I do know Something isn’t quite right.
Biden Economics as some would say would refute this because it’s being the year of the presidential elections and they don’t want you to know this. If you haven’t looked at how it is going down then you should check it out how many people are starting to doubt that this will help them in finding work. Just to clarify what it is:
Biden described his economic philosophy via Twitter in June 2023: “Bidenomics is about growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down. Wikipedia
Conclusion and Thoughts

Finally we come to the conclusion of this because it really looks like we are not at stable as the Government is actually telling us and we should be careful to, not repeat their comments, because until you actually do your own research you will not truly understand. I’ve been researching this for the past three weeks due to my layoff. I’ve even researched, what others are saying on video. You should check out the Friday Video Posts to help you see what others are saying. I honestly think we should tighten our belts and stop spending as much as possible and try to find ways to buy food cheaper. You should try to find a job anyway you can, I have yet to find a way to do it but I have been trying and get the dreaded letter that they haven’t selected you for the next step. It can be quite depressing but it is just a matter before I find a job.
Are you jobless and have similar experiences why not leave a comment and tell people your experience so they know they aren’t alone? We are all in this together. We just need to keep encouraging people that are having the same situation and tell them you’re not alone.
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