Dealing with the Distance on the hardest of days.

Picture by Damon Nofar on Pixabay

Long Distance and The Pandemic

If you are in a long distance and you had your life turned upside down because of the pandemic year of Hell, Then you are not alone. There are couples all around the world who haven’t seen their partner or fiance, or even wife or husband.  There is nothing that makes people like me so depressed.  I am sure I am not the only one who has had those ups and down days this past year.  Most borders haven’t fully opened up and the ones that do probably only have seen their Long Distance partner once or twice the whole.  I’ve heard rumors about how it could take up to 8 hours to get through the whole arrival process of immigration or other things that might take even more time to travel.

The Struggles are Real

It can be so hard for couples around the world.   Even sexually it can be so frustrating for even the most modest.  We’ve all had those days where the need to feel their touch from our partners and that can be the hardest part of this pandemic.   We don’t know when those international borders will open and I am hopeful and watching the Philippines that it will open in November or December.

Handling the distance

We all have our ways to handle the distance but I thought it would be a good idea to talk about some of the things that I’ve learned over the years.   Even the idea of buying Airplane tickets can be hard for someone to save up the money to be able to see their partners internationally.  Some things to keep in mind while you are waiting:

  • Faithfulness — Try to keep true to your partner and try to not make any mistakes with your partner.   This has definitely been real hard for most to do.   I’ve heard about how hard it is and I can totally relate.
  • Patience — Seeing all what is going on with borders, we can have those days where we will have little or no patiences with Governments or even with your Partner.   You’ll need to walk carefully on how you deal with disappoint.   We’ve seen governments that have really disappointed us all.
  • Determination — After all you’ve been through this past few months to years.  You’ll have to keep your determination and keep reminding yourself why you are in an LDR.  Try to have fun and remember those really special times with your partner, that has helped me tremendously.
  • Understanding — This is also something you must do while you are waiting for the borders to open up.  We have to remember to keep understanding our partners and listen to their needs and wants.

Strategize the meeting

Finally, when the borders finally open up for your partner and you.   You should already have plans in place for the next meeting.   This can be so helpful to see there is going to be a time together.  This will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.   I am already doing this and we are planning for the time when we are finally together.   This has helped me so much and kept us rooted in what really matters.   We are also talking about closing the distance.   If you can close the distance this will help you keep grounded and knowing that there is more at the end of the tunnel.   These are just small tips to help you survive the distance and even the pandemic.




How LDR will change with this Pandemic

Long distance love

It’s Been over a year Now!

The Pandemic has hit every nation and every country hard the last months.   We’ve seen a new variant to the covid19 and we even seen several companies develop a covid19 vaccine.   It’s been over a year for me personally, it will most likely be 2 years if the Philippines doesn’t open up this fall or winter.  I am in a LDR and I still don’t know what to expect from this government.   Granted I still have to worry about my own government, but it is nothing compared to what I have been seeing from the Philippine government as of late.  I guess this will be a little bit of a rant myself.   I really wish everyone would get there act together and figure out a way for Fiances,GF, or BF to be able to see their loved ones.

Philippines open up already

I suspect that it will eventually open up but it been way to long and way to slow to do what is needed to open up.   I know I am not living in the country or anything like that but I do think I have a right to complain because I have been patiently waiting to see my Fiance for well over a year and half.  There is another petition going around to allow unmarried couples to get into the Philippines to see their loved ones.   I am not against them being cautious or take precautions, in fact they make foreign nationals do a lot of stuff to verify we do not have Covid19.  Let’s just be a little reasonable that’s all I am asking.    We should try to make it where we can have enough time to be with our loved ones.  Some Filipinos can really can get out of country due to family obligations or even because they can’t stop working because there is no way they can take time off.  So I get that and I support them for doing the right thing.

It’s bound to open up sooner or later

I still think the Philippines will open up later this year maybe November or December.   Although this is all speculation on my part and maybe I’ll be totally wrong.   I do see things heading that way and I’ll keep preaching this until it either happens or it doesn’t happen.  I know most of you have your own theories or maybe even might even see that it might be this year.   I am hopeful just like everyone else but it has to open up with economy being like it is will need to open for there people to survive.


I suspect that tickets will start to get more expensive as more countries open up.   I even suspect that when the Philippines open up the air fare will start to go up.   So I will be constantly looking to find those cheap tickets anywhere and everywhere I can think of.  Even then I will probably be paying for the time these airlines are trying to make up for the lost revenue they had before this pandemic even started.   I am sure we will see a steady spike of prices in all international travel as the air fare will be increased.   Some other ways to save money is quite simply knowing when to buy and how to plan your trips.   Even then it will still probably be higher than you used to get them, I can pretty much see that happening.


When each country starts to open up, you can bet there will be a rush of people to get into the country as quick as they can so they prices for tickets will be increased also.   Higher demand will ultimately increase the price of the tickets on planes.   So once you know, you really shouldn’t wait to find the best tickets but rather buy the cheapest one as quickly as possible or else you might be paying 3 times as much when you finally do decide to buy those plane tickets.


3 Ways to save money for that plane ticket

Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels

Those Flights are expensive

I’ve flown international and I know how much it can be to buy those tickets to go see your other half.  I’ve even talked about how to buy cheap tickets because you don’t have to buy the most expensive.   If you have never bought a ticket to another place than you are missing out.   People always ask about how to save money to be able to afford that plane ticket.   I thought it was high time to discuss it.   There are many ways to save money or even earn extra money to be able to afford to buy that one plane ticket, but I am going to talk about at least 3 ways that I have learned to do just that.   Each way I am going to talk about is just my way of making or saving money to buy that ticket.

Change Jar!

You would be surprised how much you can save if you keep dropping money into a change jar each night.    If you plan this just right you could save the money for the ticket for the following year.   It can also be used to for the money you might need while you are there in the other country or place you are visiting.   This can be used in conjunction of other ways to save money to buy that ticket.

Side Job or setup a business!

If you are like me, you are constantly trying to find ways to make money to go see your other half.   I make it my point to use my business to make money.   I work on computers on the side and have customers who need me from time to time and I use that money to buy my plane ticket.   It can be kind of hard to find enough work or get enough money from your business but it will also be the easiest way to save even more money to be able to get that ticket.

Sell stuff or give plasma!

Unlike everything else this one seems more like a good way to earn more money for those tickets.   I usually go give plasma to get paid by the process.   You can sell stuff that you might have or know how to do it.   Each way can also help to give you money  and give you a chance to buy those tickets.   You could sell muffins or other foods that you can easily cook to people who might be hungry.  You may need to think outside the box but if you really think about it.   You’d be able to make enough money to buy that ticket.

These are just a few ways that I do to be able to buy those tickets.   Do you have a way that you use to make money for those causes?   Why not leave a comment and tell me what you do to get money?   Maybe you can help others by your comment.