WandaVision Season 1 is like a Long Distance Relationship!

WandaVision on Disney+


I’ll say this one this post will contain spoilers and you are there for warned ahead of time. Read at your own risk to finding out spoilers.

Beginning the Season

We start off in a 1960’s suburban home where everything is black and white and we see the newlyweds walking though the door after getting married.   A nice suburban couple doing everyday routines and nothing could be any perfect than two people who want to be together.   This starts off so wonderfully made and makes you think about your long distance relationship.    This is what everyone who is in a LDR to be like and want to achieve.

The Beginning of the season was tied to build the characters up and make the audience grow to like them in so many ways.   We find ourselves wanting to know more about how this came to be when we saw Vision dying in Avenger’s infinity war.

Season Progression

We progress into the first few episodes of WandaVision and see that things start to change from being 1960’s to 19070’s to even the 1980’s.   It starts to get a little different because we are progressing rather quickly from the beginning.   We see there are forces trying to get into the city through means that are rather peculiar and not normal.  We also get to see some people from the other movies such as Darcy Lewis best know in the Thor Universe as the assistant that tagged along with Jan Foster in the Thor timeline.   Which was cute for the movie theme and everything.

We also see Wanda having all sorts of abilities and see her do things we have never seen her do.   This pretty much brings her back to the comic book era because they have to explain to the movie audience why she can do what she can do without much thought or know how to do spells.   It seems they want to make the audience see who Wanda is in the comics and also I think bring the comic book audience into the show also.   So they are working at explaining her abilities in ways we never really got to understand until now.   In my book, I was always wondering how she could do what she could and now we are finally understanding that.

We also see she gets pregnant and have two boys all in the span of a few days or two weeks in the show.  I know it was unexpected but also we have to understand that this was her ability to create characters through her special powers.   It however brings me to thinking this reminds me of how couples who are in Long Distance might just be in this situation.   They have kids together and have this happen to them where they are apart and want the support of the other while giving birth or even parenting.

Season Ending

Finally we have a villian named Agnes, who teaches anda about her abilities and tells her she is the Scarlet witch.   This was nice to see and understand some of the things that was happening.   We have a really big fight scene against Agnes and Wanda.   We learn about what happened to Vision and even learn about some of the supporting characters in the show or movie.   In the end we also  see her give up the very things she created to let the people of this little town out of her fantasy she created.

We See in the end of episode 9 that she is saying Goodbye to vision and her kids and it reminds me so much of a LDR because just as we are about to get on the plane to leave we are saying those very words as we are about to leave.

“I have been a voice with no body. A body, but not human. And now a memory made real.” — Vision


“We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason..” –Vision

“We’ll say hello again.” –Wanda

This made me think about all those LDr where we had to say goodbye.  I remember those times where we will say Hello all over again.   This just reminded me of how many times we said Hello in the long distance relationship getting off the plane to see our loved ones.   This season just kept reminding me of LDR’s.  I know I am not the only who felt this way in the past.  I know it was a reminder of things to come.   I fully recommend people checking this series out.

Finally I leave you with a thought.   If you had the powers would you go see your loved one right now?  I know my answer would be yes and without thought.