Vista To release Service Pack 2 in April 2009

[ad#digg-right] Some sources are reporting that Vista SP2 will be out in April.   According to Engadget they claim TechARP is a bunch of Malaysian Kids that like to boast about how they broke the Vista SP1 and XP SP3 release schedules to the world.  They claim though that Vista Release candidate is to be out around February.Microsoft has indicated that this SP3 will include Windows Search 4, Bluetooth 2.1 wireless support, faster resume from sleep when a wireless connection has been broken and support for Blu-ray.   I personally think it will include some of Windows 7 features to better get people accustomed to Windows 7 when they come out.

[ad#ad2-left]Although this is speculation and no hard evidence I think it has some merit due to the fact that Microsoft has admitted in the past that Vista was a big Letdown.  I don’t think they can any more to damage than they have already done.   If anything Windows 7 will be a easy Success if they pull it off in the right way!!!  Although with WIndows 7 be leaked online there is no telling what will happen. I am sure what ever happens will be interesting to say the least!!!

Podcasters are in up in arms over


[ad#digg-right]Podcasters and LifeCasters alike are not so happy with right now. They have started to introduce there own ads overlay to where the lifecaster or podcast involved doesn’t get any revenue. One such Podcast right now is Mike Smith, Host of the Miketechshow Podcast, and Also Todd Cochrane, Host of Geeknewscentral.  In a Recent post from Todd, he stated he is going to leave

[ad#ad2-right]Mike Smith in his last Podcast talked about this subject and why he is really unhappy with  He says that the ads could possible violate his TOS with Techpodcast Network.  He also would like to share the revenue because he was one of the founding podcasters that started to use   He’s worried that there will be adult theme ads showing on his video stream and that He wants this to be family friendly.  He’s said before the show if he has to he’ll go to other networks.   Some of the networks that might help him out: is the one Mike is having problems with but I tell you this in case someone is looking for streaming media platform.   These others I’ve checked out are decent and have there own look and feel.  Each one has its own personality and server capabilities.   So it will be a test on the next platform that Mike decides on!  I provide these to better help people make the right choice and also let people know about Not telling you about the ads. If you think they shouldn’t be doing this, talk about it and Blog about.

Technorati Officially laysoff 6 people!!

Technorati released today they are going to Lay off 6 people and I will quote:

Unfortunately, this means sacrifices. Technorati’s management team members are taking pay cuts ranging from 15-25% and employees are taking 10% cut. This also includes the reallocation of staff. We’re laying off six employees today – including two executives — and there are two additional departures we won’t replace. These are high performers who have worked long hours to get us where we are now. They’re also friends, and we’re very sad to see them go. We simply need a leaner and reconfigured mix to get us through 2009.

[via Technorati Weblog]

They will also be taking pay cuts all through the company.  So the recession is hitting them also.  I am sure CEO Richard Jalichandra has the company interest in mind.  According to Techchunch, they have added these recent layoffs ticker.   You can also search my blog for other layoffs that have happened or will happen.

Citigroup bank might be saved through the recession.

According to reports from ABC News, Citibank is having a hard time and might need to be assisted by the government.

[ad#ad2-right]The company has seen its shares lose 60 percent of their value in the past week, reflecting a crisis of confidence among skittish investors. They are worried all the risky debt on Citigroup’s balance sheet will turn into losses as the economy worsens and the markets stay turbulent — losses that could be nearly impossible to reverse.

[via ABC News]

Although this is somewhat expected, I don’t think we can afford to pay the debt of a bank.  We are all having to deal with this recession.   I don’t know how they can afford to pay for Citigroup and expect this to help bolster the economy.   I guess only time will tell!!!

Youtube gets ready to Launch “LIVE Event!!” 5pm PST/8pm EST

As the time approaches for the live even for Youtube. There are many confirmed and only one I want to see right now. As many people will agree that Mythbusters is the best show on Discovery Channel. They have been confirmed to be there tomorrow.

They are getting ready!!!

Some of the major players confirmed to be there are Mythbusters, Soulja Boy Tell’em, Katy Perry, Esmee Denters, Akon, FRED, and Will. I. Am.   Now I don’t know all these stars.   I do Know Mythbusters and I’ve heard of FRED.   I’m just stating who is going to be there.

[ad#ad2-left]Then the Obvious question comes to my mind and I am sure this is being asked by everyone right now.  Is Mythbusters shows coming to Youtube?  I would say from what all is going on with Youtube, they might become a competitor to Hulu.  With them adding High Defination Viewing and allowing bigger video to be uploaded. There is no question that Youtube and Google is getting ready to release a major statement, or change there direction.   So be ready tomorrow at 8 PM EST/5 PM PST and let’s see what happens.