[ad#digg-right]Podcasters and LifeCasters alike are not so happy with Ustream.tv right now. They have started to introduce there own ads overlay to where the lifecaster or podcast involved doesn’t get any revenue. One such Podcast right now is Mike Smith, Host of the Miketechshow Podcast, and Also Todd Cochrane, Host of Geeknewscentral. In a Recent post from Todd, he stated he is going to leave Ustream.tv.
[ad#ad2-right]Mike Smith in his last Podcast talked about this subject and why he is really unhappy with Ustream.tv. He says that the ads could possible violate his TOS with Techpodcast Network. He also would like to share the revenue because he was one of the founding podcasters that started to use Ustream.tv.  He’s worried that there will be adult theme ads showing on his video stream and that He wants this to be family friendly. He’s said before the show if he has to he’ll go to other networks.  Some of the networks that might help him out:
Ustream.tv is the one Mike is having problems with but I tell you this in case someone is looking for streaming media platform.  These others I’ve checked out are decent and have there own look and feel. Each one has its own personality and server capabilities.  So it will be a test on the next platform that Mike decides on! I provide these to better help people make the right choice and also let people know about Ustream.tv Not telling you about the ads. If you think they shouldn’t be doing this, talk about it and Blog about.