As the time approaches for the live even for Youtube. There are many confirmed and only one I want to see right now. As many people will agree that Mythbusters is the best show on Discovery Channel. They have been confirmed to be there tomorrow.

Some of the major players confirmed to be there are Mythbusters, Soulja Boy Tell’em, Katy Perry, Esmee Denters, Akon, FRED, and Will. I. Am. Now I don’t know all these stars. I do Know Mythbusters and I’ve heard of FRED. I’m just stating who is going to be there.
[ad#ad2-left]Then the Obvious question comes to my mind and I am sure this is being asked by everyone right now. Is Mythbusters shows coming to Youtube? I would say from what all is going on with Youtube, they might become a competitor to Hulu. With them adding High Defination Viewing and allowing bigger video to be uploaded. There is no question that Youtube and Google is getting ready to release a major statement, or change there direction. So be ready tomorrow at 8 PM EST/5 PM PST and let’s see what happens.