Microsoft Windows Server Service Vulnerability (MS08-067)

A vulnerability has been identified in Microsoft Windows, which could be exploited by attackers to take complete control of an affected system. This issue is caused by an error in the Server service that does not properly handle specially crafted RPC requests, which could be exploited by attackers to crash an affected system or execute arbitrary code via a specially crafted request.

On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the vulnerability is only exploitable by authenticated users.

Note: This vulnerability is being exploited in targeted attacks.

[via FrSirt]


This was just discovered and needs to let people know. I will do more research on it and maybe come up with a way to fix the problem. According to my sources there is a patch that will fix the problem!!

According to Microsoft:

This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in the Server service. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if an affected system received a specially crafted RPC request. On Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 systems, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability without authentication to run arbitrary code. It is possible that this vulnerability could be used in the crafting of a wormable exploit. Firewall best practices and standard default firewall configurations can help protect network resources from attacks that originate outside the enterprise perimeter.
[Via Microsoft Security Bulletin]

Silverlight 2.0.31005.0 Is release today.

I woke up this morning and found there was an update.  I thought to myself this isn’t the second Tuesday, that was last week.  So I click on my update tab to see what it was all about? Wouldn’t you know it, an update to Silverlight 2.


I will be looking into the new Microsoft Silverlight.   I have heard on the wind, that this might be due to the PDC coming Oct 27-30.   This has something to do with Windows 7, I’m almost sure of it.   I am sure as you can see this is most interesting. I’m also sure this has to do with some security fix but why push it out now when there is no need too.  This update effects Windows Xp/Vista/and 2000  so we will see what they have in mind the coming weeks.

Taking back Program Controls : For the Beginners!

Graph of typical Operating System placement on...
Image via Wikipedia

So, let’s face it, this is one of the most annoying problems there are with programs.   Programs that you think are shut down but are actually still active in the Taskmanager.  So I figured I’d talk about some of the most common fixes for these problems.    Now as you know there can be any number of programs or glitches as they say, causing the problems.  So let’s talk about the why, shall we.

Most of the time programs don’t quit because they are waiting for some kind of response from the system or the System is waiting for the program to close by itself.  It could also be a problem with a Virus or Root kit?  How do you fix it?

Fixing the problem is somewhat just trial and Error.  It isn’t always the hardest thing to do but sometimes people overlook the easiest solutions.   So here are some easy ones:

  • Check to see if one of the Microsoft updates are causing the problem —  Sometimes you might not realize it, but having installed an update can cause problems like KB951748.  That one caused a major Headache for Zonealarm.  So it is wise to check each months updates when you start seeing problems, sometimes it could of been happening for a while but it can sometimes cause troubles.
  • Do a Hijackthis scan — Just in case it is virus this will tell you what programs might be the virus.  You will need to go Analyze the logs so go HijackThis Log Analysis Site 1 and HijackThis Log Analysis Site 2. Check the logs to see what viruses might be on your system.   Just Remember that if you delete something important to your system you will have to install the Operating System.
  • Boot into Safe Mode and Clean out your Prefetch Directory — Yes that is right, if you boot into Safe Mode and clean the cache you sometimes help fix problems.  You see most programs loaded in cache sometimes get corrupt and might cause problems.
  • Uninstall any programs that you think might problem —  This one is easily overlook because most people don’t realize that a program is loading up with your knowledge and might cause a variety of problems.  You can also check the Msconfig for that programs that might not need to be loaded up when you start windows.

These are just a few ways to fix the problem and I think if you do this most of your problems will go away.  There are of course other solutions depending on your system configuration.   As with any changes to your system, please talk to your computer care specialist if you have any questions.

Vista and BSOD

I wanted to talk about Vista and the terrible BSOD scenarios that I have found around the network.  I also want to talk about them to a point.  So I went through and look and here is what I found:


  • NVidia Graphics Drivers — That should be well fixed by now.  I  don’t have an NVidia Computer with Vista on it and can’t say one way or the other.  I do know that recently they added new graphics drivers for Vista and are out.   That alone should fix most of the problems.

Here are a few of them that I could find out lately.  Most of the Blue Screen of Deaths for VIsta should be over with.  Since the Release of Vista SP1, Microsoft has issued driver fixes and program compatibilities with that release.


Is IPv6 a Problem or is it still in Beta?

Due to the high volume of people, I have thought of how best to go about describing my issue with my DSL router and why I”ve disabled IPv6!!!   First off, I have a VISTA Premium System, with an OEM license.  That isn’t nothing new.  The problem is that if I use IPv6, I would constantly get no internet.  I would always get local but not Internet.  I didn’t know why until recently, and that was IPv6.  It isn’t to say I don’t stop getting this.  I still do but it is less of the problem.  I could re-install the system and see if that fixes the problem.

Would that fix the problem?

Yes it probably would if it is a driver issue.  I say it isn’t because if it was a driver issue I could just downgrade to an earlier driver, which there is none.  I am going to guess that no one has done any new drivers for the IPv6 Since Vista came out.  I don’t know why but with my DSL it has been an issue when I was on my cable.  I recently switched, I had no problems.

Could it be my DSL Provider?

It is also a probability.  I do know like any DNS providers with the latest scare.  Is your DNS Safe?  I talked about DNS cache Poisoning and how to fix it. I talked about OpenDNS.  I have been using OpenDNS since I’ve gotten DSL and if it was an DNS issue, I’ve read reports that Open DNS has never had this type of issue.  So it can’t be my DNS although, there is always a chance the DSL provider could be having problems with the IPv6 Protocol.  Check out Failing to plan is planning to fail post about this same type of issue.

Could I have a bad DSL Modem?

Let’s just say this, If it is the modem then that would be a problem.  You try telling you provider that you are having problems with IPv6.  I am sure they would be scratching there heads like what is that and how do you know?  So I would love to flash the DSL modem with the latest software but for some reason I can’t find any updates.  It’s a Westell 325W and I looked and can’t find anything!!  I could see if I couldn’t find a Linux distro to flash into but I am not that good at this stuff.  So If you know how to fix that problem.  By all means tell me.

Could I use a AYIYA tunnel to fix this?

The only problem I see with this that it would slow me down even more.  I only have so much bandwitdth to worry about.   Having to Tunnel this through a service would hinder me.  So I can’t think of any reason why I would want to slow me down.  I am really not concerned with IPv6 because when they do go into being required, they should have this fixed.  Will they fix the problem soon, I hope but I hold no definite answers on that one!!