Microsoft says to extend XP sales for five months

The world’s largest software maker introduced Windows Vista in January with the plan to phase out sales of its predecessor, Windows XP, by January 30, 2008.

Microsoft said it decided to extend XP sales in response to feedback from computer manufacturers who said there were customers who still wanted to buy the older operating system.

I think this is showing us where Vista is going, down down down. If you want to read the complete article go ahead. I’ll let you decide for yourself.

Five ways Linux is better than Vista

A user or sysadmin posts about problems with a brand new Vista PC on a support forum. Within minutes, a “helpful” soul suggests a fix: “Install Linux!”

Enthusiasts have always touted Linux as the best operating system, and they’ve become more strident and shrill since Vista’s launch. Despite Microsoft’s optimistic predictions and fervent proselytising, Vista has received a chilly reception in the marketplace.,five-ways-linux-is-better-than-vista.aspx

Yes someone actually thinks Linux is better than Vista. Oh I think Windows is losing battles with itself.

Why Microsoft must abandon Vista to save itself

While Vista was originally touted by Microsoft as the operating system savior we’ve all been waiting for, it has turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in technology. With a host of issues that are inexcusable and features that are taken from the Mac OS X and Linux playbook, Microsoft has once again lost sight of what we really want.

I think Cnet has the right idea, go read the full article at Cnet, and then decide for yourself!!