Network Connectivity and Vista’s TCP/IPV6

So I’ve been having problems with Vista and Network Connectivity.  I’ve got a DSL modem that would from time to time just drop connection to the internet or at least I thought it was that.  So I’d check the modem everytime this happenes.  It would say I was connected to to the network but not be on internet.  I went searching and found this really good forum discussion on Verizon and DSL.  After reading all there was people were talking about the IPv6 protocol was the main culprit.  So I figured I’d see what happens when I disabled the IPv6 Protocol from my system.  It worked no more connectivity issues.


How do I disable the IPv6 Protocol?

In order to fix this problem you have to do some simples steps.  Here is how I fixed it.   Right Click > Select “Network and Sharing Center” > “View Status” for either Wireless or LAN. > Properities

It will be here that you must do something important to get this to work right.  You will have to uncheck the  Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6).  If you have both wireless and Lan.  You will have to do it for both of them.  There must be a problem with IPv6 because after doing this my system hasn’t lost connectivity and this is wireless.  You should also reboot your system to make sure it takes into account.  Uncheck it then press ‘OK’ and reboot.  After that you will be smooth sailing.  Although this is easy it is essential to note not all DSL modems are the same and it can be several reasons why it would be doing that for you but for me.  It was the fact that IPv6 isn’t fully developed and from what I hear from people it won’t be available for several years so right now in time, it isn’t any thing I can use right now.


When are they expect to start using IPv6?

According to all I hear in the nextr 5 to 10 years at the earliest but some people estimate longer more on the lines of 15 to 20 years.  It will take a lot of work to make it available to all.  It has to be part of the whole internet.  It will take millions of dollars for it to be deployed.  If you have any ideas on how to get this to work on vista.  Leave a comment to better help others figure how to fix this.

How to get Hulu to add content!

Why do we want to have campaigns?  Easy in order for us to have what we want from hulu we have to get there attention.   It might work and it might not but getting the attention of certain companies is the hardest part of all.  Most of the time the higher rated television companies don’t want to have anything to do with streaming.  They feel it is taking away there core audience.

Is Hulu making it easier for us to watch what we want?

That would be a definite “Yes”  So what do we want Hulu to do?  Easy to put more television shows that we want to watch.  For example here are a few shows and movies that I would like to see come to HULU:

  1. Stargate Atlantis (Sci-fi Channel)
  2. Mythbusters (Discovery Channel)
  3. This Old House (PBS)
  4. Star Trek : TOS to Voyager
  5. The Matrix (all three movies)
  6. Touched by An Angel
  7. KyleXY (You can view it on
  8. 7th Heaven


You’re probably asking how one person can get any of the shows or movies on Hulu?  One person probably couldn’t, but quite a few could.    How You might ask?

Here are Five steps to make it more possible to get what you want on HULU:

Step One . . . . Find people who are also looking to get the shows you want Hulu by blogging. Also by making a comment on the Hulu Blog.  The more people who talk about it and ask for it. The more chance the people who have the ability to do something about it will do something about it.

(*)Step Two . . . . Find an editor that you like on the Hulu Blog that has the same interests that you do and email them asking for information about that show.  You tell them you would like a tv program on HULU.

(*)Step Three . . . Do an Internet Movie Database search and find out who owns the rights for this.  Try to find someway to contact them and tell them you would like that show on HULU, explain why and how it could help them!!

(*)Step Four. . . . Blog about it or email your friends telling them how to contact that same company to be able to view that TV show on HULU for free.  Let them know the more who call the better chance it will eventually get on HULU!

(*)Step Five . . . . Do a Google search with the words “Hulu [Television show or move]”.  See if you can find other blogs that feel this way and make a comment to them about your blog.  The more that know about your blog and what you want on Hulu the better chance the right people will find out!

(*)Remember, Don’t Spam!


Although some of this is common sense, it takes more than one person to get your favorite shows onto Hulu.  I wanted to throw out these suggestions.  Most of the cable companies and movie companies don’t want you to stream the videos because they feel they are lossing money but we are the consumer know that’s not true.

This is why I made a blog post about this to better help people get power over these companies.  I feel streaming is going to live past the television age and they need to adjust to what people want.  If you feel like I do, tell people about this blog post or you can also go to my HULU DISCUSSION community area and post you comments there.

Remember We’ve got the power to change the world, one person at a time!!

Hulu is going to be big some day and I’ll be able to tell my grandchildren I helped make Hulu what it is today!! 😉

FYI Zonealarm has a Fix for KB951748

If your like me and have Zonealarm installed there is a fix!!  Zone Alarm has found a way to fix the problem so you don’t have to worry about that the little shield constantly being shown on the right hand corner of the desktop.

The Fix from Zonealarm:

I haven’t tried it yet because I just found out, This is for the people who are looking for the fix!

I will apply the fix to my wifes computer today and if there’s a problem I’ll report back!!

Microsoft and Yahoo! restart talks

Yes — they’re at it again. Please for the love of all that is sacred, let somebody buy something… quick. From the horse’s mouth;

“In light of developments since the withdrawal of the Microsoft proposal to acquire Yahoo! Inc., Microsoft announced that it is continuing to explore and pursue its alternatives to improve and expand its online services and advertising business. Microsoft is considering and has raised with Yahoo! an alternative that would involve a transaction with Yahoo! but not an acquisition of all of Yahoo!”

[Via Engadget]

I thought we were done with this? Ok so now we start talks again!!

The Xbox 360 Elite laptop: Ben Heck strikes again

We think it’s possible that the time has come to admit that Ben Heck (aka Benjamin Heckendorn) has officially taken it to the limit, put the pedal to the metal, and a large number of other cliches that suggest something has been pushed just about as far as you can take it. That’s right folks — it’s the Xbox 360 Elite laptop. We’re not even going to try and pretend to understand how an individual could go about creating this kind of extreme mod to the Microsoft console — needless to say that if there was one man who could do it, Ben is that guy. Luckily for us lay-people, he’s included a graphic breakdown of just about every step on the road to a portable Xbox 360, replete will all the case cracking, innards opening, wire splaying photos you could possibly want or need. Sorry NEStari and Atari 800 laptop — there’s a new boss in town.
[Via Engadget]

Wouldn’t you love one of those! It looks so cool!!! Thought people would like to see this for themselves!!