Best ways to use ChatGPT for keyword researching!

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Using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can be quite interesting to help you in many different aspects for using with what you might need to use it for.  I’ve been playing around with it for the past few weeks after my lay off to see if what it might do to help me find a job or to use with my blog.  So I thought it would be a good way to check out some keywords that might be useful for my blog posts.   I went through the whole process and I’ve found some good tips and tricks on how to bring people to my blog.  I am going to try this even more to see how well this will work for me.   The idea that we can have Short Tail keywords and Long Tail Keywords is an aspect that will make it even more interesting.  I didn’t know about this until I started talking to the ChatGPT.

Figuring out Keywords

The first process I used was to ask ChatGPT what would be good keywords for my blog but it didn’t really come back with anything useful do to it not having access to my current blog posts.   It only has access to the old blog post that were before AUG 2022, so even if I can’t know what it wants to think about my current state of my blog.  So I went started asking specific questions wanting to know what keywords would be good for [niche] and that seemed to bring back some good ideas.   However it isn’t what I wanted to use for my blog.  I decided to ask about some good Long tail keywords for my niche and it came up with several again, it wasn’t very useful for me due to it being non specific and that can be something that I don’t want to go into.

Diving Deep

I decided to start asking even more deeper questions about what are some good uncommon blog posts about [niche] and also even asked the really good questions about making long tail and short tail keywords for that particular niche with uncommon blog posts.  You’d be surprised how many times the uncommon blog posts from people help draw people to your blog.  Having used Chatgpt for other things, I thought it would be interesting to see how this will go with this blog post and see what may happen.  I asked ChatGPT what would be some good examples of a long tail keyword and this blog post was suggested by ChatGPT.

Using Multiple Sources

Some of the ways I am using Chatgpt is also using Google Trends, and Even using sites such as Backlinko, and Google Keyword Planner. It just depends on how you want to use these tools to figure out what you want you want to look for and how you want to use what ChatGPT suggestions.  I will say don’t just use the suggestions without at least doing some research on how much you want try these suggestions.  I suggest that you really go as deep as you can with Chatgpt and ask deep questions with it, so it can suggest some good blog posts for your Niche.   You will need to decide which ones would be good for your blog and which one might not be so good and not to use.

ChatGPT Hacks

There are certainly many hacks you can search for and find but I didn’t need to do that.  If your keyword or blog post will be against Chatgpt ideals then you might need to figure out a way to get what you but I don’t suggest that because it shouldn’t be used for evil but I am sure people will always want to come up with ways to use ChatGPT for blog posts and create blog posts for them.  I however don’t believe in that type of posts.  My blog posts will always be written by me,   However you should be cautious with other blogs that use them to write blog posts.  I haven’t really looked into other blogs that have used them in the past.   I am sure you’ll find blog posts that have done that but have very little content and that can be a sign of poor AI guidance or user doesn’t want to put the work in for their blog.

What have you done with ChatGPT and have you had any success with ChatGPT?   I’d like to hear your opinions on that, why not comment and tell me how you have done with it.   Also don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more insightful content.

The Ultimate Gaming Shell for Linux Mint and Ubuntu!

Flickr API shell script

My Gaming Shell script!

I created this a few years ago because of my son who at the time wanted a system but we couldn’t’ afford Windows 10. So I installed Linux Mint.  I’ve found that this script should allow you to play almost any game that doesn’t require anti-cheat or the new DRM games.   Anything would run without much of a problem at least with stuff like Call of Duty and other games like that, I didn’t have much problem running them with this little shell script.   I am sure you’ve seen my Notepad++ shell script to install on your Linux system.  This is something similar and I thought it was high time to share with my readers.  If you haven’t already, you should go over and find out about shell scripting and learn some cool shell scripts yourself.   This however isn’t going to be very educational for some because it isn’t very complicated.

echo "Installing Wine"
echo y|sudo apt-get install wine-stable
echo y|sudo apt-get install winehq-stable

echo "Installing Playonlinux"
echo y|sudo apt-get install playonlinux

echo "Installing steam"
echo y|sudo apt-get install steam

echo "Installing Minecraft"
echo y|sudo apt-get install minecraft-launcher

echo "Installing Lutris"
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris
sudo apt update
echo y|sudo apt install lutris

read -p "Do you want to uninstall Firefox? (y/n)? " answer
case ${answer:0:1} in
y|Y )
echo y|sudo apt-get uninstall firefox
* )
echo No
read -p "Do you want to install Chrome? (y/n)? " answer
case ${answer:0:1} in
y|Y )
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
sudo apt update
echo y|sudo apt install -y google-chrome-stable
* )
echo No

You can download it here along with the Notepad++ Script!

Explaining the script

So let’s first explain the top of the script and work our way down.   As you can see these are just installing the Wine and other utilities around on the internet to be able to play the games or maybe install the stuff you are wanting to install.  It doesn’t have to be games but I am sure it can be almost anything.   My son was always playing Minecraft on his Linux machine.  That game is so easy to install on Linux and runs without much o a problem, so that is why I included it here.  The Next one is obviously Lutris which can be installed on any Ubuntu and Linux Mint system without much problems and allows you to play all sorts of games that might be online games.   I’ve not tried it lately but I am sure these will work just as well as the next.

Finally the last part, I really like Chrome and I hate it that Firefox get’s installed most of the time.   So I put in a script to remove Firefox and install Chrome.   As you can see this one asks you the questions so if you like Firefox, then you need not worry and if you like Chrome you can install that and keep Firefox or remove it.   To each there own.

As you can see this isn’t going to be a big post but I did want to share with you my ultimate gaming script for Linux and even Windows 11 can’t hold me back if I ever do decide to do that.  After all, I did get Microsoft Flight Simulator to run on Linux Mint!  Are you going to use Linux more to play games on or are you going to stay with Windows?  Why not let me know and thank me for an awesome script that you can use anytime with your Linux system.

How to hack without hacking!

Anyone can Hacking!

I must admit this post will be one of those that you really can eat.   I’m not saying that you should hack but lately it has been so easy to discover some website to help enable people to hack.  After watching to Security Now Episode 339: ScriptNo for Chrome, I found out about the “Trend Netcam Problem” where if you have a Netcam on the internet all they would have to do is add “(IP address)/anony/mjpg.cgi” and you can find out some IP’s that have Netcams.  The fun part is if you just Google “/anony/mjpg.cgi” you can find a list of IP’s that might have netcams on them!

Pastebin can be useful!

I like to occasionally check the trends for Pastebin every so often because they usually have something of interest on them. I have found that Pastebin is an excellent source of hacking information. So many hackers are using this service that you never really know what you find from day to day.   You   can easily search the Pastebin site for stuff that you might want to check out.   I’m always trying to find stuff that I can use to help the community.  Sometimes though you find scripts that people have made for some reason or other but you get to see the script, so you don’t run the script but you can see the meat and bones.   If your a programmer, you will know what some of this is all about and what it is doing.

Finding Gems!

I never once said that keeping up to date is something that you should not do but it is something that you could do.   Every So often I see something that strikes my fancy and it should be announced to the world.   If your looking to learn how to hack there are of course places on the internet that will show you just that.  I on the other hand will not show you but tell you when something is going on that you should do for yourself rather letting the hackers have all the fun!

Paul Sylvester

You’ve got hacked thanks to Twitter : Don’t “email me at”

I was reading a blog post about Spammers Harvesting Sorrow From Twitter.

Something came to my mind, so I did a little research and a lot of thinking and it finally came to me. It is easy for someone to find your email and use it for there own means. There are several different scenarios I can come up with:


  • Impersonating someone you know —  It is quite simple to find out who we know and who we follow.  You can always find someone who you don’t know the email address of and make it seem like your them to get even more information from the person.
  • Receiving Viruses, Trojans, or worms —   Although if you have a good Anti-virus this one won’t be getting to you but  according to ESET : 10 percent of computer users didn’t know if they had anti-virusware installed. This means that there are going to be some success for malware authors to send out a virus to every who twitters there email address and still have success.
  • Try to guess your password —  If they have your email address, which is almost like your SSN in some respects, they could go to Facebook and try to get into your account by doing a Dictionary attack or a Brute Force Attack.  They may even try to hack into your email address just to get access to all the other accounts.

I am sure I am going to miss others that could possibly happen but this isn’t about what could happen this is about ways to prevent this type of stuff.   Chris Pirillo seems to think that if we use the “AT” and “dot” in place of the real things that no Bot would be able to figure that.   I say no because this is the easiest thing for a bot to do is to copy everything after the “Email me at”  and put it in a text file.   Then the person harvesting the email address would just have to go through and find all them that have the “dot” and “at” and change them to what they should be.  I have been watching the search terms for the last few hours and it seems there is a new person posting there email address every 5 minutes or so.  Have you don’t it in the past?

In short, if you want someone to email you it is always best just to send a Direct message to them so no other eyes can see it.  I’d also suggest installing some [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Free Anti-virus and Firewalls[/intlink] if you haven’t already to better help your protect your personal information.  Remember only you can prevent from getting your personal information stolen.

Appearently it’s a Time/Date problem with the Zune 30 gig

There are many reports right now that the Zune 30 is locked up or frozen. I have heard people say doing a hard reset has done nothing to the fix the problem. I would have to consider it a problem with time/date because of them all locking up the same time last night around 2am or at least that is when the reports started coming in.

[ad#tim-right-free-cell-1]Possible Fix:
Reset the Zune (hard Reset)
Hack the Zune (Zune MP3 Player Hack)


This is my thoughts on fixing the problem temporarily.  This shouldn’t be done unless you know what your doing.   I have no zune but this is a technical issue and I know how people would like to get there Zune to working.   If this solutions works let me know.  These should fix the problem if someone can get it to think the zune is next year.  The other way you could Possible fix this is to reset your computer to next year and then sync with the Zune after you’ve hard reset as long as you disconnect from the internet you should be able to fool the Zune to think it’s that date.   Just another good idea to get the zune to work.  Just remember if it does work let me know.


[Update – 2:20pm PST]

Hi guys,

I just got an update from the team that I want to share with you. Great news! It looks like this issue will resolve itself over the next 24 hours. Please read the response below. Thank you all for your extreme patience with this!


Via Zune Forums