Job Hunting 102: Secrets to a Successful Job Application

Job hunting by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

Crafting a Persuasive Cover Letter

Do I need to add a Cover Letter?  A persuasive cover letter can be quite challenging to some but if you really want to get that job this would be the something that you will need to do.  It however isn’t as difficult as it might seem.  The importance of the cover letter is tell the employer in your own words why you are applying for the job and what you might bring to the team.  It doesn’t have be multiple pages but a good cover letter uses one page to tell the employer more about you than what the resume can or will.   It is also good to have to make sure to highlight those skills that the employer is looking for.

Structuring the cover effectively can make a world of differences from being in the NO pile to being put in the YES pile.  The cover letter needs to be easy to ready and something that demonstrates why are a good fit for the company.   It could even show them that you are a good fit for team that you might have to work with.   Each Cover letter should be personalized and that can be difficult because that will take time but if you do it right then you will most certainly be put in the YES pile.  You’ll want to stand out and make them see you may bring a value to the company in one way or another.

Identifying Reputable Job Search Websites

Which sites are good for me to look for a job?  Not all Job search websites are the same, some are better than others and that can be negative to your finding a job.   You should strategically standout in online job portals.  You should have a resume that will draw people to ask for you to apply for a job or a even jobs.   The resume then can at least be showing people that you’re got some good talents.   What sites are good for looking for a job?  Here are a few websites that might work well with standing out, however these are just a few and you should look to figure out which ones you want to use:

These are just few that you can start looking for a job but you should optimize your profiles to show them what you are good at and to bring in those jobs that you are looking to apply to.  You’re online profiles are the first impression on what the employers will see when they are looking for potential job applicants that might be a good fit for the job they are looking to fill.   You should also setup email alerts for new jobs that show up and be ready to apply for them when they come into your mail box.   I am sure if you have filtered the right job searches for a particular field or industry you will be more likely to find those jobs that you want to work at.

Build and Expand Your Professional Network

You will most likely start getting job recruiters looking to fill a job that they have.   So you should keep the lists of people who have contacted you in the past and occasionally email them seeing if they have anything that you might be able to apply for.   Just be mindful that these recruiters make money by filling positions that companies are looking for so this isn’t always going to be the best approach but I’ve had some good luck with this in the past.  You should leverage all the social media sites you can from LinkedIn, Twitter(X), Facebook and maybe even put it out that you are looking for a job on Mastodon. As long as you know that it will be slow work trying to find recruiters that are specialized for what industry you are looking to work in, it can be a great way to at least find jobs that you might not find any other way.  Another good way to build and expan your professional network is to attend conferences or job fairs to possibly give the recruiter your resume.   These are the best way to make sure the employer gets the resume but isnt’ always going to bring you an interview it however is worth trying to help you job hunt.

If you liked reading this article why not check out the other article I’ve done already, Job Hunt 101: Mastering the Art of Applying for Positions.  I am not done with this topic and more are on the way, don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter for even more articles like this.   Don’t forget to share this article to help support this blog.

Best ways to use ChatGPT for keyword researching!

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Using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can be quite interesting to help you in many different aspects for using with what you might need to use it for.  I’ve been playing around with it for the past few weeks after my lay off to see if what it might do to help me find a job or to use with my blog.  So I thought it would be a good way to check out some keywords that might be useful for my blog posts.   I went through the whole process and I’ve found some good tips and tricks on how to bring people to my blog.  I am going to try this even more to see how well this will work for me.   The idea that we can have Short Tail keywords and Long Tail Keywords is an aspect that will make it even more interesting.  I didn’t know about this until I started talking to the ChatGPT.

Figuring out Keywords

The first process I used was to ask ChatGPT what would be good keywords for my blog but it didn’t really come back with anything useful do to it not having access to my current blog posts.   It only has access to the old blog post that were before AUG 2022, so even if I can’t know what it wants to think about my current state of my blog.  So I went started asking specific questions wanting to know what keywords would be good for [niche] and that seemed to bring back some good ideas.   However it isn’t what I wanted to use for my blog.  I decided to ask about some good Long tail keywords for my niche and it came up with several again, it wasn’t very useful for me due to it being non specific and that can be something that I don’t want to go into.

Diving Deep

I decided to start asking even more deeper questions about what are some good uncommon blog posts about [niche] and also even asked the really good questions about making long tail and short tail keywords for that particular niche with uncommon blog posts.  You’d be surprised how many times the uncommon blog posts from people help draw people to your blog.  Having used Chatgpt for other things, I thought it would be interesting to see how this will go with this blog post and see what may happen.  I asked ChatGPT what would be some good examples of a long tail keyword and this blog post was suggested by ChatGPT.

Using Multiple Sources

Some of the ways I am using Chatgpt is also using Google Trends, and Even using sites such as Backlinko, and Google Keyword Planner. It just depends on how you want to use these tools to figure out what you want you want to look for and how you want to use what ChatGPT suggestions.  I will say don’t just use the suggestions without at least doing some research on how much you want try these suggestions.  I suggest that you really go as deep as you can with Chatgpt and ask deep questions with it, so it can suggest some good blog posts for your Niche.   You will need to decide which ones would be good for your blog and which one might not be so good and not to use.

ChatGPT Hacks

There are certainly many hacks you can search for and find but I didn’t need to do that.  If your keyword or blog post will be against Chatgpt ideals then you might need to figure out a way to get what you but I don’t suggest that because it shouldn’t be used for evil but I am sure people will always want to come up with ways to use ChatGPT for blog posts and create blog posts for them.  I however don’t believe in that type of posts.  My blog posts will always be written by me,   However you should be cautious with other blogs that use them to write blog posts.  I haven’t really looked into other blogs that have used them in the past.   I am sure you’ll find blog posts that have done that but have very little content and that can be a sign of poor AI guidance or user doesn’t want to put the work in for their blog.

What have you done with ChatGPT and have you had any success with ChatGPT?   I’d like to hear your opinions on that, why not comment and tell me how you have done with it.   Also don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more insightful content.

5 ways to improve your chance of getting hired.

Having seen the economy this week, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is time to redo all the important essentials and get all my ducks in the order as they say.   I’ve been thinking of how best to be ready in case the dreaded day comes when my employer no longer needs my assistance and what could I do to be prepared.


  • Get Someone to Critique your Resume — This is the most important step because this is the first place employers look when they want to hire someone.  So how do you get it critiqued?   Here are some good links to help you start off with:  Careerbuilder Critique, Mind of Root Peer Critique(Last until Oct 30, 2008).
  • Have your Resume Ready to upload to Resume sites —  You should always register at all the important resume sites just in case.  The Sites that I recommend are : Monster, Career Builder,  Hot jobs, Dice, US jobs, Best Jobs USA, Computer Jobs, and Nation Job.
  • Use your website as a place to put your Resume Have your resume available in case some contacts you and tells you they know someone who is looking to hire people.  Have this resume hidden and only give it out to people you know.   This is also known as networking.
  • Network as much as possible —  There are sites out there that have made it easier to network.  Sites like, this site is great because of the 6 degrees of possibility as I call it.  You know someone, they know someone, and then you will both know the same one!!   This also will greatly increase your chance of an employer finding you.
  • For those who want to be Self employed —  I wanted to say that most people who want to be self employed know just how hard it is to begin with.  So I’ve got some interesting links to help start you on your way.   First link is Computer Business Kit,  This has Maintenance Sales Letter, Work Order, Marketing Analysis and Payment Overdue Letter. It is also a good idea to have an MP3 Advertisement that you can give to podcast and throw them the link to it.  You will need to market yourself to the public in ways that no one has thought of.   You will on an occasion have to spend money in order to get money, it’s always been that way but it seems to work.

These are some great tips that will greatly improve your chances of landing that job or becoming even more chance of you making money.   If you have any tips or want to suggest ways to improve upon these tips please email me.   If you like what you see discuss it on the blog or click on my ads to help offset the cost of this blog.