Is this Windows 7?

As you can see that looks to be the final release of the start screen. In the past they haven’t change the start screen, it looks to be really polished and ready for use with Windows 7. If anything, I think the boot screen will be permanent and definitely not temporary. On a Side note, I found this video as well:

<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:60e5f8c6-09f3-4a09-bac0-355b8a7b7dcc&#038;showPlaylist=true&#038;from=shared" target="_new" title="Windows 7 Demo 1" rel="noopener noreferrer">Video: Windows 7 Demo 1</a>

[ad#ad2-left]This video I almost suspect is the release they did at the Professional Developers Conference and is probably going to have the beta in hand. Although I could be wrong this looks to be almost like Vista? Why is Microsoft trying to make Vista turn into Windows 7, probably due to the fact that Vista had such a rotten launch they are hoping people will see Windows 7 as if Windows Vista didn’t even exist.

I also found one more little Video that looks to be promising, it’s called Windows 7 Super bar. This little Video looks convincingly like this will be kept in Windows 7 but you know how Microsoft is on beta’s. Any how, Here’s this one:

Windows 7 Super Bar from Paul Jenkins on Vimeo.

As you can see the super bar feature looks to be quite interesting and quite nice to have. I will bet that will be a great productivity improve in Windows and it might even be more like MAC OS X. I don’t know but it seems to be something that Apple should of done a long time ago!!

5 ways to improve your chance of getting hired.

Having seen the economy this week, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is time to redo all the important essentials and get all my ducks in the order as they say.   I’ve been thinking of how best to be ready in case the dreaded day comes when my employer no longer needs my assistance and what could I do to be prepared.


  • Get Someone to Critique your Resume — This is the most important step because this is the first place employers look when they want to hire someone.  So how do you get it critiqued?   Here are some good links to help you start off with:  Careerbuilder Critique, Mind of Root Peer Critique(Last until Oct 30, 2008).
  • Have your Resume Ready to upload to Resume sites —  You should always register at all the important resume sites just in case.  The Sites that I recommend are : Monster, Career Builder,  Hot jobs, Dice, US jobs, Best Jobs USA, Computer Jobs, and Nation Job.
  • Use your website as a place to put your Resume Have your resume available in case some contacts you and tells you they know someone who is looking to hire people.  Have this resume hidden and only give it out to people you know.   This is also known as networking.
  • Network as much as possible —  There are sites out there that have made it easier to network.  Sites like, this site is great because of the 6 degrees of possibility as I call it.  You know someone, they know someone, and then you will both know the same one!!   This also will greatly increase your chance of an employer finding you.
  • For those who want to be Self employed —  I wanted to say that most people who want to be self employed know just how hard it is to begin with.  So I’ve got some interesting links to help start you on your way.   First link is Computer Business Kit,  This has Maintenance Sales Letter, Work Order, Marketing Analysis and Payment Overdue Letter. It is also a good idea to have an MP3 Advertisement that you can give to podcast and throw them the link to it.  You will need to market yourself to the public in ways that no one has thought of.   You will on an occasion have to spend money in order to get money, it’s always been that way but it seems to work.

These are some great tips that will greatly improve your chances of landing that job or becoming even more chance of you making money.   If you have any tips or want to suggest ways to improve upon these tips please email me.   If you like what you see discuss it on the blog or click on my ads to help offset the cost of this blog.

Five Ways to Increase Email Productivity!

As time goes by there are always going to be problems with having Email and being productive.  You can have so much stuff going on in one day it’s not even possible to really have time to thoroughly check your email.  So here are some great steps to get some of your emails done with!!


  1. Empty your InBox — If you don’t have control over your inbox maybe it is time to make sure it’s empty or at least all read!!  It’s true most of the time I don’t read all my emails, I pick and choose what I want to read.  After that, I decide to make all post marked at read!!  I call it the Panic button!!
  2. Organize your Inbox — Having been signed up for several different email groups.  I’ve got it all organized.  I’ve got a folder setup and used for each group.  I then create a mail filter for each group and have it put it there, unless it’s spam then I have it go into the spam folder!! (also see Email Filtering)
  3. Check your Email on Off peak Hours — Not having a lot of time can sometimes create a need to check your email in the morning or afternoon.  I rarely check it during the day.  So I get all my emailing done either in the morning or late night! As long as you keep in mind not to waste time with the emails.  You can get done with most of your emails in under an hour, unless you get more than 1000 a day, then it’s a different story.
  4. Automate Repetitive Emails —  Having been getting the same emails over and over that aren’t spam.  I’ve got a filter in place to automaticly send out a response to the sender and say I’ve seen the problem and am fixing the problem ASAP.  You too can do that with your emails system.  If you have something that can be automated do it.  It can save you time and money in the long run!!
  5. Unclutter your Email system — Yes that is right to much clutter slows down your chances of getting done with what you need to get done with.  I have done it and it greatly increased my speed in my emails.  Having been email for the past several years I find it essential to keep my email uncluttered!!


Although, All of these are lifehacker recommendations. I found the most important ones that I have intrigrated into my email performance and I thought I share them with you. I hope these help you in the long run. If you got a tip you would like to share by all means leave a comment!!

Micromanage Your Widescreen Monitor with AutoSizer

autosize.pngWindows only: Freeware application AutoSizer automatically resizes and moves application windows to specific, user-defined sizes and screen locations as soon as they’re opened. That means that if you’ve got a widescreen monitor with the perfect window layout that packs every last pixel with useful information, you can save each window size and location with AutoSizer and restore the perfect layout automatically, day after day, as soon as you launch the applications. Alternately, if you’d prefer an application to open maximized or minimized, AutoSizer can take care of that, too. AutoSizer is freeware, Windows only. For similar but manual takes on screen real estate maximization, check out Sizer and WinSplit Revolution.