Not safe to download a worm : Project Snowblind

It looks like I missed this one yesterday. There seems to be a rogue and probably somewhat of a warez version of the game Project Snowblind.

[ad#ad2-right]ccording to Sophos:

Project: Snowblind is a multi-player first-person shooter (in the same genre as Doom) released by Eidos Interactive a few years ago.

A closer examination reveals that the installation program comes with a little nefarious piece of malware (detected by Sophos as W32/Rbot-GXL) that will drop a file called vghhost.exe. This file is actually a network worm as well as an IRC backdoor Trojan.

I must also tell people that if you want to download the demo, you can download it from the EIDO website and website. I will say I didn’t know about this one until Technibble, published something about this.  Some of the things he publishes are great for the IT Professionals who want to start their own businesses.

I also suggest the Computer Repair Utility Kit, It can be used on a USB and has some good programs that you can use in Computer repair.

Is this Windows 7?

As you can see that looks to be the final release of the start screen. In the past they haven’t change the start screen, it looks to be really polished and ready for use with Windows 7. If anything, I think the boot screen will be permanent and definitely not temporary. On a Side note, I found this video as well:

<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:60e5f8c6-09f3-4a09-bac0-355b8a7b7dcc&#038;showPlaylist=true&#038;from=shared" target="_new" title="Windows 7 Demo 1" rel="noopener noreferrer">Video: Windows 7 Demo 1</a>

[ad#ad2-left]This video I almost suspect is the release they did at the Professional Developers Conference and is probably going to have the beta in hand. Although I could be wrong this looks to be almost like Vista? Why is Microsoft trying to make Vista turn into Windows 7, probably due to the fact that Vista had such a rotten launch they are hoping people will see Windows 7 as if Windows Vista didn’t even exist.

I also found one more little Video that looks to be promising, it’s called Windows 7 Super bar. This little Video looks convincingly like this will be kept in Windows 7 but you know how Microsoft is on beta’s. Any how, Here’s this one:

Windows 7 Super Bar from Paul Jenkins on Vimeo.

As you can see the super bar feature looks to be quite interesting and quite nice to have. I will bet that will be a great productivity improve in Windows and it might even be more like MAC OS X. I don’t know but it seems to be something that Apple should of done a long time ago!!

Not so, Antivirus2008

[ad#ad2-left]On F-secure blog they talk about this rogue antispyware.

OK, so let’s say the user (by some stroke of luckless chance, or courtesy of a trojan downloader) ends up with the demo installer of Rogue:W32/VirusRemover2008.C on their hands and it runs
[via F-Secure]

According to them, they have many different version of this rogue antispyware.  They have de, dk, es, fr, it, no, nl, and no, which are all attempting for you to buy this no so Virusremover2008 software.  They talk about how it tells you have a 9 infected viruses and that you need to remove them, but in truth, they use a text file to create this lie.  Check out all the details for further information.

Left 4 Dead Sneak Peak!

[ad#ad2-left]Yes they finally released the demo. According to my sources and I’ll quote:

Newell said: “We will be releasing demos for both the Xbox and for the PC. I don’t know what the date is for release on that, though. I think it’s going to contain the first part of one of the campaigns. I think it’ll probably be Hospital but I’m not sure. That’s a decision that Doug Lombardi is making.”

[Via Videogamer]

If you want to see the game screen shots you and preview the pictures all you need to do is go HERE.  You can also start pre-purchasing Left 4 Dead on The PC and be ready to play when it comes out. Watch the Video from Steam for Left 4 Dead Intro In English. You can also Gift the Game for the Holidays, I would like one to get and try it out so if you want to give me the Gift just send it to me via my email address.  According to Steam, you will haveto pre-purchase Left 4 Dead and then the Demo will be available for you a week before hand!! so that is one good thing!!  So go buy it and enjoy!!!  Also you will need to install Steam to enjoy the demo.