It looks like I missed this one yesterday. There seems to be a rogue and probably somewhat of a warez version of the game Project Snowblind.
[ad#ad2-right]ccording to Sophos:
Project: Snowblind is a multi-player first-person shooter (in the same genre as Doom) released by Eidos Interactive a few years ago.
A closer examination reveals that the installation program comes with a little nefarious piece of malware (detected by Sophos as W32/Rbot-GXL) that will drop a file called vghhost.exe. This file is actually a network worm as well as an IRC backdoor Trojan.
I must also tell people that if you want to download the demo, you can download it from the EIDO website and website. I will say I didn’t know about this one until Technibble, published something about this. Some of the things he publishes are great for the IT Professionals who want to start their own businesses.
I also suggest the Computer Repair Utility Kit, It can be used on a USB and has some good programs that you can use in Computer repair.