As part of our effort to protect the accounts of AdSense publishers, we have mailed a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the payment address entered in your account. This PIN must be entered on the PIN Information page before any payments can be issued to you. In the meantime, your account remains active, and you may continue to show ads and accrue earnings.

Well that came unexpectedly, Google actually is trying to protect our accounts now from getting phished and or/taken over by some malicious person. This is called two factor verification**, Something you know and something you have. You can also get verify through your Cell Phone. Here is what they said in my Email:
In an effort to protect the accounts of Google AdSense publishers,
we've starting using automated telephone number verification to
ensure that your information is accurate and up-to-date. As a result,
you should see a Required Action on your Payment History Page to
'Please verify your phone number' after you log in to your account.
To initiate this process, lick the 'Please verify your phone number'
link and follow the instructions.
Keep in mind that you have 6 months to enter the verification code.
If you have not entered your verification code within 4 months, we'll
start displaying Public Service Ads (PSAs) on your web pages. If you
have not entered your verification code within 6 months, your account
will be disabled and any unpaid earnings will be refunded to the
appropriate advertisers. You can learn more about our phone number
verification process at
For additional questions about getting paid, please visit
If you prefer a video presentation of this information, we encourage you to watch our Payment
demo (currently available in English only), located at .
The Google AdSense Team
So here’s my take, you don’t have to verify both of them just one or the other. It is going to be rather difficult that people get paid. I don’t think this will be a big problem for most people, but I am sure some are going to get annoyed having to enter their* pin every time they want to get paid. So what do you think? Is this a good upgrade or a bad upgrade you decide and leave your comments. I want to hear them.
(*) Thanks to the Diggers to showing me I had a mistake.
(**)Someone ask why I capitalise the two in so I changed it!
(The Google Letter) That text is from my email no changes have been made except line breaks, so if there is an error it comes from Google.