Well that isn’t really news we knew this was coming from my previous post about [intlink id=”3402″ type=”post”]Sp1 being sent out to all users[/intlink].
[ad#cricket-right-ez]But what I did hear won’t be a good feeling to all those who have Cricket broadband.  From a source that has contacted me and let me know, SP2 will break Cricket Broadband.  I on the other hand have to wait to see what all they put in the SP2 to figure out how to fix this small problem.  Until then I would suggest to all who like or want to continue to use Cricket broadband to install and use the Service Pack Blocker.
Download this and run as an Administrator in command line. (START > SEARCH “cmd” > right click on CMD.EXE and run as admin.) (You’ll want to extract this program first but You’d want to do:
- The executable creates a registry key on the computer on which it is run that blocks or unblocks (depending on the command-line option used) the delivery of a Service Pack to that computer through Windows Update. The key used is HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate.When the ‘/B’ command line option is used, the key value name ‘DoNotAllowSP’ is created and its value set to 1. This value blocks delivery of a Service Pack to the computer through Automatic Update or Windows Update.
When the ‘/U’ command line option is used, the previously created registry value that temporarily blocked the delivery of a Service Pack to the computer through Automatic Update or Windows Update is removed. If the value does not exist on the computer on which it is run, no action is taken.
This will help prevent it from downlading and installing the SP until Either Cricket or I have the chance to test out how to fix the problem. Any questions can be posted on the Forums and I’ll answer them as quickly as possible!!
*UPDATE 1/1/2010*
The Latest update from Cricket is that Both the [intlink id=”3059″ type=”post” target=”_blank”]A600[/intlink] and [intlink id=”4641″ type=”post” target=”_blank”]The UM185C[/intlink] works with Vista Sp2 and Windows 7 32 and 64 bit systems. So you no longer have to worry about it not working!!!