Scams about Stimulus Checks

It’s that time of year where people are hearing about the Stimulus Checks and some Phishing people are still trying to get people’s information for your bank account and steal your identity. One such one is sending out email for the 2008 Stimulus Program this email account looks to be “”. As you can see this is a .com email address and not a .gov address.

[ad#ad2-right]The IRS will never send out email. The IRS will never ask you for your PIN or Any personal information. Don’t reply and don’t open any attachments, more like is if they send out any attachments they are going to be a virus and you will infect your system with any number of possible viruses out there. To protect yourself from virus you should consider installing one of the many free anti-virus softwares and also installing a firewall will help protect you. Only true way to prevent yourself from being a victim is YOU. No one else can keep your information private but you.

Vista and BSOD

I wanted to talk about Vista and the terrible BSOD scenarios that I have found around the network.  I also want to talk about them to a point.  So I went through and look and here is what I found:


  • NVidia Graphics Drivers — That should be well fixed by now.  I  don’t have an NVidia Computer with Vista on it and can’t say one way or the other.  I do know that recently they added new graphics drivers for Vista and are out.   That alone should fix most of the problems.

Here are a few of them that I could find out lately.  Most of the Blue Screen of Deaths for VIsta should be over with.  Since the Release of Vista SP1, Microsoft has issued driver fixes and program compatibilities with that release.
