Cricket Wireless Releases the EC1705 Datacard

The Cricket EC1705 Datacard

The Cricket EC1705 modem is a feature-rich modem in a compact size and light weight.  It connects your or desktop computer to the Cricket high-speed wireless network.  You can send and receive text messages, and use it in all Cricket Broadband coverage areas.  The USB extension cable offers additional flexibility to connect to different USB locations in your PC.  The Cricket EC1705 modem offers you convenience, speed and power, all of which you’re sure to appreciate.

Supported operating systems:

  • Windows Vista (SP1) or higher
  • Windows XP (SP2) or higher
  • Windows 2000 (SP4)
  • Mac OS X (10.4.11+) and (10.5+)

To install the modem and the software, these minimum system resources are required:

  • Port: Type A USB port
  • Processor: 300MHz or faster
  • Memory: 512 MB
  • Free disk space: 30 MB
  • Screen Resolution: 800×600, 256 colors

This was released this week, the EC1705 Datacard, is EVDO capable and will be using the Tri-band. I haven’t had a chance to test this modem out but it does look kinda cool! If you have this leave a message about how you like it!! I’d love to test this out but right now I can’t afford it, maybe later on this year!!


Microsoft Drops a 9 Security updates on Patch Tuesday

So I get home and here is what they updated for those who would like to keep track:

  • Vulnerabilities in Active Directory Could Allow Remote Code Execution (KB971055) — This update is only for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003.  This one is Rated critical due to Remote Code Execution, which means a program can install malware or viruses on your system and you wouldn’t know it.
  • Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (KB969897) —This security update resolves seven privately reported vulnerabilities and one publicly disclosed vulnerability in Internet Explorer.
  • Vulnerabilities in Internet Information Services (IIS) Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (KB970483) —This security update resolves one publicly disclosed vulnerability and one privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). The vulnerabilities could allow elevation of privilege if an attacker sent a specially crafted HTTP request to a Web site that requires authentication.
  • Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (KB969462) — This security update resolves several privately reported vulnerabilities that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted Excel file that includes a malformed record object.
  • Vulnerabilities in Windows Print Spooler Could Allow Remote Code Execution (KB961501) — This security update resolves three privately reported vulnerabilities in Windows Print Spooler. The most severe vulnerability could allow remote code execution if an affected server received a specially crafted RPC request.
  • Vulnerability in Windows Search Could Allow Information Disclosure (KB963093) — This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Windows Search. The vulnerability could allow information disclosure if a user performs a search that returns a specially crafted file as the first result or if the user previews a specially crafted file from the search results.
  • Vulnerability in Microsoft Works Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution (Kb957632) — This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in the Microsoft Works converters. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted Works file.
  • Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (Kb968537) — This security update resolves two publicly disclosed and two privately reported vulnerabilities in the Windows kernel that could allow elevation of privilege.
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  • Vulnerability in RPC Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (Kb970238) — This security update resolves a publicly disclosed vulnerability in the Windows remote procedure call (RPC) facility where the RPC Marshalling Engine does not update its internal state appropriately.
  • Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution (Kb969514) — This security update resolves two privately reported vulnerabilities that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted Word file.

As you can see these are rated from being Critical to Moderate.   Each and every one of these should be updated and can be easily done using [intlink id=”2883″ type=”post”]Autopatcher[/intlink].   Something you should consider before doing these updates is to make a Restore point before proceeding or a [intlink id=”682″ type=”post”]Complete backup[/intlink], just in case.  Also it is suggested to install these at your earliest convenience due to the fact that the malware authors will start using and is called Exploit Wednesday. Also it wouldn’t hurt to install some[intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”] free Anti-virus and Free Firewalls[/intlink] instead of using Windows Firewall. This will help protect your in the future also.

Microsoft Issues a Security Advisory KB971778

Microsoft Security Advisory: Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow could allow remote code execution

The systems that are vulnerable are Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.   I like this new way Microsoft is helping the less educated.   They now havea Fix it button on the site.  This fix it button is a registry change to there system.   It does all the work for the End user.   Although the corporate field will have to modify the registry there own way.

[ad]It looks like Microsoft is thinking of making this more user friendly.  Here is how to do a manual registry fix for your computer:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
  2. Locate and then click the following subkeys in the registry:

    • For 32-bit Windows systems:
    • For 64 bit Windows Systems:

  3. On the File menu, click Export.
  4. In the Export Registry File dialog box, type Quicktime_Parser_Backup.reg, and then click Save.

    Note By default, this will create a backup of this registry key in the My Documents folder.

  5. Press DELETE on the keyboard to delete the registry key. When prompted to delete the registry key in the Confirm Key Delete dialog box, click Yes.
  6. Exit Registry Editor.

This will fix the problem until Microsoft has come out with a patch.  If you are not comfortable doing it this way, you can always go hit the fix it button to have it do it automatically.  This will help prevent someone from using this exploit!!

Securing your Windows Machines

After a Long day at work, you sometimes feel like there isn’t much you want to talk about. Then this idea comes to me? Why do people blog and why do people talk about security?

I’ve come to realize something, I’m not one who was grew up understanding bits from bytes. I grew up as any family does fighting with my siblings.

Having been blogging the past few years, it seems like only yesterday that I started blogging. Cliche I know but still very much true. Most blogs do what they know, I aim to learn and teach each day I blog. Like days like this when the world is pretty much quite and the [intlink id=”3214″ type=”post”]remnants of the conficker[/intlink] worm dies to a rumble.

[ad#cricket-right-ez]So how do you secure your Windows Machine?

After a day long battle with  my wife’s system, I grow to wonder if there is something I should do differently with how to prevent Viruses and Worms on her system.  So I’ve groomed my Knowledge base and come up with 5 good points when it comes to locking down your Windows Machines:

  • [intlink id=”994″ type=”post”]Lock down your Router/Modem[/intlink]  — Some people don’t know that having an insecure router with weak passwords is a way to get on another system.   This can easily be prevented if the users takes some steps to prevent. it.  Although if a hacker wants to break your encryption and find your Signal there is really nothing you can do but try to prevent that.
  • [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Firewall and Anti-virus[/intlink] —  Although I know people think I am a broken record this will always be something I encourage for everyone who reads my blogs.  I will never stop beating people over the head with this.   Seeing the [intlink id=”3272″ type=”post”]Conficker map[/intlink] tells me there are quite a few without an Anti-virus or a Firewall, which might of given someone a heads up find out if they do or not!!
  • [intlink id=”2984″ type=”post”]Disabling AutoRun[/intlink] —  This can prevent a USB stick from installing software it shouldn’t.  Remember Microsoft has issued an statement on how to disable it for sure.  Although I must say The Security Now episode 187 seems to talk about this really well and how to make sure you do disable it the right way.
  • Make sure it is a Limited user account —  Most people always run as administrator when in fact that sometimes makes you more vulnerable to viruses, worms, and trojans.   Any software you install as an administrator will automatically be given Administrator rights.  That can be very bad when it comes to virus and such.
  • [intlink id=”2883″ type=”post”]Keep your System up to date[/intlink] — This is essental for people who to prevent exploits to be used against you.  Although  if your like me and you want to make sure your software is up to date some of that can be done with [intlink id=”553″ type=”post”]APPSNAP[/intlink].

With These tips, your system can be a little more safer.  Just remember there is no perfect way to protect your systems 100% only some of the time.  The rest depends on you, because your the last layer of defense.  Also it isn’t a bad idea to [intlink id=”2407″ type=”post”]back up your system from time to time[/intlink].

Onlive? Could that be the downfall of Unlimited Internet?

onlivewebsiteAs most of read from Engadget, Cnet, and IGN, this is the the beginning to the end for unlimited internet access.  As you know [ad#cricket-right-ez]according to Wikipedia, there is 8.9 Million at least having XBOX 360 and according to Engadget there are 71% have DSL speeds, so that would be a possible 5.6 million I am guessing. Just on one Console, I could go through each console and see but I know it is a big number. It could out sell all these other consoles really quickly.

Now we have had console wars for some time and this might or might not work depending on the streaming of Onlive and also the FPS(Frames Per Second).  If they don’t do it right, this will never catch on and if they do it right which they might I see there will become a scenario where the ISP will want to regulate bandwidth.  Time Warner has been looking into for some time.  IF enough people buy this and use the service then all the ISP will have more reasons to regulate bandwidth.  So is this the downfall of Unlimited Internet Access?  All these kids wanting to play the most recent games, who knows how this will work out but this will be a bandwidth issue in the coming months as we see who wants to use this.  If Onlive sells these for $99 then I see it becoming the winner, I’d also like to see unlimited subscriptions like Netflix but We will have to wait and see!!