After a Long day at work, you sometimes feel like there isn’t much you want to talk about. Then this idea comes to me? Why do people blog and why do people talk about security?
I’ve come to realize something, I’m not one who was grew up understanding bits from bytes. I grew up as any family does fighting with my siblings.
Having been blogging the past few years, it seems like only yesterday that I started blogging. Cliche I know but still very much true. Most blogs do what they know, I aim to learn and teach each day I blog. Like days like this when the world is pretty much quite and the [intlink id=”3214″ type=”post”]remnants of the conficker[/intlink] worm dies to a rumble.
[ad#cricket-right-ez]So how do you secure your Windows Machine?
After a day long battle with my wife’s system, I grow to wonder if there is something I should do differently with how to prevent Viruses and Worms on her system. So I’ve groomed my Knowledge base and come up with 5 good points when it comes to locking down your Windows Machines:
- [intlink id=”994″ type=”post”]Lock down your Router/Modem[/intlink] — Some people don’t know that having an insecure router with weak passwords is a way to get on another system.  This can easily be prevented if the users takes some steps to prevent. it. Although if a hacker wants to break your encryption and find your Signal there is really nothing you can do but try to prevent that.
- [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Firewall and Anti-virus[/intlink] — Although I know people think I am a broken record this will always be something I encourage for everyone who reads my blogs. I will never stop beating people over the head with this.  Seeing the [intlink id=”3272″ type=”post”]Conficker map[/intlink] tells me there are quite a few without an Anti-virus or a Firewall, which might of given someone a heads up find out if they do or not!!
- [intlink id=”2984″ type=”post”]Disabling AutoRun[/intlink] — This can prevent a USB stick from installing software it shouldn’t. Remember Microsoft has issued an statement on how to disable it for sure. Although I must say The Security Now episode 187 seems to talk about this really well and how to make sure you do disable it the right way.
- Make sure it is a Limited user account — Most people always run as administrator when in fact that sometimes makes you more vulnerable to viruses, worms, and trojans.  Any software you install as an administrator will automatically be given Administrator rights. That can be very bad when it comes to virus and such.
- [intlink id=”2883″ type=”post”]Keep your System up to date[/intlink] — This is essental for people who to prevent exploits to be used against you. Although if your like me and you want to make sure your software is up to date some of that can be done with [intlink id=”553″ type=”post”]APPSNAP[/intlink].
With These tips, your system can be a little more safer. Just remember there is no perfect way to protect your systems 100% only some of the time. The rest depends on you, because your the last layer of defense. Also it isn’t a bad idea to [intlink id=”2407″ type=”post”]back up your system from time to time[/intlink].