As most of read from Engadget, Cnet, and IGN, this is the the beginning to the end for unlimited internet access. As you know [ad#cricket-right-ez]according to Wikipedia, there is 8.9 Million at least having XBOX 360 and according to Engadget there are 71% have DSL speeds, so that would be a possible 5.6 million I am guessing. Just on one Console, I could go through each console and see but I know it is a big number. It could out sell all these other consoles really quickly.
Now we have had console wars for some time and this might or might not work depending on the streaming of Onlive and also the FPS(Frames Per Second). If they don’t do it right, this will never catch on and if they do it right which they might I see there will become a scenario where the ISP will want to regulate bandwidth. Time Warner has been looking into for some time. IF enough people buy this and use the service then all the ISP will have more reasons to regulate bandwidth. So is this the downfall of Unlimited Internet Access? All these kids wanting to play the most recent games, who knows how this will work out but this will be a bandwidth issue in the coming months as we see who wants to use this. If Onlive sells these for $99 then I see it becoming the winner, I’d also like to see unlimited subscriptions like Netflix but We will have to wait and see!!