Time to Change your clocks.

Time to change those clocks of ours

[ad#ad2-right]Having been looking at one of my old clocks that would automatically change for Daylight Savings Time, I’ve had to keep reminding myself that it is an hour off. Starting tonight at 2 PM, it will be right. So I thought I would help people keep there computer clocks up to date by suggesting some good programs to us to keep your system having the right time.  So people know what dates are being affected according to the Greenwichmeantime they say  this:

Beginning in 2007, Daylight Saving Time is extended one month and the schedule for the states of the United States that adopt daylight saving time will be:

2 a.m. on the Second Sunday in March
2 a.m. on the First Sunday of November.

So that saying goes it Fall back, Spring Forward”  So now here are some great programs to better help you get your computer clock up to snuff:


Worldtimeclock Atomic Clock Sync ProgramIt is a free program for you to use with your Windows.  Although you have to make sure your selected the right timezone once it is installed all you will need in an internet connection to sync your windows time with the atomic clock.

PC Atomic SyncIt is an atomic clock synchronizer with some useful features (time offset, synchronize periods, etc.). The main idea of the program is to synchronize your PC’s clock in the most reliable and resource-saving way.

These programs will help keep your system from having the wrong time.   Don’t forget to install the Microsoft updates(Window XP and Server 2003) to fix your operating system with the new Daylight Savings Time dates.

Windows 7 Milestone 1 Leaked!

Many people have been wanting a copy of this so called elusive copy from PDC to test out and see where Microsoft is going.   Most developers are wanting to start to get into the stage of figuring out how they can get a step ahead of everyone else.   That being said, people have started to leak the Windows 7 on the Torrent sites.

We must assume Microsoft expected this and kinda wanted this to happen because when they gave this out they didn’t make it have any major copy protection.  Although we must not forget that there will be fakes out there and people are downloading this at a tramendous rate.  Most people will download it in under a day if you let it go!! I have not downloaded it because I am trying to get into the beta team for Windows 7 and don’t want to be to critical on the system.


Note to some of you who intend to this there is ways to activitate Window 7 and you can always play with it for 30 days for grace period.  People must release that even though it says Windows Vista it is actually Window 7 and they were originally going call this “Vienna” and “Blackcomb”.   So if you want it badly enough you can find it by going to the promising torrent sites and download it yourself.  Your best bet it to Google : WINDOWS 7 Torrent

Windows 7 has the same hardware requirements and Windows Vista for those interested!!

Microsoft Fixes some Performance issues with Vista a Month early!

Update for Windows Vista (KB957200)

This is a reliability update. This update resolves some performance and reliability issues in Windows Vista. By applying this update, you can achieve better performance and responsiveness in various scenarios. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. This update is provided to you and licensed under the Windows Vista License Terms.


Now if I know Microsoft, this update actually helps with some versions of programs that is currently out. I am just curious as to why they sent this updates out early. Has Microsoft changed there tactics with updates? Have they decided to send them out as soon as they are done?

Microsoft reveals “Microsoft Azure”

Windows Azure is part of a set of new and existing technologies behind the Azure Services Platform, a development and execution platform that runs end-user and corporate software on Microsoft’s own servers, accessible over the web. It joins Google’s App Engine and Amazon’s EC2 in an increasingly competitive market.

[Via ZDnet]


Although,  There isn’t much more they have said I am quite curious how they will interegrate this into the cloud computing.  According to Microsoft, it won’t run on the company server but  Microsoft Datacenter.  Now this I can see is a big security problem.   Because most companies use what they call an Intranet and not the internet.  So that leaves questions on if companies are going to use this system or not.   Are you ready to let your information float somewhere over the inernet tht is SENSITIVE and CONFIDENTIAL?   These are the questions that Microsoft will have to Answer, before any company will use this on there systems.