After reading about this from PcWorld, I’ve went to check this site out. I went to his twitter accoun(Kelly Poe) to find out the site he put up and I am quite impressed.   Here are few things that I am concerned about starting with the website.
[ad#ad2-right]I love the idea and all but I am quite concerned with the privacy of my email account. I don’t know if you have to submit your email account but I would caution people not enter one until the site says what it will do with your email address.
Now that being said that’s the only thing I can think of when it comes to security for your email address, you don’t want to someone to give out your email address to spammers. That would just make it even worse for your email account.  You could however use a 10 min Email account to use but that might make it harder for Microsoft to contact you if they want to verify these accounts!!
Now my main concern is Windows 7 right now and Security.  You know the Conflicker/Conflickr/Downadup Worm is currently loose on the internet. It uses the the Ms 08-067 Exploit and currently Windows 7 does not protect against this Worm in fact Microsoft has released information that you would need to install the updates manually to fix this problem.
Some vendors are yet to develop for Windows 7 beta due to it being a beta. Some others like Security Vendors are offering protection for Windows 7 Beta. This is mainly the Anti-virus software group, I would like to see more people embrace windows 7 as much as the security groups. Although this is the first step it would need to be more open response from Manufacturers and dealers alike they would need to get it to work making sure their drivers and such will work good with Windows 7. This is where it takes time, that is why I am glad it is a beta, it allows vendors and Companies a like a chance to test out their software and Hardware and even their drivers before the release.
Before I support this, I would like to see more happen to Windows 7 in some areas. For instance I’d like to see more compatability and more drivers and software that works for Windows 7. I’d also like to see Microsoft to take Windows 7 Beta Serious and Keep the Security up on it and not let it lapse. I’d want Microsoft to send out patches for Vulnerabilities just like Vista and keep people’s system updated so you don’t have to update them manually.   I just hope Microsoft takes Apple’s example to heart and release Windows 7 without having to have several versions of the same Operating System.