Juste Goes from Twitter to Facebook

According to Twitter Spam report:

Best video” not so great — we’re working on it.
No matter how good that “best video” looks, don’t go to any juste.ru domains. We’re aware of the situation and are working on it.

[ad]Some sources have started to report this and how it was being sent out. It seems to be some kind of Virus that is taking control of your Twitter account. Althought this is not unusal, what is Unusual is that some have reported this jumping from Twitter to Facebook.

Juste.Ru seems to have been designed for both platforms and someone must of been logged into both to make this happen.   If you’ve gotten this message on Facebook you should just delete it and tell the person who sent it they need to do a [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]system check[/intlink].   Also if you have been hit by this virus, first thing to do is clean your system before you do anything else.   Then reset your password, this way you won’t be giving the virus access to the new password.

I talked about where you need to go tor[intlink id=”3599″ type=”post”] reset your password,[/intlink] and it isn’t to hard to do but in case your need to know just check out the other post about it.  You should always have an[intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”] antivirus and Firewall[/intlink] this might of prevented this.

Mebroot becomes More Stealthier!!

Well Here is something we should all be on the look out for:

Thousands of Web sites have been rigged to deliver a powerful piece of malicious software that many security products may be unprepared to handle.

Mebroot inserts program hooks into various functions of the kernel, or the operating system’s core code. Once Mebroot has taken hold, the malware then makes it appear that the MBR hasn’t been tampered with.

[Via Pcworld Magazine]

I will be updating my [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Malware Resource[/intlink] for the Prevx Software, but this looks to be a very bad root kit.  From my understanding most of the security related software.   It seems this little program will become even harder to detect and remove.   It also looks like this is ready to start infecting people with this root kit.   You should update every part of your system from [intlink id=”3327″ type=”post”]Windows Patches[/intlink] to Browser. [intlink id=”2229″ type=”post”] Securnia once said[/intlink] that most people are not patched fully!!  Just like the [intlink id=”3301″ type=”post”]Conficker Worm[/intlink], if your not fully patched and keeping anti-virus and Firewalls on your system then you might as well be walking on nails.

Mikeyy Worms stills going around Twitter

It seems Mikeyy has spawned a new and improved little advertisement:

Twitter, hire Mikeyy! (718) 312-8131 🙂

As you can see from tweets:

It seems this is the new campaign started earlier this morning around 1am or so for Mikeyy and people have found this rather annoying but it is teaching Twitter a lesson, this would be good PR if they hired Mikeyy. Obviously he has a lot to offer but I guess who ever wrote this variant for the Mikeyy Worm went and found his number on a stickcam website:


Anyone who just Google the number right now could find out the stickcam profile, so I won’t direct you to it. I just hope this doesn’t keep up to much longer. If you’ve been infected with this worm I would refer to my other [intlink id=”3308″ type=”post”]post about removing the worm[/intlink]. I do know if you aren’t logged into twitter through your browser you will not get the worm. This is a simple exploit where they use your browser cookies to infect your Twitter account. So if you view any twitter accounts just keep logged out of Twitter in your browser and you should help prevent this from happening until Twitter gets this under control.

StalkDaily.com was the culprit afterall!!

In my previous post, [intlink id=”3308″ type=”post”]about StalkDaily[/intlink] I thought they were the innocent party in all this:

[ad#cricket-right-ez]Now he talks about how he did this and claims responsibility for the Twitter calamity. According to him he did this out of boredom, and needed a way to make money. I am wondering if Twitter will do some legal actions against him for the time it took to fix the problem and fact that it caused so much widespread panic for people to not trust Twitter makes me think that Twitter would have a real good case against a 17 year old who was trying to gain the system.

Then the people who have lost followers or have had problems with their twitter are going to be mad to, They were the innocent party and did not know about the Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability, although it doesn’t appear to have gotten any passwords or sensitive data.

Although It does prove a p0int that the no script addon in Firefox is looking to be more and more needed as people search through the web.