Juste Goes from Twitter to Facebook

According to Twitter Spam report:

Best video” not so great — we’re working on it.
No matter how good that “best video” looks, don’t go to any juste.ru domains. We’re aware of the situation and are working on it.

[ad]Some sources have started to report this and how it was being sent out. It seems to be some kind of Virus that is taking control of your Twitter account. Althought this is not unusal, what is Unusual is that some have reported this jumping from Twitter to Facebook.

Juste.Ru seems to have been designed for both platforms and someone must of been logged into both to make this happen.   If you’ve gotten this message on Facebook you should just delete it and tell the person who sent it they need to do a [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]system check[/intlink].   Also if you have been hit by this virus, first thing to do is clean your system before you do anything else.   Then reset your password, this way you won’t be giving the virus access to the new password.

I talked about where you need to go tor[intlink id=”3599″ type=”post”] reset your password,[/intlink] and it isn’t to hard to do but in case your need to know just check out the other post about it.  You should always have an[intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”] antivirus and Firewall[/intlink] this might of prevented this.