Mikeyy Worms stills going around Twitter

It seems Mikeyy has spawned a new and improved little advertisement:

Twitter, hire Mikeyy! (718) 312-8131 🙂

As you can see from tweets:

It seems this is the new campaign started earlier this morning around 1am or so for Mikeyy and people have found this rather annoying but it is teaching Twitter a lesson, this would be good PR if they hired Mikeyy. Obviously he has a lot to offer but I guess who ever wrote this variant for the Mikeyy Worm went and found his number on a stickcam website:


Anyone who just Google the number right now could find out the stickcam profile, so I won’t direct you to it. I just hope this doesn’t keep up to much longer. If you’ve been infected with this worm I would refer to my other [intlink id=”3308″ type=”post”]post about removing the worm[/intlink]. I do know if you aren’t logged into twitter through your browser you will not get the worm. This is a simple exploit where they use your browser cookies to infect your Twitter account. So if you view any twitter accounts just keep logged out of Twitter in your browser and you should help prevent this from happening until Twitter gets this under control.