The Best 3 Free Tools for Desktop Support Professionals

Display Driver Uninstaller

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) is something that every desktop professionals should have mainly on computers that may have Graphics cards that are required for the job such as Nvidia or even AMD cards.   You will find that every so often some driver updates causes a problem and this is a very good tool to uninstall the driver completely.     I will say this is open sourced and is very good for every day support when you might need to use this little utility for just those occasions.   You will find this free tool will be used more and more and you can even keep it on a USB drive as a way to use it offline when you need to do use it.   It’s very small and won’t need a big USB drive but this is only one of the few that you might have available to use on your USB drive.

Portable Apps

Portable Apps has so many portable applications that it would be hard to talk about all them.   However there are several that I will talk about that you can install on the USB drive.  Depending on the size of your USB portable drive you have will depend on what you might want to install on the drive.   However if you have a big enough USB drive, you could in theory install all available applications from Portable Apps and then you would be set.

  • Revo Uninstaller Portable — Great for those pesky programs that might not uninstall all the way or when something goes wrong with uninstalling programs.
  • HackthisPortable — Good for looking for viruses, and Trojans that might be on the system and gives you a run down on what might be running on any given system.
  • McAffeeStingerPortable and Kaserpky Task killer —  These are great apps for programs that you have issues with when they want to keep running even when you need them to not be loaded or running on a system.
  • CPUZPortable and GPUZPortable — great ways to find out even more about finding out what drivers you might need for GPU and looking at what type of CPU might be on any given system.  In case you needed to know.
  • Microsoft Safty Scanner — Great portable app that you can use on any Windows system in case you might have a Virus infection and is being blocked from being download or run locally.
  • CCleanderPortable —  Another great applications to use to clean the registry and other places in Windows that might be causing problems and helps fix some of the registry problems you might have.

As you can see there are several portable apps you can install on any given USB drive and have ready at moments notice if you ever need it.  So this is great tool that you can use for what ever you might come your way.


WinDirStat is something that helps me find what might be hogging a system drive.  It is great and showing graphically what could be taking up the space of a hard drive.  It is portable and can be put on USB also but can also be download and used for many different reason but mostly when you need to find out why the hard drive is so full and how what you can delete to create space.  So this is something most Desktop Support people will use at one time or another.   I have used this several times in the past to find files that can be deleted, you just have to be careful what you delete and never touch anything in the Windows Directory or Program Files directory unless you want the system no run properly when you reboot.

These are what I have on my USB just in case I need them but these are only a few of them because there are even more tools that I use when I need them however this would start you on the right to having a powerful USB drive when you might need it.   Do you have a favorite tool that you want to let everyone else know about?  Why not leave a comment and tell people about it.

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How to Figure out if you have a Virus on your System!

Infected by Antivirus software

Series picked up!

Few years ago, I did a post called What is a Virus and why do I have one. It spawned someone wanting to find out more about the virus but I have been really busy with my personal to finish the series. I thought this would be a great place to pick it up because of my personal life has slowed down and I wanted to at least finish this excellent series that I was so determined to write about.  Even though I have an Excellent resource for Anti-virus tools and tips, I still feel I could expand on the subject just a little more!   In this series we will talk about a few things like:

  • Where does the Virus and malware usually hide!
  • How to determine if a file should be there!
  • Which anti-virus software is the best, in my opinion!
  • How to warn you friends of Family!
  • What steps you should take in the Future!
  • Windows isn’t the only system that can get infected!

As you can see there is going to be a lot to talk about in this series because I am sure most of you have these types of questions that you would love to get answered.   I won’t say I will cover the topic a 100% because there are always going to be Rogue Viruses and malware that will do something different.   This is after all going to be a generalization of a typical virus!

Where does a Virus and Malware Like to Hide on my computer?

I’m sure you’ve asked this question before and I’m going to help you out a little.  Having removed several different viruses off my own system and others, I will tell you where you should look and what you should look for!   Note: You should look but don’t hit the Delete key.   You just might crash your system and have to restore it.   Sometimes these viruses like to latch on to a system file and you will need an Antivirus software to remove it!

Most of the time they are in the Windows directories:

  • C:/Windows/  (look for names that should be there and either Google the file to see what is being said about it!)
  • C:/Windows/System32 (Do the same as above but also look for .DLL and double check)
  • Make sure there aren’t any Hidden Directories by going to Control Panel / Folder Options / View.
  • Check the Registry for Anything Suspicious!  (The quicked and easiest way for this is to just use Hijackthis and Let it make a TXT File and then let One of the Log Analyzers  check it out!)
  • Check your Windows Program Files C:/Program Files/ and C:/Program Files(x86).   Each directory has files that are going to be Essential to run Windows but that doesn’t mean you can look and search for a file or program.  You will however need to still Google the program when you want to know if it should be there or not!

As you can see there are many places where this like to hide but that doesn’t mean you can’t protect yourself.

How to know if I have a Virus or not!

This has been asked by many people on the internet.   I’m no exception because sometimes you just don’t know, and thus you will want to protect yourself.   I will however tell you some of the more common signs of virus infection and then let tell you my opinion on which is better.  For Right now, though let’s  explore some of the more common signs of an infection:

  • System seems slow — Although this isn’t always meaning a virus, it can be a good indication.
  • Network Slowness — Again, this isn’t always a virus because you could be downloading updates to Windows or other Window files.  It however should be kept an eye out for.   If your interested to see what might be hogging your connection you can always use NETSTAT to see what is being used on your computer.   Remember to make sure you Wifi is not being used by your neighbors.
  • Unusual Website Popups — This is pretty much showing something is being done without your permission.   So you can usually attribute this to Malware but not always.
  • Hard Disk is constantly on — This isn’t always about a virus but something being accessed to much and thus might mean someone Malware is using your computer to store data that they want to hide.

These are the usual tale tale signs of something that shouldn’t be there and thus you should do a system scan to make sure!

Which Software is the Best, in my opinion!

I might be a little biased when it comes to removing viruses and which Antivirus does the job.   I’ve even talked about some of them om my Antivirus page, so you can see I do know a little more than the average Joe.  This doesn’t mean I am a expert on the field but I do know which software seems to run best for removing viruses.   I’m still under the opinion that the free antivirus, which is Malwarebytes [Affiliate Link].   They are constantly updating their virus definitions and have always been there when I had a question.  I have no problems with them in any way and thus I tell people who I remove viruses from to go and buy it [Affiliate Link] because once you have it you are set for life.   No need to buy a license every year, you only have to buy once and you are set.

If your worried about having a virus, just go check out Malwarebytes [Affiliate Link] and they do have a free version that you can try before you buy.

Paul Sylvester

Does Linux need an Anti-Virus?

Anti-virus Programs and Linus Torvalds

Hey let’s face it with the recent virus problems Machnitoshes has had, we’ve got a bit of problem on our hands.   I’ve come to the realization that there must be a way to protect my Linux operating system much better.   Although there are several different programs out there that can be used with Linux.  I however wanted to talk about the necessity of having a program installed and running to better protect me from doing something bad.   Hey I admit it, I occasionally click on links when I shouldn’t and also occasionally like to see what is in my spam folder just to make sure I am not missing something that I should.

Is Anti-virus Really needed for Linux?

There have been advocates for Anti-virus programs for the Linux community over the past few years.   I have been one of those myself.


Any antivirus/spyware needed?


I have been an advocate of “Linux” “doing” “enabling” antivirus/spyware for over 6 years now….it WILL hit “us” sooner or later….but given the money involved I think…..MUCH later….so….no, for now, do not worry about it at all.

If you get “something” that says it is “checking your computer” it is because WINE has automatically been enabled and the malware is seeing that and NOT Kubuntu….so….ummmm….close the browser….re-open and get on with your malware free life.


Now I tell you,  What is wrong with this picture?   Are the Linux users acting a little like Apple users, and thinking they can’t get a virus.   I won’t say that right now there are any viruses in the wild but I would caution everyone not to consider your system invulnerable even though there aren’t as many reports of virus out in the wild.   It will hit us next if not this year probably in a year or two.

Linux is Next for sure!

I don’t say that lightly, I am sure in the coming years to even months that the malware writers and virus writers will be looking at Linux more and more.   With Apple just being hit and finally admitting that they have been hit with a virus, you can bet that some of the Apple users will convert to Linux just because they were using Apple’s believe that they were immune to viruses and malware.   They will come and when that comes the eyes of the world will be on Linux users.   It will be our job to get ready for these nefarious users and fight them off.   So I call to the community to get ready for this to happen.   I know it is coming almost as much as I know I am going to keep blogging.   Only time will prove me right, but I know it is going to happen and if your not ready then you can only blame yourself.

Stay Safe

Paul Sylvester

Upcoming Patch Tuesday

[ad#ad2-right]I wanted to get prepared for the updates for this Tuesday and I thought I’d go through them and list what Microsoft said about each.   These are what’s been said on Technet and I am sure there will be more.   Each one of these don’t look to serious but I will post Tuesday if there is anything I’ve missed on this post.   As you might know this is not set in stone but just the direction of Microsoft for this Months Release.


Update for Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP

Install this update to resolve an issue that is caused by revised daylight saving time laws in many countries. This update enables your computer to automatically adjust the computer clock on the correct date in 2008. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. This update is provided to you and licensed under the Windows Server 2008 License Terms.


Update for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista

Install this update to resolve a set of known application compatibility issues with Windows Server 2008. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.


Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool

Microsoft released the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool to help remove specific prevalent malicious software from computers that are running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000. After you download the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, it runs one time to check your computer for inflection by specific prevalent malicious software (including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom) and helps remove any infection it finds. Microsoft releases a new version of the tool every month.


Update for Windows Mail Junk E-mail Filter [November 2008] (KB905866)

Install this update for Windows Mail to revise the definition files that are used to detect e-mail messages that should be considered junk e-mail or that may contain phishing content. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. This update is provided to you and licensed under the Windows Vista License Terms.

I am sure there are going to be others but right now this looks like the normal things Microsoft sends out.  I am sure they are keeping a tight lid on the really serious stuff until last second so I’ll have to report the really important stuff Tuesday.

Vista has a new Vulnebility!

According to,  Vista has a new Vulnerability that could let a hacker infect a Vista machine with a rootkit.  The talk from them is quite intriguing.   I will quote it to better let you know what the Vulnerability is:

The vulnerability could allow a hacker to install a rootkit, a small piece of malicious software that is very difficult to detect and remove from a computer, Unterleitner said.

[ad#ad2-left]Phion notified Microsoft about the problem on 22 October. Microsoft indicated to Phion that it would issue a patch with Vista’s next service pack. Microsoft released a beta version of Vista’s second service pack to testers last month. Vista’s Service Pack 2 is due for release by June 2009.

The way they could do this is through the Device IO Control which in turn could corrupt the Kernel of Windows Vista.  Now we all know that Microsoft will release a patch quicker than 6 months away.  According to this article, people are already looking for the exploit and want to know more about it.  I would be willing to bet they will have a patch out sooner than later.  Probably January or Febuary, which will be a big deal because no one will expect it.  I would also imagine hackers will start trying to figure out how they could install software as quick as possible before Microsoft pushes out the patch.   So what can you do to protect yourself, Get a firewall, a Antivirus and learn how to protect yourself to prevent yourself from getting a computer virus.