Microsoft Messed up this game!
I honestly think Microsoft really did work hard at getting this Flight Simulator out before the end of the year and this is the results of their determination to release.  Some of the things people are having the problems with this game is suddenly returning to desktop and other issues with the game if you are using playing on the desktop.  I haven’t heard as much of problems on the XBOX gaming systems but I suspect that was how Microsoft wanted it.  However, I do think the Cloud idea was an idea and wasn’t the best idea.  I much preferred to download the game blob like I did with MSFS 2020 but they want to do it from cloud.  I have yet to get any good playable graphics like they show on the movies.
Career Mode
Great Idea and I love the idea of learning what it really takes to become a commercial pilot and to PPL(Private Pilots License).  I am glad to actually see how you would do it and the walking around the plane is good for the first few missions but is it required for the rest of the missions and flying? I don’t know it is a necessary thing if you are truly flying the plane to check the plane before you fly it.  So I get the idea and how it is something a real pilot will do. Doing all the things you learn from becoming a pilot may help you in actually becoming a pilot. So I can’t say this isn’t a bad idea or part of the game.
World Photographer
Great way to explore the sites around the world and are a combinations of the MSFS 2020 and probably some new places in MSFS 2024. So it is great resource for those who want to fly a plane and see these places. You can probably walk around the explore them on foot in if you know how to do it.  However this isn’t anything new because it was somewhat available on the MSFS 2020 and was free for all to download. I still don’t like the idea of using being maps to create the terrain on MSFS 2024 and I have yet to explore the idea of switching to something that has newer terrain images like Google or some other provider.
All in All
This isn’t really a better version such as Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.  For the most part it can take anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes to load the game because it being used in the cloud.  Multiple people complaining about how bad it is or put up a negative review of it on steam.  If Microsoft and Asobo wants to make this game better they will need to put out some major updates to address all the crashing and have the game utilize peoples GPU to make the game work even better and make it look like the intro videos that they show while the game loads.  Don’t get me wrong they are doing it in a way to draw people into wanting to play the game but I have a pretty good system myself and I have a 30 series GPU so it should be able to do everything that video is looking like.  However that isn’t the case and it will probably never look that way since the game is being played from the cloud and we aren’t able to use the graphics that they want us to use for the game.  This will be like the Last of Us and the graphics will eventually get better or at least become more stable to not be a problem. However Microsoft kind of ruined the game by releasing so soon when they should of worked harder at making it a better experience with their customers. I’m going to sit back and take a waiting stance they fix all these problems that users are complaining about and then I will decide if this is better than MSFS 2020 but for right now it’s not even close. MSFS is winning in my mind because I don’t have to worry about the game loading and crashing all the time.