Technorati Officially laysoff 6 people!!

Technorati released today they are going to Lay off 6 people and I will quote:

Unfortunately, this means sacrifices. Technorati’s management team members are taking pay cuts ranging from 15-25% and employees are taking 10% cut. This also includes the reallocation of staff. We’re laying off six employees today – including two executives — and there are two additional departures we won’t replace. These are high performers who have worked long hours to get us where we are now. They’re also friends, and we’re very sad to see them go. We simply need a leaner and reconfigured mix to get us through 2009.

[via Technorati Weblog]

They will also be taking pay cuts all through the company.  So the recession is hitting them also.  I am sure CEO Richard Jalichandra has the company interest in mind.  According to Techchunch, they have added these recent layoffs ticker.   You can also search my blog for other layoffs that have happened or will happen.

Youtube gets ready to Launch “LIVE Event!!” 5pm PST/8pm EST

As the time approaches for the live even for Youtube. There are many confirmed and only one I want to see right now. As many people will agree that Mythbusters is the best show on Discovery Channel. They have been confirmed to be there tomorrow.

They are getting ready!!!

Some of the major players confirmed to be there are Mythbusters, Soulja Boy Tell’em, Katy Perry, Esmee Denters, Akon, FRED, and Will. I. Am.   Now I don’t know all these stars.   I do Know Mythbusters and I’ve heard of FRED.   I’m just stating who is going to be there.

[ad#ad2-left]Then the Obvious question comes to my mind and I am sure this is being asked by everyone right now.  Is Mythbusters shows coming to Youtube?  I would say from what all is going on with Youtube, they might become a competitor to Hulu.  With them adding High Defination Viewing and allowing bigger video to be uploaded. There is no question that Youtube and Google is getting ready to release a major statement, or change there direction.   So be ready tomorrow at 8 PM EST/5 PM PST and let’s see what happens.

How to disable autorun the easy way!!!

I read a report from Cnet about USB devices spreading Virus and I will quote:

The bad guys are intentionally developing new flavors of malware designed to propagate through USB devices,” said Gunter Ollmann, chief security strategist for IBM’s ISS security division. “They are today’s floppy drives.”

[ad#ad2-right]An infected computer can spread a virus to a clean USB thumb drive that is inserted. That USB drive will then be spreading the virus onto other computers if the operating system on those machines has an AutoRun-type feature enabled. The AutoRun function in Windows launches installers and other programs automatically when a flash drive or CD is inserted. The Mac has an equivalent function, according to Ollmann.

[Via Cnet]

In order to disable “autorun“, which in Vista is called Autoplay. In order to disable Autoplay from starting when you insert media into your computer here is how you do it:

You will need to be Logged in as Administrator before this can be done:

Next click start and type “Autoplay” without quotes. It will bring up a screen but all you have to worry about is this:

Vista autorun

You will need to make sure there  is no check mark for “Use AutoPlay for all media and Devices”.   Click save and close.

[ad#ad2-left]Once that is done, you will have no more Autoruns from USB devices.  If you want to disable Autorun in XP, I’d suggest reading some of these articles for XP.

These are just a few and are really nice to articles but there are others out there that might be more to your liking.  I suggest searching Google for them.   I hope this helps you out!!!

Get your Cricket Broadband to Activate Manually!

[ad#cricket-1]I recently bought a Cricket Broadband USB for 40$ a month. I tried to get the system to activate it automatically but that kept on failing. Finally called the tech support and found out this little tip. So here is how you manually activate it:

Once your are to the Quicklink Mobile Menu you will want to hit Control-D:

It will bring up this:

The Password to get into manually activate your Broadband USB card is six zeros no more no less!!

Once your enter the password your will get this screen:

[ad#cricket-1-1]Activation Code : Same from above Six Zero’s

Phone Number : The Phone number that is your broadband card

The IMSI (Min) Code : You will find that in the Indirect Dealer Copy.  It will be the one telling you another number.   In mine it said this:

“In order to program your phone, you will also need the following number (###)###-#### (MIN)”

Enter that number in there without any special characters it would be ########## and then press enter.   Close out the Quicklink Mobile menu and reload it.   Then click Connect and you should be ready to go!!!