Hulu brings Season 3 of the Pretender!

Jarod’s reunion with his father is marred by news of the Centre’s latest project — a teenaged clone of Jarod himself. However, assassins from the Centre are hot on their trail.


So I get this email talking about this show that I liked to watch when I was a kid.  Talking about The Pretender : Donterase – Season 3 episode 21.   So I watch it and wanted to let people know that they had that episode and probably more to come!!!  Keep an eye out for more!!  According to IMDB that was a 2 part episode so there must be another one coming. I’ll post as soon as I find out!!

Apple reports there earnings for the quarter!

After all that happened today, Apple decides to talk about there earnings for today.  Some things to consider are:

Apple ships more than 2.6 million Macs and 6.9 Billion Iphones.   Now let’s do the numbers on this 6.9 billion Iphones at an average over 500$ a piece would mean quite a earnings for Apple.  This according to Applewatch and I’ve got to think is this showing the real economy or is this all hype from Steve Jobs?


According to M&G Business they are up 24 per cent this fiscal year.  Which means that they have gain ahead from the recent problems in the stock market.  Are they going to be able keep that going?

Last but final least saying of the day Gizmodo is stating : Steve is on the call, says that iPhone is now 39 percent of their business, Apple is now world’s “third largest mobile phone supplier.”

Now what about the Google Phone is that going to out sale the Iphone?  I would like to know the current status of how man Google phones they have estimation sold on pre-orders?  Are they going to be able to out do the Iphone or is it going to be even more of a problem when they release the final numbers on the G-phone!!


Has the Mac ads been helping fueling the Iphone sales or have they been Hindering?  People are assuming they are helping the notebook sales and possibly helping the iphone sales?  What do you think?

The Anime Channel comes to Hulu

I was exploring Hulu and I see they added the Anime Channel.  I check it out and they have some good shows that I wanted to get add.  You see most Anime I like is, well Japan Animation.  Hulu adding that will make more Japan Animations be seen.  So What do they have available:






As you can see they are making channels for you to watch.  This is getting really good.  If you want to check out what channels they have just go to Hulu and there will be Scroll down bar called Channel.  I am thoroughly liking how they did this!!  I hope to see more Naruto in the future.  I hope they can get all the episodes and be up to where they are in Japan.  I am also hoping they start put the new episodes directly to Hulu.  That would be nice!!