Naruto Shippuden Now available on HULU


The final, never-before-aired-in-the-U.S. episodes of Naruto (Episodes 216-220) are currently available on this page as a crossover from the original Naruto series to Shippuden.

Beginning January 15, Hulu will stream direct from Japan the most recent subtitled, uncut episode of Naruto Shippuden each Thursday (starting with Episode 89).

Episodes from the first two seasons of Naruto Shippuden will also be released — 8 episodes each Friday — starting January 2.

If you’ll like me and what to find out what will happen toa Naruto Shippuden to this is something that should be talked about. If you want to see the beginning check the old Naruto episodes.  I’ve had to wait for each episode to be available at the store to watch it.  So now I don’t have to buy the episodes.   They will be starting with the latest episode and be available every Thursday.  This is so great people who are love the Japan Animation will be able to watch the most current episode from japan.

Is Hulu encouraging people to watch shows illegally?

Hulu Walkthrough


I’ve been scouring Hulu for the last few days and come up with some interesting observation.   I wanted to talk about Hulu’s commitment to its users.   I don’t say that lightly but just recently the distributors and the copyright holders only have been putting up a few episodes here and there on old shows like:

Some of the comments I’ve seen have been talking about watching the rest of the shows from other sources:


Now let’s start off saying that it really isn’t Hulu’s fault, because they can only make available what the publishers says are available for the public.   Some of this suggest to me that the publishers are trying to make us go buy the DVD’s.  Hasn’t it been said that DVD sales are dead?   So why are the publishers doing this, they want the money and what they want usually happens unless we stand back and take a stand.    I am encouraging everyone to write Hulu and Tell them what you think.   I would like to see these shows come more quickly and be more available.   If not what other choices do the people have?

So here are a few links to better help you understand Hulu’s rights and why they do what they do sometimes:

The Anime Channel comes to Hulu

I was exploring Hulu and I see they added the Anime Channel.  I check it out and they have some good shows that I wanted to get add.  You see most Anime I like is, well Japan Animation.  Hulu adding that will make more Japan Animations be seen.  So What do they have available:






As you can see they are making channels for you to watch.  This is getting really good.  If you want to check out what channels they have just go to Hulu and there will be Scroll down bar called Channel.  I am thoroughly liking how they did this!!  I hope to see more Naruto in the future.  I hope they can get all the episodes and be up to where they are in Japan.  I am also hoping they start put the new episodes directly to Hulu.  That would be nice!!