Time Warner Bills for Bandwidth in Texas

This is one of those things that will effect us all. I am worried that the low-income families who need internet access will not be able to afford to pay for this type of bandwidth. Let’s look at the article and see:

The company believes the billing system will impact only heavy users, who account for around 5 percent of all customers but typically use more than half of the total network bandwidth, according to a company spokesman.

What only 5 percent most people now a days are watching HULU and stuff that is IPTV like AppleTV and Itunes, even NetFlix Downloads(Which can be a big file download). That alone is more than 5 percent. More like 50 to 60 percent and will impact a lot of families. It is cheaper and faster and more reliable to do this then to watch it on Cable. I think Time Warner is definitely worried, I know I am. I would have to be charged to watch all my favorite TV Shows on the net. I think Time Warner should go IPTV and get it over with!! let’s continue with this:

But the move could prove controversial. Unlike with utility bills such as the phone or electricity, which have traditionally been based on usage, U.S. high-speed Internet subscribers have come to expect a fixed monthly charge. An Internet bill typically only varies based on the speed of the consumer’s Internet access.

Yes this is going to be controversial and very unlikely going to happen due to the fact that people will complain and complain, if we stand up for this we will win but if we don’t we will lose. I know we’ve come to expect a price on internet but we shouldn’t be forced to changed. If time warner does this most people will go to FIOS or other companies like FIOS TV. Just some things to consider when calling Time warner. I urge everyone to stand up and make a voice to Time Warner, and tell everyone you know about what Time Warner is doing. This right now is being done in small portion of Texas and I know they are not liking this. Let your voice be heard!! Thanks to Geek News Central for the heads up!!

Is HD Players Really Dead?

Now in an article I read Blue Ray Takes the Lead by a blog called ITola. I was reading this and had to ask myself some questions and try to figure out some answers.

Is HD Players really Dead?

My Answer is : “NO”

I don’t say that lightly for several reasons. Recently today Arstechnica states that Universal and Paramount h
aven’t changed there stance on switching to Blu-Ray. Now why is that a big deal, it just proves that there is something that Blu-Ray Founders don’t know . Here’s what I know, having thought about this for several days. If cable companies start offering Blu-ray HD movies in there service that is some major bandwitdth. Even though HD DVDS are 15 GB and Blu-ray DVD’s are 20 GB, Blu-ray Movies would take some time to download or stream it. Blu-ray would have to compresse the file into small pieces to even view the movie. Although HD movies are a little smaller they require less bandwitdth and in doing so are faster and easier to watch on Hulu and other sites like that. They have a HD Gallery that is really nice to watch on my intel and seems to work really well for an example of the HD Horton Hears a Who! – Trailer to see what I mean by the HD. I love how they stream it without much of a problem. Now if that was going to be a Blu-Ray HD movie it would be crazy to try to stream it. I think HD will not die, it will however change if needed into a way to stream really good video and movies on the internet. I think we haven’t seen the HD and Blu-ray Wars going way soon. It will continue without much help from anyone. The way I see it, the world will always change and go about it’s business. I know there is always going to be a choice and I hope to see this type of competition more often with players.

Some Shows Coming to HULU

Some of the really cool Science Fiction shows are coming to Hulu Like Rosewell “The Pilot” Season 1 Episode 1:

And another good one is Firefly Season 1 Episode 1 “The Train Job” (Science Fiction Channel)

Outer Limits “The Voyage Home” Season 1 Episode 13. There are even more Season 1-3 and 5-6 (More episodes to come later):

Flash Gordon “Sorrow” Episode 13 Season 1:

Cleopatra 2025
Season 1 Episode 1 “Quest for Firepower!” Which is another good Science Fiction one!! More to come later!! Enjoy!!

Hulu Launches Private Beta, Makes Very Good First Impressions

Last March NBC Universal and News Corporation announced a joint venture that we initially thought would result in a direct competitor to YouTube. As details emerged, it became clear that the two media conglomerates were not planning a video sharing website for user generated content but rather an online distribution channel for premium video content, including TV shows, movies, and short clips.

In the months following the companies’ initial press release, we gave the joint venture a lot of grief for failing to pick a name for the project, eventually settling on a name – Hulu – that meant “cease” and “desist” in Swahili, copying Google’s mission statement, and receiving not the greatest vote of confidence from NBC Universal’s own chief digital officer.

Behind all of this criticism was a high degree of doubt that NBC and News Corp. were ever going to get Hulu out the door before the joint venture became irrelevant. In September, NBC had even announced a video downloading service that appeared to cannibalize its own joint venture with News Corp. However, this past week Hulu confirmed that it would indeed hit its self-imposed October deadline by launching in private beta on Monday, October 29th. And this past Friday, CEO Jason Kilar and other Hulu representatives demonstrated the new service to us.

While we have not been able to try out the private beta ourselves yet, I was very impressed by the preview of Hulu’s interface and the bulk of its features. Before going into my thoughts about the website, however, I should get some of the many details about Hulu on the table, especially since it’s been months since the original announcement.

Hulu is still a joint venture exclusively between NBC Universal and News Corporation. It exists as a website through which users can stream a collection of TV shows, movies, and short clips on-demand for free without any limits on how many times you can view each video. Hulu also exists as a distribution network of premium content for several partner websites – AOL, MSN, MySpace, Comcast, and Yahoo – that will display Hulu’s videos for free but in their own branded players. In addition to these partnerships, users themselves form a viral distribution network of sorts since Hulu allows its videos to be embedded in any website and shared via email. Hulu makes money in all cases from advertising, which it displays in and around the videos it serves. I’ll go more into the details of embedding and advertising later on.

The only problem that I see is that you can’t expand the picture it’s in a window with other stuff!!