Is HD Players Really Dead?

Now in an article I read Blue Ray Takes the Lead by a blog called ITola. I was reading this and had to ask myself some questions and try to figure out some answers.

Is HD Players really Dead?

My Answer is : “NO”

I don’t say that lightly for several reasons. Recently today Arstechnica states that Universal and Paramount h
aven’t changed there stance on switching to Blu-Ray. Now why is that a big deal, it just proves that there is something that Blu-Ray Founders don’t know . Here’s what I know, having thought about this for several days. If cable companies start offering Blu-ray HD movies in there service that is some major bandwitdth. Even though HD DVDS are 15 GB and Blu-ray DVD’s are 20 GB, Blu-ray Movies would take some time to download or stream it. Blu-ray would have to compresse the file into small pieces to even view the movie. Although HD movies are a little smaller they require less bandwitdth and in doing so are faster and easier to watch on Hulu and other sites like that. They have a HD Gallery that is really nice to watch on my intel and seems to work really well for an example of the HD Horton Hears a Who! – Trailer to see what I mean by the HD. I love how they stream it without much of a problem. Now if that was going to be a Blu-Ray HD movie it would be crazy to try to stream it. I think HD will not die, it will however change if needed into a way to stream really good video and movies on the internet. I think we haven’t seen the HD and Blu-ray Wars going way soon. It will continue without much help from anyone. The way I see it, the world will always change and go about it’s business. I know there is always going to be a choice and I hope to see this type of competition more often with players.