Prevailing winds of Job Scams being on the Rise in 2024


Identifying Potential Job Scams

I recently got an email from a what looks to be from a  I wanted to share with you how to identify that it is most likely just scam and not even replying to these types of emails.

Email that I received:

Hello Applicant,

I hope this email finds you in great health.Froelich Engineers, Inc,welcomes your application for the Remote IT Support Specialist  position on LinkedIn. Your impressive qualifications and experience have attracted our curiosity, and we would like to invite you to an interview.

We believe you have the potential to be an essential member of our team, and we hope to learn more about you. As we discover more about you via the interview, you will have a better understanding of our organization.

If you choose to advance with the interview process, please respond to this email with a simple “YES”. We’ll contact you about the next stages.

We appreciate your interest in joining our team and look forward to hearing from you.

NB:If you receive this message before please  ignore.However if didnt kindly respond

Best regards.

Thomas Trosten (

As you can see there are several red flags in the message because of not quite English.   Here’s what I noticed of the bat with this email.   ONLY asking you to reply with a YES instead of sending a calender invite to video chat.    Also the spelling in the DIDNT and no spacing in the first paragraph between the period indicates this is a mail merge or some kind of email.

Investigating the company and Domain

When I get these types of emails and am curious to see if they may be real or not, the first place I go is looking up the domain they are supposedly sending from.

After checking with the domain tools website this was just created a few days ago.  So that’s another good red flag but the real red flag is that on the main website.  They say this on their careers page:

Scam or No Scam!

Being that they are using bad English and that I they aren’t using the right email address and even that domain they are sending from is just days old, I would have to assume this is a scam and that it isn’t real and that you shouldn’t trust anything they say if they contact you about a possible job.   It’s more and more looking just like a big phishing or money scam that they are trying to do and you should avoid these types of email scams that might come your way.

Always check the company you are getting solicited from before you even consider taking the job.  They are doing their own research on you and you should be able to do the same research back to see if they are real or just fake jobs trying to fool the many out their who might need a job.   Don’t ever stop researching companies as you are applying for them.


Navigating the Job Market Maze:  How Pathrise Can Guide you to your next Career!

Navigating the Job Market Maze: How Pathrise Can Guide you to your next Career!

Pathrise is an online program for tech professionals that provides 1-on-1 mentorship, training and advice to help you land your next job. On top of that, Pathrise is built around aligned incentives – you only pay if you succeed in getting hired.

Understanding the Mentorship at Pathrise

In today Job market, the amount of people who are applying is more than you will ever realize.   You need to get ahead and through Pathrise, you will do just that.   I’ve become a paying member with Pathrise because I think they are very valuable to finding that next career move.   What exactly is Pathrise and how will they help me to get my next job?  is the biggest question you might be asking.   Pathrise is a great resource for those who might be looking to find a new job or move up in your career by taking advantage of having people mentor you and help you develop your skills in interviewing, job searching, and even the stress of finding a job.   They have many different levels of programs to help you get that job you are either looking to get into or just to help you get ahead of those who might also be applying for the same type of Jobs.

Program overview of Pathrise

Pathrise has several different programs to help you land that next job.   I’m going to talk in general about all the programs you can use when you sign up with Pathrise. You’ll have so many resources for you that this seems almost a way to help you with your job searches.

Interviewing workshops –  If you are about to interview with a company you could have a mentor or someone in the hiring industry to talk you through what you might go through with the interview process.

Company Guides – This is good for those who might want to research companies and find out which companies are your best choices for the tough times we are having.   They will give you information that you probably would have to find somewhere else but they seem to cultivate the information into one place.

Coaches –  You have a multitude of Coaches to use when you are trying to find a job from Mindset Coaching, IT & Cybersecurity, Engineering (non-software), Sales, Design, Marketing, and Data couches that you can reach out to find out even more information that you might need to know before you start applying for those types of jobs.

Pipeline – The pipeline for people who might need help reaching out to perspective recruiters and help you stand out with them and make connections to them to help you find a job that might work better for you than ever before.

Knowledge Base –  The knowledge base helps you to learn ways to be effective and even has a some good decision trees concepts that you can use.  This will allow you to reach out to the right people and make connection so there is a chance that you get that job that you might otherwise not get if you didn’t do it.    Preparing for interviews and even salary negotiations, so you can you get the most of the job offer.

You will pay after your trial, however the payment is something that you can talk about to your intake mentor and it can help you get that dream job.   We become recruiters of ourselves and use Pathrise to so get that interview.   You have a Basic, Essential and Pro.  Each one of these is starting off at 7%, 11%, and 14% of your next job annual amount.   You can sign up and make even more choices and allows you to get help where you are lacking.   I personally love the career coaches and mindset coaches because they are a great asset to making the job search even easier because you can talk to them about what is going on and they will listen and encourage you to keep searching for that job your having trouble finding.

My thoughts on Pathrise

There’s so much more to Pathrise but I do think they have some great resources for those who are looking for a job and can even help you get a job at Microsoft, or even Meta, to say a few that are partnered with them.   Each one of these companies is always looking to hire new help or more help from time to time.   They will be a great resource for those who might be struggling with the Job market and wanting to advance in the career path.   I have seen this to be a great help with me even today and I am supporting them through any way I can.   They seem to have a solid understanding of the job market and how to find a job.   So why not give them a try yourself.  You can try for the free trial and check out all they have and also all they can do for you too.

Pathrise is an online program for tech professionals that provides 1-on-1 mentorship, training and advice to help you land your next job. On top of that, Pathrise is built around aligned incentives – you only pay if you succeed in getting hired.

Job Essentials: Searching for real Jobs!

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from PxHere

Find real Jobs isn’t easy

How you find a real Job?  It can be very frustrating that all these jobs available but are they real?  As of today, I am thinking some of those jobs aren’t real.  I’ve seen jobs come by and I applied for them and then they come back up in the next month or a few weeks.   I thought it would be a good idea to talk about this even more.   I know I’ve talked about Job Hunting 101: Mastering the Art of Applying for Positions.  However, I thought we should deep dive into what most people are a calling Ghost jobs.  It seems that these ghost jobs or companies are trying to suggest that they are looking for work but are just trying to farm applicants.   Some of these companies are just trying to fool their workers that they are looking for people to help with their work.  I have thought more and more that Jobs in 2024 will be harder to find and It seems that will continue through this recession that we are most likely going to have.

Finding Real Jobs

Are there real jobs in the job Market?  Most of the people are looking for jobs right now than ever before in the past.   I’m seeing more people being laid off, and that can be a real problem in looking for a real job online.  Here are some of my tips to know if the job is real or not, and you can possibly save yourself some time and effort:

  • Use Indeed’s company reviews – If the company in question is really below 3 or 2.5 you can probably guess they aren’t going to be   Here is some points to make though.  If you see people making comments that the work life balance isn’t good that is probably an employer or is trying to fool their employees and keep them there.
  • Vague job postings – This seems to be another tactic that is being talked about by everyone around that companies are just posting jobs to crowd source when they do begin to hire.  You might just get a bite a few months down the line if you applied to jobs like that.
  • Listings are closed – Here’s another tactic for employers they will intentionally keep the listing active just in case the job applicant quits while being trained or something like that.  They also may be overwork and just forgets to remove the listing.   Either way this one can be quite frustrating.

Job hunting fatigue is real thing and most people don’t understand it.   The truth of the matter is that you can find a job even right now if you really go a different route.   Connect with recruiters on LinkedIn and create content to highlight what you’re good at is one way to find those jobs that companies are wanting to fill.   Create Google Alerts for keywords for jobs that you are looking for new jobs.   However this will occasionally bring in those Ghost Jobs because companies will re-post the same job and Google will see these as new jobs and not old jobs.  So you should be cautious about which ones to apply to.  Networking is the best way I can tell you to finding a job, because it is something that has been proven in the past to land a job even in my case.  If you know someone who works at Microsoft, they can probably put in a good word for you to get that job you are wanting.

Remember, you’re not alone in this more and more are finding my job asking the same questions.  Don’t forget to check out Strategic Job Applications: How AI Can Be Your Secret Weapon to help you craft that cover letter and make sure your getting past the filters that is setup to be seen by a recruiter or hiring manager.

The Economic Quagmire: Understanding the Factors Behind the Downturn

New Data Warns Major Layoffs Coming!

More Data Showing the Downturn of the Economy and I’ll be talking about it even more.   I’ve been looking at the data and it doesn’t look good even if the Biden said we have all these jobs for people.  Yet, I am seeing more and more in the the Warn Reports of the coming tsunami of job layoffs.   It looks to be from 4/26/24 to 5/1/24 but I am also seeing some layoffs beginning in June also.  Companies have 30 days to send out the warn reports to the US Government and that could be coming very shortly for some of the companies as soon as the end of this month if they have a deadline to lay people off by the of March or early April.   I’ve already talked about why companies would do this but this just shows more and more that they are going to do this.

Google is even showing this

I hate to bring Google Trends into this but it looks like Google is showing even more signs of people ask questions like Jobs Near Me, Why can’t I get a job, or even Is the Job market bad right now?  It seems to be be fluctuating and making me think there is more to this than Google isn’t being honest about.  I suspect the US government is interfering with the data because they want us to not know the real truth.  I’ve read and saw how they like to not talk the truth in the past and they seem to be doing that again.  Last night it was looking totally different but today this looks like it isn’t even popular.  Looking into this even more, I found one that looks interesting and showing that people are saying the same thing to Google:  “I can’t find a job

I can’t find a job on Google Trends

Job Market isn’t look good.  Even I can see that but I also know it because I’ve had yet to find a job since I was let go in the last few weeks.  In Depth Investigation of the Job Market and How it looks was something that I did to tell people that it is showing you that something is happening in the government and there isn’t the real problem that you are real.   Understanding that you aren’t alone is the first way we can make it through these hard times.   However this isn’t the only way you can do it, if you really are looking for a job.   Should check out my Job Hunting Series to better help you get some more information on how to get a job.

There will be no soft landing

I know that I am seeing more and more that this will most likely be a Crash landing in economics or at the very least a really Hard landing that we will have to get through before everything get’s better.   I don’t believe Biden is in his right mind to think that we don’t see him not being truthful.  I also know that we should be expecting something to happen rather sooner than you might want to consider.   I think we will se this before the Primaries coming up in the US and it will be a signal that you should vote the right way and tell the government that you want it to change.  I don’t think we will get out this very easily and it might even be worse the the 2010 recession but that is just me.

Strategic Job Applications: How AI Can Be Your Secret Weapon

Photo by Google DeepMind from Pexels
Photo by Google DeepMind from Pexels

How AI can build your resume

That’s something I’ve been exploring lately due to the fact that I’ve been having a really hard time finding a jobs of late and it looks to be almost a full time job. You have to apply to every job possible but you shouldn’t just apply and go to the next. It’s almost a competition to get the recruiter or Hiring manager to see your resume due to the fact that is large number of people applying for the same job and don’t get me started on the remote positions that are either already filled or people Applying to jobs that are just looking for the right person to join their cliche of people.  The real question is How can AI help me in the job market?  The simple answer is that it can help you build your resume and I’ll provide a few good ones to use to help you build or modify your resume to help get jobs online.

  • —  Will help you optimize your resume to make it easier for the online applications to get to the recruiter instead of being sent to the trash by the automatic job filtering system called the ATS(Applicant Tracking System) and that could cause you to not be seen by the employers.
  • — Is good at helping you build a new resume when the need arises.  Some people say this is necessary for each and every applications.  I am not certain that is needed because if you are applying to jobs that you have done in the past then you should be able to stand out anyways.
  • — Is another good one that will do everything Wonsulting does but may be a better match to your needs.   Each one has their own unique way to creating the resume but it is sure better to explore all available alternatives that may be available.
  •  — Will help with creating an eye catching resume for to get those recruiters that may see this.  It however is just like every other one but may have some good free resume building templates that might be something you are looking for.

Can AI build a good Cover Letter?

Even when you are looking to apply for jobs, a good cover letter can help you in landing that interview the rest is up to you and I’ve been trying new ones recently due to need to be competition for finding that one job.  I’d thought I would at least provide some good ones that I’ve tried recently that are free and can be used to impress that one hiring manager to giving your a chance.

  • — is the one that I’ve tried recently and has been somewhat successful in helping me at least get noticed whether it is the best is the still up for debate by everyone.  It however has been something I have been using on occasion to create good cover letters.
  • — Is good at using multiple ways to customize the cover letter and tweak it even more and change the writing styles which may help you to stand out.   I’ve only used this once but someone might like to try it out due to what their needs are.  It looks interesting and that much is something that might get those hiring managers to give your a chance.

For most of these are just the ones I have used.  I however suggest you try the ones that you can use with the Resume builders part.  Some or most of them will also create good cover letters to help you with creating a good cover letter also.  I however haven’t really used them for that but it might be something to consider.

Can AI help me find Jobs?

That is the next question that I would like to address.  It actually looks like it can and that can help you find jobs that you might not know about.  Here are a few that might interests you in the future or now.  Some of these are in beta and may not be something that you can use right now but something to consider in the future.

  • (Beta) — is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline your job search process and automatically apply for jobs that match your resume and preferences. I’m in the waiting list for this one and have yet to try it out.
  • — Accelerate your job search with a personalized CRM! Keep track of all your jobs opportunities, applications, notes, contacts, in one single dashboard.  They also have a good Chrome extension that might be useful for those who are looking for a job and keep track of all the ones you have applied for so you don’t apply to the same one twice.

As you can see there are several different options for you to use to help you find a job but it still takes effort to find that job and you will need to keep applying to jobs until you land that one job that you are looking for.  However these AI tools will help you with your job searches and job applications to make it easier and faster to apply for jobs that you might be interested in.   If you like this blog post don’t forget to sign up for more like this and other blog posts.