The Economic Quagmire: Understanding the Factors Behind the Downturn

New Data Warns Major Layoffs Coming!

More Data Showing the Downturn of the Economy and I’ll be talking about it even more.   I’ve been looking at the data and it doesn’t look good even if the Biden said we have all these jobs for people.  Yet, I am seeing more and more in the the Warn Reports of the coming tsunami of job layoffs.   It looks to be from 4/26/24 to 5/1/24 but I am also seeing some layoffs beginning in June also.  Companies have 30 days to send out the warn reports to the US Government and that could be coming very shortly for some of the companies as soon as the end of this month if they have a deadline to lay people off by the of March or early April.   I’ve already talked about why companies would do this but this just shows more and more that they are going to do this.

Google is even showing this

I hate to bring Google Trends into this but it looks like Google is showing even more signs of people ask questions like Jobs Near Me, Why can’t I get a job, or even Is the Job market bad right now?  It seems to be be fluctuating and making me think there is more to this than Google isn’t being honest about.  I suspect the US government is interfering with the data because they want us to not know the real truth.  I’ve read and saw how they like to not talk the truth in the past and they seem to be doing that again.  Last night it was looking totally different but today this looks like it isn’t even popular.  Looking into this even more, I found one that looks interesting and showing that people are saying the same thing to Google:  “I can’t find a job

I can’t find a job on Google Trends

Job Market isn’t look good.  Even I can see that but I also know it because I’ve had yet to find a job since I was let go in the last few weeks.  In Depth Investigation of the Job Market and How it looks was something that I did to tell people that it is showing you that something is happening in the government and there isn’t the real problem that you are real.   Understanding that you aren’t alone is the first way we can make it through these hard times.   However this isn’t the only way you can do it, if you really are looking for a job.   Should check out my Job Hunting Series to better help you get some more information on how to get a job.

There will be no soft landing

I know that I am seeing more and more that this will most likely be a Crash landing in economics or at the very least a really Hard landing that we will have to get through before everything get’s better.   I don’t believe Biden is in his right mind to think that we don’t see him not being truthful.  I also know that we should be expecting something to happen rather sooner than you might want to consider.   I think we will se this before the Primaries coming up in the US and it will be a signal that you should vote the right way and tell the government that you want it to change.  I don’t think we will get out this very easily and it might even be worse the the 2010 recession but that is just me.

Why self isolation will change your life and your job!

Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels

Jobs are at a Stand still

If you haven’t been paying attention with the current state of the Corona Virus pandemic than you really should.   Most Americans have been off their jobs and the unemployment is the highest it has been in centuries.   I say that with great trepidation because my thoughts are on the economics of this this and when is it too much to force Americans to stay home?   We can ask that question from the individual personal views but we should also ask that from the population?   When do we consider the ramifications of the whole situation?   Most Americans aren’t making that much money from work and surviving from paycheck to paycheck.   This is the problem with the current situation when people can’t really afford to be off work for such a long time and not making the money they are used to be making from work.   Unemployment probably isn’t paying anywhere the amount most people actually get from working.

Work from home is on the rise

Ever since the self isolation and keeping people home companies have instituted working from home.   The goal of this was to keep people working and for the company to still make money.   We have seen a lot of people working at home more and that is where it will probably change.  The question that I am thinking is will the work?  Will they keep this up when we get back to work?  Will the companies allow people to work more from home?  I can only suspect that companies will do this as a greater experiment and try to see what will work and what will not.   We also have to consider just how well this will work and what will happen to our economy when all this is over with.   Will we be bouncing back or will we have even more jobs open up due to the current pandemic?

Your job will change!

The truth of the matter is that most Americans will have a job change in the coming weeks to probably months.   A lot of companies will want to change people titles or even shut down all the way.  I’ve already started seeing companies such as Lone Star Restaurant declaring bankruptcy due to not being able to serve their customers.  I’ve watched how companies have already started to implement this into their own situations and I am sure we will see even more companies shut down permanently and I am sure we will see an explosion people out of work.  This is my real fear right now that the we are being forced to go into a recession due to this pandemic.   I am sure it’s a really fear for most Americans and other nations also.   We will all see this change coming in the coming months and maybe even next year.   People’s lives will change in one way or another.  Wee will not be back to the normalcy we are used to for quite some time.

Economics is strange!

With all that is going on we will see the economic atmosphere change in the many aspects from our personal lives to how we interact with other individual.   We will see it change in how we will deal with our family members and our love lives.   In every way we will see this pandemic change our lives and how we will end up in the new normal.   We will see this for years to come and even then the new normal will be hard for most people.   It will not be the same and we must accept that fact and move forward and try to make it the best we can.