Prevailing winds of Job Scams being on the Rise in 2024


Identifying Potential Job Scams

I recently got an email from a what looks to be from a  I wanted to share with you how to identify that it is most likely just scam and not even replying to these types of emails.

Email that I received:

Hello Applicant,

I hope this email finds you in great health.Froelich Engineers, Inc,welcomes your application for the Remote IT Support Specialist  position on LinkedIn. Your impressive qualifications and experience have attracted our curiosity, and we would like to invite you to an interview.

We believe you have the potential to be an essential member of our team, and we hope to learn more about you. As we discover more about you via the interview, you will have a better understanding of our organization.

If you choose to advance with the interview process, please respond to this email with a simple “YES”. We’ll contact you about the next stages.

We appreciate your interest in joining our team and look forward to hearing from you.

NB:If you receive this message before please  ignore.However if didnt kindly respond

Best regards.

Thomas Trosten (

As you can see there are several red flags in the message because of not quite English.   Here’s what I noticed of the bat with this email.   ONLY asking you to reply with a YES instead of sending a calender invite to video chat.    Also the spelling in the DIDNT and no spacing in the first paragraph between the period indicates this is a mail merge or some kind of email.

Investigating the company and Domain

When I get these types of emails and am curious to see if they may be real or not, the first place I go is looking up the domain they are supposedly sending from.

After checking with the domain tools website this was just created a few days ago.  So that’s another good red flag but the real red flag is that on the main website.  They say this on their careers page:

Scam or No Scam!

Being that they are using bad English and that I they aren’t using the right email address and even that domain they are sending from is just days old, I would have to assume this is a scam and that it isn’t real and that you shouldn’t trust anything they say if they contact you about a possible job.   It’s more and more looking just like a big phishing or money scam that they are trying to do and you should avoid these types of email scams that might come your way.

Always check the company you are getting solicited from before you even consider taking the job.  They are doing their own research on you and you should be able to do the same research back to see if they are real or just fake jobs trying to fool the many out their who might need a job.   Don’t ever stop researching companies as you are applying for them.


How Internet of Things are changing our lives


IOT Security

When we say the Internet Of Things(IOT) it really brings about a bad thought into our minds, or at least in mine.   I never really understood why someone would come up with this term because it bring a bad connotation and that can bring about a lot of hesitancy to buy the devices.   It can be quite hard to understand or even harder to conceptualize the use the devices in question.   IOT is in its simplest form is just that a device that needs to be connected to the internet and be able to connect to a server in some other location such as an camera that is outside to watch the property, or even a wireless connection that is used to monitor the door being locked or unlocked.  This however can be bad because like any other way we have seen bad people figure out ways around this technology and use it for their own devices or against the owners.   The privacy and security of the devices have been almost overlooked in the past due to the newness of the technology and how companies didn’t think about how to implement it in the right way.

IOT Benefits

Security and privacy aside right now, the benefits of using an IOT device is become easier to use.  Even now the technologies associated with the IOT devices are becoming more mature and more reliable.   According to IOT-Analytics There are 40+ emerging technologies from the IOT devices such as Hardware, IOT Marketplace, and even 6G technologies being developed.   The IOT device helps secure out homes and our properties and also help make our lives just a little bit better each day by allowing us to let them to the small jobs in our life or makes it so we feel a little bit more secure in our own little home.  The benefits allows us to automate cleaning the floor or even to communicate with machine to machine which helps speeds up processing of a certain task in the house or allows us to monitor what is going around in the house.  I am not sure the interconnectivity of devices is a huge benefit but it is a benefit to some and I can’t imagine our lives not getting better in the long run.  I think IOT devices and benefits have a long way to go before they will make a bigger difference in our lives.

How the digital divide can be solved

OLPC Rwanda Workshop Day 1

The Digital Divide

Let’s begin with the simple facts at hand, that the digital divide is just that a divide again the populations around the world that have very little change to have internet.   One such organization, One laptop per Child a non profit did try to do that to help bring the digital devices and educational needs to the areas with the greatest need.   It however went terribly wrong.   We can only identify areas that need the digital signals and try to provide for them.   This is where Elon Musk’s idea of StarLink is being conceived to do just that.  This will greatly help people with low income or places that has no access to wired internet to be able to get digital signals to them.   In all truthfulness, I really don’t have a lot of ideas on how to address this divide but I am sure it’s only a matter time before someone else comes up with the ideas that will make it work even better than I could imagine it.

Addressing it

Some way I guess we could address this issue is simply by making it inexpensive to countries that can’t afford to pay 100$ for the internet and or pay for the One Laptop Per Child.   I would think if we can get governments around the world to embrace stuff like this and help pay for the technology or even just the internet than more people around the world would be able to access the digital devices like everyone else.   I can think of maybe a few ways to help decrease the amount of the device or even just the internet to people who have little or no internet.   Make it free for everyone around the world but then who’d pay for it?  Who’d keep our privacy safe?  Who’d make sure they didn’t misuse our information?  That’s the real big question when it comes to how to make a free internet, because we will always have to worry about someone using our information for bad or even making money off of us in one way or another.  Still this is just one way we can at least attempt to fix the problems with the digital divide.   It isn’t going to solve every problem but at least it would make it so much easier for people to get onto the internet and we wouldn’t have as big of a divide like we do today.

Aspects of Technology in Today’s Society!

Who’d of thunk it!

Having spent the last few years as technology had developed, I for one have seen where we didn’t have anything small.   We now have a lot in common with our past.   I am not saying that we are exactly like our past but we have developed something of a reoccurring theme.  I don’t know why I love to talk about Technology but I do think it is the way I have developed a certain love of the simplicity of it.   We’ve even come to the part of giving Technology as gifts, but when is technology more than technology?  That is the questions that we must ask ourselves.



We’re we are at now!

Many people have probably said we can’t go any further now in technology but I don’t think we are going to know for sure until it has happened.   Some technology is just not being used and others is used on a daily basis.   I would say that I user my personal laptop everyday and even have a few extra ways to be on the internet.  I know technology isn’t going as fast as we might think it but it is something that will forever be ingrained in our lives.  We’ve got people who can get the internet just on their phones and do not always need a computer.   I’m really loving how 20 years ago we couldn’t do that.  I shouldn’t say we couldn’t but I didn’t see it as a possibility.

Were are we heading?

I don’t know if  I can actually tell you that.   Technology isn’t always going to be in your face but we will do know it will be a change from what is going to happen. I will say only time will tell. I am quite curious as to what technology will do next but that is the future. I’d like to hear your ideas on the matter. Your more than welcomed to leave a comment and tell me what you think about technology today!

Paul Sylvester