George Lucas plans ‘Star Wars’ TV series

LOS ANGELES – The Force may soon be coming to a television near you. George Lucas is planning a live-action television series spinoff of the “Star Wars” film franchise. Lucas told The Los Angeles Times he has “just begun work” on the series, which will not include the films’ major characters Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader.

“The Skywalkers aren’t in it, and it’s about minor characters,” Lucas told the Times on Tuesday.

Lucas wouldn’t reveal details, but joked that the series would be about “the life of robots.”

Lucas, 63, already has another television series in the works. Lucasfilm Animation has been working for months on the computer-animated “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.”

Man I love Star wars and thought others would like to know this too!! 😉

Steve Jobs: iPhone SDK In Dev Hands February ’08

The Steve has listened to our incessant whining and now he’s writing something I’ve been waiting to read for many months: “Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February.” That’s the lead-in from his letter on saying the third-party app SDK for native iPhone programs is coming in early ’08. It’ll also do iPod touch programs. Jobs also explains the delay: Making the iPhone more open while keeping it secure from viruses has been a challenge. They’re taking their time, and doing it right. Arn from Macrumors points out that the piece includes hints that Apple might pick up a digital signature system for app verification. P.S. Kudos for Businessweek on scooping this ahead of time, but Fake Steve called it first, bluffing or not. P.P.S We’ll really have to wait a while to find out the exact details of app development to fully celebrate, but right now, I gotta admit, I feel like a born-again fanboy. [Apple. BTW, that Digg badge links to the website, so keep it floating.]

I hope they get those apps out soon!! 😉

Clearwire releases first pre-WiMAX PC card for laptops

The latest saviour of wireless broadband is at hand. Clearwire is finally shedding those clunky external modems, and is launching its very first pre-WiMAX data card to bring what it deems “True Broadband” to laptops. The PC card uses Motorola’s pre-WiMAX OFDM tech, and doesn’t require any extra power sources beyond your laptop’s own precious juice. If you’re luckily enough to be living in some random part of Clearwire’s primarily-podunk US coverage area, you can be getting some 1.5Mbps wireless internets for $59.99 a month, plus a $6.99 a month fee to lease the PC card. You can buy the card straight up for $230, but that seems a bit excessive given the “pre” nature of the thing at the moment.

Hmm, I want one!!

Panasonic’s internal LF-PB271JD drive burns Blu-ray at 4x

Nah, Panasonic’s LF-PB271JD couldn’t hold a candle to Sony’s BWU-200S in a runway competition, but when it comes to performance, we’d say the two are practically neck and neck. This unit fits snuggly within any Windows-based machine lookin’ for a 5.25-inch optical drive, and it has no problems burning dual-layer BD-Rs at a furious (ahem) 4x pace. Additionally, you’ll find a SATA interface along with backup software bundled in, and just in case you’re not working exclusively with BD-R, it can also toast BD-RE at 2x, DVD±R at 16x, DVD±R DL at 8x, DVD-RW at 6x, CD-R at 40x and CD-RW at 24x. Of course, you’ll be paying through the nose for the luxuries presented when it lands on November 10th, but the ¥55,000 ($468) asking price is still a good bit lower than what Sony’s demanding.

[Via Impress]

Now if they could make an internal Blue Ray burner for laptops!! 😉

Hibernate vs. Standby

Quick: What’s the difference between putting your PC in Hibernate or Standby mode? Yeah, we weren’t sure either. Luckily the Productivity Portfolio weblog schools us on the finer details of Windows XP power schemes. Using Standby:

Your machine recovers quickly as your data is stored in RAM. The slower part is waking up the peripherals. Although your machine is in “standby” the power has been cut to items such as your hard drive and monitor. You’re running your machine in a very low power mode, but it is still on. This mode can be useful if you’re on a notebook and need to conserve your battery while you step away.

With Hibernate:

The big difference is that your PC has shut down and is not pulling power. Another difference is that your data is saved to your hard disk and not RAM. This makes it a safer, but slower option for shut down and resume.

Not all PCs have the capability and are configured to Hibernate. If yours is, to see the Hibernate option on your XP shutdown screen, hold down the Shift key when you shut down.

A really interesting article on the differences!!