Faster Shutdowns Using the Run Dialog

Run.pngReader Eric writes in with a tip to eliminate hangs and speed up the shutdown process in Windows without installing any extra software.

Whenever I tried to shutdown my work laptop it would take almost five minutes. Five minutes! Since I work in a completely locked-down environment I couldn’t look to any third party applications for help. Entering the following shutdown command in the run dialog speeds up my shutdown time dramatically.
shutdown -f -t 0

The command Eric uses immediately forces any open applications to close without warning prior to Windows shutting down. Here’s another way to quickly shutdown your Windows computer. Thanks, Eric!
[Via Lifehacker]

I’ll have to try this little tip out on my system. Vista takes forever to shut down. Maybe I can make a shutdown icon for it!!

Add System Monitoring to Your Desktop with CoolMon

coolmon.pngWindows only: Freeware application CoolMon monitors your systems vitals with attractive desktop-embedded widgets. In very basic operation, CoolMon displays information like RAM usage, hard drive space, and CPU load, but with the right plugins you can embed just about anything on your desktop—like new email alerts, weather, the song you’re currently listening to, and so on. If all you’re looking for is more of a plain-text to-do list on your desktop, check out previously mentioned Samurize. Mac users should take a look at GeekTool. Setup for CoolMon is a little quirky, so check out Simplehelp’s post guide if you’re having trouble. CoolMon is freeware, Windows only.

[Via Lifehacker]

I thought this was cool tool for a geek to use!! Go check it out!!

Move Window Buttons to the Left with Leftsider

Windows Vista only: Make your Vista windows feel a bit more Mac-like with Leftsider, a small application that moves the close, minimize, and resize icons to the upper left corners of windows. Leftsider runs from an icon in the taskbar that lets you switch the left-alignment on and off, and since the program doesn’t touch your registry or system files, it’s up to you whether to put Leftsider in your “Startup” folder or delete it entirely. For those dual-system users who find their mouse muscles occasionally confused, Leftsider is a no-hassle fix. Leftsider is a free download for Windows Vista (32 and 64-bit) only.

Monitor Drive Space with Vista-Style Icons

Windows 98/XP/2000 only: Want to keep better tabs on your drive and partition space without having to right-click or open “My Computer”? Free application Vista Drive Icon replaces the standard hard drive icons with Vista-style models that display how much space is taken up and turn red when nearly full. The program runs in the background, shows up in almost every folder view and uses only a small amount of memory. If you’re seeing red a bit too often, check out Gina’s guide to visualizing your hard drive usage to make clean-up fast and easy. Vista Drive Icon is a free download and runs on Windows versions earlier than Vista.

Disable and Enable the Screensaver in One Click

disablescreensaver.png Windows only: Sick of your Windows screensaver coming on in the middle of watching a video or referring to what’s on-screen? Tech site the How-To Geek set up a shortcut to temporarily disable the screensaver (without having to click your way to its settings by hand) using a small utility called FlipSS. Mac users, you can get this same functionality with Caffeine.