Just wanted to let everyone know, The new domain is up and ready. If you want to visit my blog now it’s!!
http://laforge129.blogspot.com(is redirecting it to this one!)
Just wanted to let everyone know, The new domain is up and ready. If you want to visit my blog now it’s!!
http://laforge129.blogspot.com(is redirecting it to this one!)
Sometimes truly American virtues arise in outlaws who — by dint of heroic but questionable endeavors — display the mettle of the national character.
For instance: The Dillinger Gang, robbing banks (and destroying mortgages) when banks were foreclosing on the poor. Stephanie St. Clair, matron of the numbers racket during the Harlem Renaissance, striking a (dubious) blow for both gender and racial equality. Junior Johnson bootlegging liquor during Prohibition (the benefits of which were self-evident).
Mona Shaw found just the tool to register her complaint about service, or lack thereof, at Comcast’s Manassas office.
Mona Shaw found just the tool to register her complaint about service, or lack thereof, at Comcast’s Manassas office. (By Richard A. Lipski — The Washington Post)Fear not, fellow Americans! In these dark days of war, pestilence and Paris Hilton, a new hero has arisen. She is none other than 75-year-old Mona “The Hammer” Shaw, who took the aforementioned implement to her local Comcast office in Manassas to settle a score, and boy, did she!
So, after stewing over it all weekend, on the following Monday, she went downstairs, got Don’s claw hammer and said: “C’mon, honey, we’re going to Comcast.”
Mona Shaw found just the tool to register her complaint about service, or lack thereof, at Comcast’s Manassas office.
Mona Shaw found just the tool to register her complaint about service, or lack thereof, at Comcast’s Manassas office. (By Richard A. Lipski — The Washington Post)
Did you try to stop her, Mr. Shaw?“Oh no, no,” he says.
Hammer time: Shaw storms in the company’s office. BAM! She whacks the keyboard of the customer service rep. BAM! Down goes the monitor. BAM! She totals the telephone. People scatter, scream, cops show up and what does she do? POW! A parting shot to the phone!
“They cuffed me right then,” she says.
Her take on Comcast: “What a bunch of sub-moronic imbeciles.”
Well at least we know what not to do when it comes to internet service, get something other than Comcast. I hope they figure out just how bad they are before it’s too late!!!
Wow. After getting Google and Yahoo to sell their souls for cash, the Chinese government is now thanking them for their shameful sellout by REDIRECTING ALL CHINESE TRAFFIC from Google Blog Search, Yahoo, Microsoft Live and YouTube.com to the heavily censored Chinese search engine, Baidu. TechCrunch links to speculation that the moves is a reaction to president Bush’s meeting with the Dalai Lama, but I think it’s party of the nationwide general crack down on everything during the Chinese Communist Party Congress.
It is a shame they are doing this, I wonder what the US is going to do to fix the problem!!
Below is a humorous video account of a ‘day in the life’ of MrBabyMan (Andrew Sorcini), who is ranked as the number one digger overall.
Sorcini works by day as a film editor, and has recently been helping Disney with animated programming for television and features. He worked on the Goofy and Tigger movies. Capitalizing on his tremendous Digg success, he also co-host’s a podcast on emerging issues in technology and the internet – The Drill Down, with top diggers msaleem (Muhammed Saleem) and Zaibatsu (Reg).
Sorcini says his online handle, MrBabyMan, is a reference to his “arrested development,” since he loves to play games and have fun. His daughter, who appears in the video below, loves to watch herself on the small screen.
I want to post this because it made me laugh!! 😉
Come join the Fun tonight at 7pmEST/4pm PST some of the lineups are going to be:
And Much more, This will be a longer than usual Podcast because he has so much to talk about tonight I really don’t know if he will get through all of it!! 🙂 I am sure he is going to try.