Canada’s Rogers Network to Get iPhone by December?

The guys at BGR have spotted this advertisement floating around the Internet, which supposedly shows the iPhone being made available on Canada’s Rogers network. The flier stipulates the iPhone shall be made available, by December 7th, for $499CAD on a three-year contract. Pre-orders for the device are shown to be starting on 20th November. The above information does not seem to be too far fetched, but this could easily be a PS hoax. You have been warned—don’t book a day off work just yet. [BGR]

I’d figured it was bound to happen to prevent people from unlocking the IPHONE!!

Steve Jobs: iPhone SDK In Dev Hands February ’08

The Steve has listened to our incessant whining and now he’s writing something I’ve been waiting to read for many months: “Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February.” That’s the lead-in from his letter on saying the third-party app SDK for native iPhone programs is coming in early ’08. It’ll also do iPod touch programs. Jobs also explains the delay: Making the iPhone more open while keeping it secure from viruses has been a challenge. They’re taking their time, and doing it right. Arn from Macrumors points out that the piece includes hints that Apple might pick up a digital signature system for app verification. P.S. Kudos for Businessweek on scooping this ahead of time, but Fake Steve called it first, bluffing or not. P.P.S We’ll really have to wait a while to find out the exact details of app development to fully celebrate, but right now, I gotta admit, I feel like a born-again fanboy. [Apple. BTW, that Digg badge links to the website, so keep it floating.]

I hope they get those apps out soon!! đŸ˜‰

I-Phone has been broken out of Jail!!

While it’s not quite ready for mere mortals to use it, hackers that call themselves the iPhone/Touch Dev Team say they’ve finally managed to jailbreak the iPhone firmware version 1.1.1. It’s great news because 1) the latest iPhone can be activated again without signing up with AT&T and 2) third-party applications will be able to run once again, kinda. Don’t get too excited just yet, though, because there’s still a lot of “major hacking” left to do. Full details from Dev Team after the jump:

I’ve figured they do it sooner or later but kinda of depressing that they have to recompile the 3rd party apps. Go check out the full story!

Nokia unlocks anti-Apple campaign

The quartet of posters above was photographed in New York city over the weekend by a MacRumors forum jockey. Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Nokia pounce on Apple foibles, and it certainly won’t be the last. Even if Nokia can’t help but copy the iPhone interface design in its own future-looking presentations.

This is so like the best thing to happen. I hope nokia does stick it to APPPLE!!

iPhone 1.1.1 “bug” unleashes music over Bluetooth

The iPhone 1.1.1 update has a hidden little surprise for y’all: Bluetooth audio streaming is now available off of your iPhone for whatever you darn please, meaning you can finally listen to music from the phone wirelessly. Oddly enough, this “function” has been unleashed by a Visual Voicemail bug that leaves Bluetooth audio on even after you’ve left the Voicemail interface. Of course, it’s only mono audio, and the audio keeps playing out of your built-in speaker — if you plug in headphones to cut off the speaker you’ll lose Bluetooth streaming as well — but it’s nice to see Apple forking over some “should have been there in the first place” functionality accidentally to go along with all that stuff of the same ilk 1.1.1 took away from us.

I wonder if this is going to stay?