Tech side of staying at home!
I am going to talk about the tech side of what you can do while you are bored and can’t go out. I know it is difficult for some of you even me. I tend to want to be more socialized but that isn’t good right now. It varies from person but some of us are just way to bored and want to something to do. You can only clean your house so many times a week before you just can’t do it anymore. So here’s what I’ve been doing to get over the boredom.

I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft. You can play it on A lot of different platforms from PS4, Xbox, PC, Mac, And even Linux. Each platform is a little different. I personally like PC and Linux because of the controls and what your PC needs to play it. Minecraft doesn’t require much PC resources and can be played on a lot of older systems. It might not be fast or great but it will keep you busy. I am challenging myself to make the best house or something like that for my own little world.
I really like the games that let you build your own world and work on it on your own. It’s a Single player game and your goal is to get off the planet. It has some great story lines and you can explore this really big world. You can play it on PS4, Xbox 1, PC and Steam platforms. I won’t spoil it for you but you will need a really good graphics processing Unit to play it on your PC and I really like how it plays! It is nice way to relax at home and not have to worry about this darn Covid-19 issue. Although the game does have it’s own infection in the single player where you will need to heal yourself before you can get off the planet. You can see the video of the gameplay on YouTube if you are are really interested in finding out what this game is all about.
Is only offered on Steam and is an early access. It is also another story line from Subnautica and has new game mechanics. I’ve not delved to much into this game because I really want to finish Subnautica first before I start this exploring this game. You will also will be playing a woman this time. It can be a little different and I don’t exactly know what the story line is all about and I am guessing it is another one for survival and getting off the planet. It however is a great way to forget why you are home and can’t be out and about.
Terra tech is another one where you have control over building your world. You probably get were my focus lately is due to the Covid-19. I am finding games that I can control because I don’t want to think about how I have no control over the virus or what is happening. I like this one because you can explore and upgrade your machines. You can play multiplayer with others for another goal. I usually like the single version and play by myself. TerraTech is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Steam, and Nintendo Switch. These are the games I have been playing to keep me busy while I am having to stay home and not worry about the world.
Got your own favorite game? why not leave a comment and tell me your favorite games and tell me why you like it!