3 topics I enjoy to talk about and why?


Science Fiction

To boldly go where no man has gone before!  You’ve probably heard that saying before but I grew up with Star Wars, and And Star Trek.   I even Grew up with Buck Rogers or even The Million dollar man.  I love the fact that there were new technology and new ways to deal with problems.   I would go to cons in my area whenever there was one and I still might when they start doing it again.   I can remember the days that I would watch every single episodes of the original Star Trek and want to meet some of these people myself.  I can’t imagine I am no the only one.  This is why I listen to all these audio books because I just keep imagining meeting different aliens and knowing what the world will be like or how different it will become.


It’s all in how you see the world.  Yes it so much more better seeing the world when I know that there are possibilities that we have never imagined.  I see companies that are trying to innovate and then I see companies who just like to keep the things the same.   Without innovation we would not become even better.   I could talk about technology until the day I am out of breath but I wouldn’t stop just for myself.   I even like to know what they will do in the future and I imagine them to be so much better than before.  After everything we’ve seen, can it not get even more better than we could possibly imagine?


The cake is a lie!  Lately I have been playing old games that can easily be played on my newer systems because the games reminds me where I came from and why I did what I did.  It’s all in how you approach the problem and figure out the problem.   I simply love to problem solve and see what I can do with the games.   I guess that’s why I love puzzle games like Portal, Subnautica, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020,  Half Life Series and Terratech or anything that lets me build or problem solve.   I can’t imagine I am the only one who likes these types of games because it is just fun to be able to do things and try new ways to play a game or solve a puzzle in the game.   I hope the game developers get even more creative in the way they will allow the player to solve the game or let the player figure a problem out in several ways.

These are just a few things I can talk about and still do whenever I see Something that I want to talk about on my blog.  These are only a few topics that I enjoy to write about and even might even make more topics as I see more things that I need to write about.   What are some things you like to talk about and why?  Let me know what you like and don’t and we can discuss them in the comments below.

Day 3: State issues stay at home and what you can do!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Tech side of staying at home!

I am going to talk about the tech side of what you can do while you are bored and can’t go out.   I know it is difficult for some of you even me.  I tend to want  to be more socialized but that isn’t good right now.   It varies from person but some of us are just way to bored and want to something to do.   You can only clean your house so many times a week before you just can’t do it anymore.   So here’s what I’ve been doing to get over the boredom.


Photo by Evenecer Andujar from Pexels

I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft.   You can play it on A lot of different platforms from PS4, Xbox, PC, Mac, And even Linux.  Each platform is a little different.   I personally like PC and Linux because of the controls and what your PC needs to play it.   Minecraft doesn’t require much PC resources and can be played on a lot of older systems.   It might not be fast or great but it will keep you busy.  I am challenging myself to make the best house or something like that for my own little world.


I really like the games that let you build your own world and work on it on your own.  It’s a Single player game and your goal is to get off the planet.   It has some great story lines and you can explore this really big world.   You can play it on PS4, Xbox 1, PC and Steam platforms.   I won’t spoil it for you but you will need a really good graphics processing Unit to play it on your PC and I really like how it plays!  It is nice way to relax at home and not have to worry about this darn Covid-19 issue.  Although the game does have it’s own infection in the single player where you will need to heal yourself before you can get off the planet.  You can see the video of the gameplay on YouTube if you are are really interested in finding out what this game is all about.

Subnautica : Below Zero

Subnautica : Below Zero

Is only offered on Steam and is an early access.   It is also another story line from Subnautica and has new game mechanics.  I’ve not delved to much into this game because I really want to finish Subnautica first before I start this exploring this game.  You will also will be playing a woman this time.  It can be a little different and I don’t exactly know what the story line is all about and I am guessing it is another one for survival and getting off the planet.  It however is a great way to forget why you are home and can’t be out and about.

Terra Tech

Terra tech is another one where you have control over building your world.   You probably get were my focus lately is due to the Covid-19.   I am finding games that I can control because I don’t want to think about how I have no control over the virus or what is happening.   I like this one because you can explore and upgrade your machines.  You can play multiplayer with others for another goal.   I usually like the single version and play by myself.  TerraTech is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Steam, and Nintendo Switch.   These are the games I have been playing to keep me busy while I am having to stay home and not worry about the world.

Got your own favorite game?  why not leave a comment and tell me your favorite games and tell me why you like it!


Installing Wine on Linux Mint (Cinnamon)

Wine on Linux Mint (Cinnamon)

Windows Programs

As you know not everything might be on Linux or ported to Linux. So what is a person to do when they find out that they need a particular program. Lately I have been wondering what Wine has been up to lately. I heard about Wine a few years ago, it wasn’t very stable and you had even more problems then you wanted with this little Linux program. Let’s back up and tell you what Wine is supposed to do. Wine allows Linux users to run Windows programs in a Virtual Windows Desktop like environment.   When you installed Linux you probably didn’t even think about the possibility that you might need program.  Wine is here for that one reason.

Don’t Wine about it

What’s Wine Good for?  It general it is used to play a lot of Windows Game on Linux.   From Spore, to Call of Duty, to probably even EVE.   I know most of these games will need a Good Graphics Processing Unit to play on Any system.   I’ve seen people play Sims 3 on Linux and run very Smoothly.  I personally use Wine for programs that I might need to fix Clients computers with.   Each users needs are a little bit different and most of the time may or may not work with Wine.  So you will need to know what you might need to try with Wine before going all in with Linux.   Wine has a great list of apps and programs that will work with it.   People have been trying programs and submitting them to Wine For review of how to make them work better.

More Stability

I’ve used Wine in the past few years I think the last time I played around with it was in 2015 but I had some difficulty installing it and using.   The Wine developers definitely got it more user friendly and now most things are working much better than before.   I even tried my Yumi Multiboot USB tool with Wine and seems to run just fine as long as you don’t use persistence option when you create an ISO on the USB.   Hopefully they will fix some of these issue but it might not be fixable due to Wine capabilities.

Do you use Wine?  Why Do you use it?  Have you left Windows behind?  Did you find it hard or easier to do so?  Why did you do that? Why not leave a comment and answer all these questions and tell me your experiences with Linux.