Manilla Old Shop By John (Flickr)
It’s Globally
We’ve all been frantically checking to see when we’ll be able to travel to see our Fiances, boyfriend, Girlfriend, or that Significant other! It’s been a mad house for us all! I’ll say it is hasn’t been easy since most places went on lock down March or April this year (2020). Thanks to Covid-19 we’ve all had to be by ourselves and that isn’t normal or right.
Where to Go?
Are you asking this to find out if you can go see your other half or just so you know if they can come see you? Either way the point of this post to help you find out which sites might be able to help you find out that information. Each government has their own regulation and requirements or are just not allowing foreigners to come into the country. This is all due to the over whelming need to keep the virus from getting out of hand. There are several resources you can use to find out if you can travel in the first place. I like to at least try to help those who might want to know keep track of the current world wide situation and if you can travel to a particular country and back!
I’ll be frank this won’t be a very long post because I just want to make sure you know where you can go to find out if you can travel and what you might have to do. The rest is up to you on how you do it. I strongly recommend going to each governments websites and see what they are allowing to come into their country and what they require to be able to get into it. Some are requiring 14 days of quarantine and others are requiring PCR (Up the nose) and IGGM (Checking to see if you been in contact with anyone who has had covid19) blood test! Either way it will be uncomfortable for you!
Let’s Start!
We will now talk about where you could go to answer all your questions on this:
- International Air Travel Association (IATA) — Has a great website to see which countries are allowing you to travel to and from. It however doesn’t exactly tell you what is required to get into that country!
- CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) — Has a good Travel Notices for those who worry about getting the virus while travelling. You can weigh it down to how much you might be at risk when travelling.
- The World Tourism Organization — Keeps up to date what they know. This is almost a blog type of publishing. They publish new stuff every few weeks or when a countries come out of or goes into lock down. It however has limited amount of information but still good to check!
These are about all I could find and as such should at least start your journey and keep you updated on when you might be able to fly. If you are looking to get tickets to fly, Why not save some money and follow my tips on getting the cheapest plane tickets!
Remember to share this post with others so they can find out more ways to keep up to date on travel bans and when you might be able to fly again. Remember we are all in this together!