Left 4 Dead Sneak Peak!

[ad#ad2-left]Yes they finally released the demo. According to my sources and I’ll quote:

Newell said: “We will be releasing demos for both the Xbox and for the PC. I don’t know what the date is for release on that, though. I think it’s going to contain the first part of one of the campaigns. I think it’ll probably be Hospital but I’m not sure. That’s a decision that Doug Lombardi is making.”

[Via Videogamer]

If you want to see the game screen shots you and preview the pictures all you need to do is go HERE.  You can also start pre-purchasing Left 4 Dead on The PC and be ready to play when it comes out. Watch the Video from Steam for Left 4 Dead Intro In English. You can also Gift the Game for the Holidays, I would like one to get and try it out so if you want to give me the Gift just send it to me via my email address.  According to Steam, you will haveto pre-purchase Left 4 Dead and then the Demo will be available for you a week before hand!! so that is one good thing!!  So go buy it and enjoy!!!  Also you will need to install Steam to enjoy the demo.

Obama Wins with McCain Leading the 2nd!

[ad#ad2-left]With Obama wining the Presidential Elections and McCain giving his concession speech.  We see a lot of potential going to be coming along.  I see the Democrats take charge of the US Senate.  I also see the House seats have gone to the Democrats.  So what is next for the next President, with the inauguration coming soon, what will the new president pick for the Chief of Staff.  I know he has some choices but which one will it be?

In some of the sites with his Bio, they talk about him being the First African American President:

[ad#ad2-right]Some thing to consider with the Vice President is that it will be Joe Biden.  Now I don’t know very much about him but what I do know comes from the internet.  I wont’t say much because I don’t know much but I will direct you to the pages that I know about:

I will find out more in the coming weeks, but right now we are making history.  What is your responses on what happened?  Are you happy or angry?  Is the signs of even more economic instabilility?  These are all questions that we have to consider in the time to come!!

Today everyone is doing there homework! Links to Election Day Results

Yep, You see it just like I do. People are studying to vote. People have been doing this from the time they went to school. It never fails the day before. To see who wins the election you might check out these links:

Now I won’t tell you who to vote for but I will tell you  that today we will be making History in more ways then one.  Whoever we pick will be historic, a black president or a Lady VP.  You decide go Vote and Here are some links to find out where you can vote at:

These should help you go and vote. Now go and vote and remember to think about who you will vote for.

Alien Ware Extreme Gaming Notebook M17 17 Inch

Looks like they are out of stock on this Laptop but they do have Alienware M17x-2857DSB 17-Inch Laptop (Black) which looks to be an upgraded version of this one!!!

  • Windows Vista® Home Premium (32- and 64-bit)(default)
  • Windows Vista® Ultimate (32- and 64-bit)
  • Intel® Coreâ„¢2 Duo Or Quad and Extreme Processors (12MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB)
    Intel® PM45 + ICH9M-E Chipset up to 4 GB
    ATI Mobility Radeonâ„¢ HD 3870 (Also Comes with CrossfireX Enabled)
  • Dual Harddrive In Raid 0 Config or you can have a single hard drive

    1. 5400 RPM – Up to 1TB (2 x 500GB)

    1. 7200 RPM – Up to 640GB (2 x 320GB)

So I saw this and had to tell people this is a sweet laptop for people who like to go and play games in a large group. You would be able to play for hours on end, all you would need is an power cord. I would love one of these to try out.  If you want to go check it out or buy it. Here’s the Alienware M17x-2857DSB 17-Inch Laptop (Black).

Find Other Alienware Products

Peek Email tops Time Gadget of the Year!

[ad#ad2-right]I’ve not seen this yet, I will do my research on this Peek Email Device. This is fascinating that I didn’t know that there was something I’ve never heard of.   Anyways, I can’t beleive they don’t have a netbook or the new Gaming Laptop.  Please, a WII fit, Now how did they get there too?   How did The T-Mobile G1 get number 5th in the list.  I’m surprised that the GameBoy Advanced wasn’t one to be on there, After all they sold so many this year.   Why not the Xbox 360?  It seems people can still vote but don’t expect anything to change.

Go Vote and lets make our voice heard!!