Today everyone is doing there homework! Links to Election Day Results

Yep, You see it just like I do. People are studying to vote. People have been doing this from the time they went to school. It never fails the day before. To see who wins the election you might check out these links:

Now I won’t tell you who to vote for but I will tell you  that today we will be making History in more ways then one.  Whoever we pick will be historic, a black president or a Lady VP.  You decide go Vote and Here are some links to find out where you can vote at:

These should help you go and vote. Now go and vote and remember to think about who you will vote for.

Wrap Firefox’s Bookmarks Toolbar

Firefox only: Yesterday you learned how to auto-hide your Firefox bookmarks toolbar, and today we’ve got the tweak to make that toolbar wrap onto multiple lines instead of scrolling off the right side. Like the auto-hide tweak, this requires a change to your Firefox profile’s userChrome.css file. Here’s the CSS you need:

/* Multi-row bookmarks toolbar */ #bookmarks-ptf {display: block;} #bookmarks-ptf toolbarseparator {display: inline;}

You can combine this technique with the auto-hide technique to make all the lines of your bookmarks toolbar appear when you hover. If you’re new to userChrome.css, here’s more on working with it. Thanks, Mike!

Nice little tip there!! Thanks