Five Essential Packages for Ubuntu/Kubuntu!

Why do I need these packages?

There is no right or wrong answer but when I say it is needed, it is because us as a community should be ready. I know I already talked about people getting a Virus on Linux, and that some people think you can’t get a Virus. In all aspects, the Linux community is in a holding when it comes to security and viruses. I will not discuss this enough but for today we will discuss what packages you should have already installed when you first start using Linux. Even the Ubuntu developers have talked about viruses on their main website, so it isn’t something that I am not a little worried about when people start to use Linux.

The Packages I have installed!

While there is no right or wrong package for your Linux system, I thought I would at least recommend the ones that I did install not just for security but also for convenience. It will be your decision on which ones you will be install and which ones you think you’ll need. This list is for those who are serious about security and want to avoid any chances of being compromised.

  • VLC Media Player — Although this has nothing to do with security it is something that will prevent those nasty attempts, claiming your don’t have the right Codex to play this streaming Video. At least, if you have this installed you are one step closer to and knowing that this is a fake because I have found to be very affective having all the codex I will ever need.
  • AVG Antivirus — I have personally installed means I am a little more safer but not out of the woods just yet. Although, I am much safer having installed there is a long way to go before there is a good enough Antivirus program for linux and that I hope that changes in the future.
  • Firewall — Although this is your choice, I picked arno-iptables-firewall, which seems to be what I need right now. It however is something of a personal choice and probably even an OS choice.
  • Password Manager — Yes you heard it right, if you have a good Password manager then you are less likely to give out your password to sites that look like the real thing, which is called phishing attacks. With a good Password manager, you can go to right the right site with a click of the manager. I personally recommend Lastpass, but it is all up to your which one you want to use. I really don’t know if there are more linux based password manager but I am sure you can find them.
  • VPN — Although this isn’t really a package per say, but one that talked about in the past. How to get a VPN on Ubuntu/Kubuntu. I am sure there are others out on the internet. I just don’t want to make it to complicated for beginners, so I did make my own tutorial on getting a free VPN. You really don’t want anyone listening in while at a public hotspot do you?

Your one step closer!

As you can see these are what I call essential because of most of these will make you a little more security conscience and that in turn will make you a better Linux user. for the most part your be more ready than a lot of Linux user but that doesn’t mean your invulnerable, just more educated the rest. If you have a recommendation, I encourage you to leave a comment and let others know, but for the time being these are just what I have installed on my Kubuntu 11.04 right now and I’m really happy.

See you on the Flip Side

Paul Sylvester

Get Thunderbird to launch Firefox/Chrome browsers in Linux!

This isn’t like Windows!

If your like me you probably clicked a link in Thunderbird and thought you would be taken to your favorite browser but that isn’t the case with Linux. The pop up screen asking you which application to launch is quite similar to Windows but there is a problem. If you have had no experience with Linux then you might ask yourself “Where’s the program files?” It seems that Windows and Linux differs from each other in that aspect. I did have to do some things to get Thunderbird to get it to launch a browser. This quick tutorial will help those new to Linux to do what they have always done on Windows. I will warn people that clicking on links in your emails is the first way to get a virus or a credit card stolen but that is for another topic and discussion!

Some Preparations are in order!

For some of use this is something that should already be included, but it seems that Mozilla didn’t add some important config scripts into the Thunderbird application for Linux. Thanks to Google, I found the answers and I thought I would also share them with people so it would be much easier for others to enable launching the browser in Thunderbird.

You will need to add these strings in Thunderbird:

In Thunderbird: edit > Preferences > Advanced > Config Editor

Right click anywhere in the list and click ADD > String. Then add these strings with values!

  • String: Value: x-www-browser
  • String: Value: x-www-browser
  • String: Value: x-www-browser

Once that is done, your ready for the next step of the process.

Where Do I find these files?

Most cases you will find these files in only one place and that is almost like a C: Drive. In order to find the right program, you first need to go:

  1. /usr/bin/ (shell script)
  2. /usr/bin/ (shell script)
  3. /usr/bin/rekonq.ex (Executable)

These are the two files you will need to tell Thunderbird to launch the right application when you click on a link. You should only need to do this once for each type of link from http, https, and the last one is the file transfer protocol but if you do this, I see no reason why you would be able to launch your favorite browser. Depending on which browser you have installed, it should be easily found in the the bin directory and you should be able to launch your browser even if it is not a well known browser. .

Let’s Rock Linux

Paul Sylvester

Does Linux need an Anti-Virus?

Anti-virus Programs and Linus Torvalds

Hey let’s face it with the recent virus problems Machnitoshes has had, we’ve got a bit of problem on our hands.   I’ve come to the realization that there must be a way to protect my Linux operating system much better.   Although there are several different programs out there that can be used with Linux.  I however wanted to talk about the necessity of having a program installed and running to better protect me from doing something bad.   Hey I admit it, I occasionally click on links when I shouldn’t and also occasionally like to see what is in my spam folder just to make sure I am not missing something that I should.

Is Anti-virus Really needed for Linux?

There have been advocates for Anti-virus programs for the Linux community over the past few years.   I have been one of those myself.


Any antivirus/spyware needed?


I have been an advocate of “Linux” “doing” “enabling” antivirus/spyware for over 6 years now….it WILL hit “us” sooner or later….but given the money involved I think…..MUCH later….so….no, for now, do not worry about it at all.

If you get “something” that says it is “checking your computer” it is because WINE has automatically been enabled and the malware is seeing that and NOT Kubuntu….so….ummmm….close the browser….re-open and get on with your malware free life.


Now I tell you,  What is wrong with this picture?   Are the Linux users acting a little like Apple users, and thinking they can’t get a virus.   I won’t say that right now there are any viruses in the wild but I would caution everyone not to consider your system invulnerable even though there aren’t as many reports of virus out in the wild.   It will hit us next if not this year probably in a year or two.

Linux is Next for sure!

I don’t say that lightly, I am sure in the coming years to even months that the malware writers and virus writers will be looking at Linux more and more.   With Apple just being hit and finally admitting that they have been hit with a virus, you can bet that some of the Apple users will convert to Linux just because they were using Apple’s believe that they were immune to viruses and malware.   They will come and when that comes the eyes of the world will be on Linux users.   It will be our job to get ready for these nefarious users and fight them off.   So I call to the community to get ready for this to happen.   I know it is coming almost as much as I know I am going to keep blogging.   Only time will prove me right, but I know it is going to happen and if your not ready then you can only blame yourself.

Stay Safe

Paul Sylvester

Apple Needs to Worry about Security and Virus!

Let’s Face It, Mac isn’t Virus Free no more!

I know I’ve been saying this for a few years, but In all truthfulness it is more of a fact than a few years ago.   Apple needs to change their policy on how they do commercials.   I don’t say that light hearted because I actually think the commercials are really funny sometimes but that is besides the point.  They have not in the past changed their tactics because of the new malware that is going about.   Some experts are saying this malware doesn’t require you to enter a password or even have you allow or deny the installation.  Although, I have no Apple computer to test this observation, it seems quite possible depending on how people have their system setup.   Thought most Mac users are not thinking about security or even the possibility of a virus because of the advertisements that Apple has put up in the past.   More and more their seems to be a growing number of viruses and malware for the Macintosh.

Security Through Obscurity is No More with Apple!

I say that know that in the past most Apple users always thought since the Operating system of the Apple was not well known that they could get away with installing unknown software or programs that Windows users would think twice on.   I honestly don’t see how people would download bit torrent files thinking that they were safe on the Mac because “Apple Could never get a Virus” advertising has stuck in their minds.   Yet Apple has in the past fought this through new changes to their advertising but the fact remains anytime you think of a Macintosh, you first thought would be about it being Virus.   I know some of you probably though the first thought would be the speed and ease of the Operating, and although that is true that isn’t my thought when I think of a Apple Operating System.

Don’t Presume anything!

I might not be a Mac User but I don’t presume anything when it comes to running a Windows or even a Linux Operating System.   That Being said when Apple finally realizes that they are no longer able to hide from the bad guys, then we will see them start fighting back.   Until then though, most Mac Users will make the mistakes they have always done because of Apple stance and the ignorance of the problem.  I have said how hackers will start targeting Apple Users and this seems to be the case even now.   If you have a Mac Machine, I suggest looking for a good Antivirus and sticking with them.   You are not longer safe not having an Antivirus software installed on your system.

Stay Safe!

Paul Sylvester

How to Get a Free VPN for Ubuntu/Kubuntu!


Is there a Free VPN for Linux?

Use Coupon Code “savenow15” AND SAVE 15% on the lifetime of your account!I had to search both high and low.   It took me several hours and searching to find a viable option for me.   I wanted to share this so others wouldn’t have to work as hard to surf safer on the web.   If your like me, I like to go to free wifi spots to blog or even just surf the web.   I don’t want anyone getting my personal information so I would always have to use Windows.   I really got fustrated having to always load Windows when It was just easier to load up Kubuntu.   I know in the past this was something that was never really an option because you’d have to be a real geek to do anything like this.   Thanks to the open community of Linux, we have a viable option now for those who aren’t technically geeks but would still like to keep their web surfing secret from prying computers on an open wifi spots.

How to setup your free VPN for Kubuntu!


  • If you haven’t updated to Kubuntu 11.04  or later then you will need to make sure you have that version or later for this tutorial to work.  You can also use Ubuntu 11.04 or later but the screenshots will be for Kubuntu, so there may be some difference in looks and names but should be relatively the same.
  • Book Mark the FREE US PPTP VPN site — This is essential because the problem with this free VPN service is that changes every 12 hours.   This however isn’t a big problem because if your using a VPN for Wifi Hotspots.   It just means everytime you go to a wifi spot you will be unsecure until you go to the bookmark and change the password.  To Bookmark the site you can easily just press CLT-D.

If you have done those two steps then you are ready to setup your VPN.

Setting up the VPN

This is going to be relilitivly simple, because if your using the Linux you will know some of this already.

  • Go to your Network Manager —  There are 2 ways to do this.   You can find it on your toolbar either being a Ethernet or Wireless icon, just right click it and choice “Network Manager Settings” or you can click the “Start > Applications > Settings > System Settings > Network Settings”.
  • Once there you will want to click VPN

Click to see larger picture

  • Click the Add Button

  • As you can see if you have booked mark that page I told you earlier to go to.  You will need to add the Gateway, username and password(remember this password is only good for a few hours, so remember this step). Then click “Advanced


  • You will only need to do this once.   Uncheck all in the Authentaction area but the MSCHAPv2 and Check “Use MPPE Encryption” but do not check the “Use Stateful Encryption”, if it is checked uncheck it.   Then click OK!
  • Hit Ok or Apply and exit out of the manager.   You may have to reboot to get the new settings to activate.   I had to with my current system but that was only when creating the new VPN, after that it work fine.


You will need to edit the password everytime you want to use the VPN but if you have made it this far than you should be all set to use the VPN to safely surf the web.   In order to change the password just remember the first 2 steps and instead of adding a new VPN just edit the one you created and change the password and hit Apply when done.   I hope this has helped other Linux users to surf the web safely on free wifi spots.   Enjoy!


There seems to be a kde4d Bug and ntrack bug that causes the menu bar and toolbar to freeze.   Just thought you’d like to know!!

*Update #2*

There are another site that you should also check out for a Free VPN Service:


If I find more sites that you can use to get a free VPN with PPTP then I’ll update this as soon as I find them!


Paul Sylvester