Is scripting being used in automation?
Scripting can be a powerful tool for anything in the industry from building cars to even creating orders to ship.  Each one has a specific reason to be there, in all there are many reason why it makes it easier for the user to have scripting.  I know in my life, scripting can be used in many different reason.  For one you could have a PowerShell script to automate a process to wake the daemon or make a service synchronize a service. In all even in the Microsoft world there are services that need to be restarted or maybe just synched due to the daemon not keeping up.  Having seen this and having to do it from time to time or even create a script to run every hour to keep the what ever might need to be synchronized up to date.  Is that something hard to do or easy, the real questions you should be asking yourself is can you really do it and not make any mistakes?  After all, we are human and bound to make a mistake or two.  So we have to at least consider how any script will affect us in the long run.  Scripting can definitely make certain tasks so much easier when something arises that needs to be done to a server or even process.
What are the options for a script?
Before we begin the options we have to at least consider why scripts are so vastly different from applications.  The short answer is that they can’t do nearly the things applications can because they aren’t integrated into the kernel or there might be processes that the script can’t do without SU permissions and programs can have SU permissions and run in the background without any need for verification from the user. Now let’s at least talk about the options for what a script be used for or how we should at least consider it to be used.  First and foremost is to restart a process, and this one is the most common I have seen in the past.  I used to have to restart the Xorg services or drivers due to how the applications caused it to crash for one reason or another in Linux.  This was definitely when the drivers for Nvidia and AMD were still relatively new to the Linux environment.  It would on occasion need to be restarted and people started to have script to use to do that so they didn’t have to write the same codes down each time to restart the service. This was truly cutting edge for Linux to be able to use a script to restart the graphics drivers and allow the user to continue to use their computer.  Another good option for tasks that can be scripted is downloading files that you might use for Windows and have them update with newest version as they are coming. You could even create a script to download all the Windows Updates on Linux just like you can on Windows to be able to install them offline if the need arises.
Scripts are just Amazing!
As you can see, I really do love to use scripts and have in the past come up with scripts that can be used for the people who use Linux or might need a script for a certain situation.  Each person can come up with some truly amazing scripts to share with others to help make working in the Linux environment even more better for everyone. Do you agree or disagree? Do you have a favorite script you want to share with others? why not leave a comment and let people know your script and tell them what OS it can be used on.  I am going to link a few good useful bash scripts to let you explore even more.
- Useful BASH scripts for every Linux user
- The 40 Simple Yet Effective Linux Shell Script Examples
- 10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX/Linux Shell Scripts
- How to install Notepad++ on Linux Mint