Keep Your Start Menu Sorted Alphabetically

Experienced Windows XP users likely know how to manually alphabetize their Start menu’s programs list, but doing so after every new program installation gets old pretty quickly. The Elder Geek offers a solution that keeps your programs alphabetized at all times—even if you try to re-sort them. The trick involves making a registry hack, and the Elder Geek points out that this one in particular could do some damage if done incorrectly, so make sure to back up your registry before venturing in.

dreamGEAR Wii GameBlaster Looks Better Than Nintendo’s


Unlike the official Nintendo Wii lightgun accessory that has the trigger up in the front hand—which is more awkward than Frankenstein dancing—the dreamGEAR Wii GameBlaster has only one trigger, and it’s in the back. Also unlike the official gun, it takes in both the Wiimote and the Nunchuk controller and connects the two without visible wires. This actually looks better than the real thing, and if you can somehow reprogram the trigger button in-game to be on the Nunchuk instead of on the Wiimote, you’ve got yourself the optimal zombie shooting experience. [Dreamgear via Uber Gizmo]

Nice little Gun, Probably will be used with COD4 and others like it!!

Blu-Ray Laser Phaser! – video powered by Metacafe

Warning: you will not learn how to build a Blu-ray phaser in this video. Oh, you will see someone building one, but only in the, “look how cool I am” kind of way. Still, the prospect is just geek heaven enough to set our hearts aflutter. And when we say “aflutter,” we mean providing us precisely 15 seconds of interest before we move on to the next piece of the Internet. Because while Warhol predicted our 15 minutes of fame, we’ve easily cracked a minute with the rise of embedded video. [blogmond]

Nice I want one!! 😉 I will have to find out how to build one!!

First screenshots of application running on Google’s Android platform?

It’s just a rumor, but if true, you’re looking at screenshots of the first leaked application running on Google’s new mobile Android OS. The app from upstart Whatsopen does just what you might think; it tells you what’s open nearby your location. Of course, those mockups could be final or just prototypes. Whatever they are, we’re underwhelmed. Still, let’s wait for the SDK before getting too far ahead of ourselves. More pics just beyond that read link.

[Via Textually]

I hope the cell phone companies come out with it soon, I can’t wait!!

Better Gmail 2 Firefox Extension for New Gmail


Google updated Gmail, and now we’re following up with Better Gmail 2, a Firefox extension that adds features to the new Gmail interface. Like its predecessor, Better Gmail 2 is a compilation of Greasemonkey user scripts that add features to Gmail, but Better Gmail 2 works with Gmail’s overhauled interface. We’ll maintain the original Better Gmail extension separately from Better Gmail 2, for users still rocking the older version. However, if you’ve got the snappier Gmail interface enabled and you’re ready for some tweaks courtesy of scripters far and wide, hit the jump for the Better Gmail 2 Firefox extension download.

Nice little Extension for Firefox, and Gmail go check out the full article for the download!!