Windows only: Got a webcam bundled with your last computer but don’t know what to do with it? Turn it into a motion-sensing security camera with freeware application Yawcam. All you need is a webcam to get started, but after spending a little time in the Yawcam settings you can set automatic FTP uploading, emailing, or just saving captured images to your hard drive. You can even set a schedule for when Yawcam is enabled to capture images so your security camera isn’t constantly snapping pics while you’re sitting in front of your computer. We’ve seen similar motion detecting software, but Yawcam looks like an excellent and simple alternative. I don’t have a webcam on my Windows PC, so if you give it a try, let’s hear how it worked for you in the comments. Yawcam is freeware, Windows only.
All Posts by Paul
Apple posts iPod touch 1.1.2 update — already hacked
As you’d expect, Apple has released version 1.1.2 of the iPod touch firmware hot on the jailbreak-breaking heels of its iPhone update. Early reports on MacRumors indicate a new “Add Event” functionality in the Calendar — something that should have been included in v 1.0. Anyone else getting dirty with the firmware who wants to share changes? We’ll keep you updated of course as this and the iPhone 1.1.2 status develops.
Update: Whoa, TUAW‘s in-house hacker — Erica Sadun — is reporting that v1.1.2 is already hacked on the iPod touch. That bodes well for opening up your new UK and German iPhone, eh readers? Oh, and that’s a screenshot up there — proof of the deed since that functionality is only available from your friendly third party development community.
Download – iPod1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw, 158MB
Wow, It already been hacked oh my apple is isn’t winning this one at all!! LOL I wonder what else they will try!!
Kick Off Your Daily Browsing with Morning Coffee
Windows/Mac/Linux (Firefox): Simplify your morning coffee-and-web routine with the Morning Coffee Firefox extension. Morning Coffee bookmarks your regular reads by day (or by combinations of days) and opens up the appropriate set of bookmarks for each day with the click of a button. So let’s say you check an infrequently updating site every Tuesday and Thursday, but you want to get your fix of Lifehacker every day. You can set up Morning Coffee to open specific sites only on specific days so that each morning you’re ready to do your routine reading, you’ll get exactly the sites you want. Granted, you could do something similar by creating bookmark folders for each day, but getting the same feature set out of that method wouldn’t be nearly as simple. Morning Coffee is free, works wherever Firefox does.
Quickly Share Files with
Share files over the internet quickly and easily with web site We’ve mentioned a number of similar file sharing services in the past, but what’s great about is its speed (requires no registration for any party), ease of use (just send a simple link to whoever you want to share the files with after you’ve uploaded them), and clean interface. Basically uploading files creates a web site to organize them. You can password-protect the files, and anyone who you share the link with can add to the repository. does have a 100mb upload limit—so it’s a bit more suited for sharing documents and images than music and videos—but overall the slickness and minimalism of the site really makes it stand out among its peers. It’s tough to say where they plan to make their money (so who knows if/when the crazy ads will come in), but for the time being it’s a terrific tool.
Knock Down Email Fast with Mail Act-On
Mac OS X only: Process all of your email from the comfort of your keyboard with free, open source plugin Mail Act-On. If you’re new to Mail Act-On, just install the plug-in and then read the documentation for how to create rules for filing emails with your oft-used actions. When all’s said and done, Mail Act-On is similar to the Gmail Macros script but with less focus on navigation and much more potential for creating powerful rules for dealing with email. We’ve mentioned this plug-in once before, but this latest version adds support for Leopard. Mail Act-On is free, Mac OS X only. If you use Mail Act-On, share your favorite actions in the comments.