Better YouTube Firefox Extension

Watch YouTube videos more efficiently with Better YouTube, a brand new Firefox extension that compiles our favorite YouTube Greasemonkey scripts into a single convenient package. Better YouTube smartly enlarges videos for better viewing, hides user comments, declutters the page and disables autoplay (great for vids open in a background tab.) Following in the footsteps of Better Gmail and friends, customize your online video-viewing with Better YouTube.

Actually it helps watching youtube on you monitor makes it come out more clearer!! Check it out!!

Remote Control Leopard with TightVNC

Mac OS 10.5 only: With VNC built right into Leopard, you can remote control your Mac from any other Mac via iChat or the Screen Sharing client—OR any PC using the right VNC client. Apple doesn’t advertise this, but since Screen Sharing is just regular old VNC (albeit with a much more grokable name), our favorite Windows VNC client, TightVNC, works with it just dandy—with one small catch.

You must set a VNC password in Leopard’s System Preferences in order for the TightVNC client to connect to it. (Or else TightVNC will give you an error about the server not supporting the right security protocol.) To do so, in System Preferences, go to Sharing, and from Screen Sharing, click on the “Computer Options” button. Set your password there and TightVNC will be able to remote control your Mac given its IP address.

Yes I didn’t leave the mac people out!! Here you go!!

Keyboard-Friendly To-Do List with Tudumo

Windows only: Free-for-now to-do list application Tudumo is styled for those aiming at Getting Things Done and geared to keyboard shortcut enthusiasts. All the basic to-do features like tags, due dates, and action descriptions are present, but hitting one shortcut (Ctrl-Windows-T) from anywhere to add a quick item is a nice way to keep your list front-and-center. Tudumo also features quick as-you-type search and drag-and-drop tagging. Tudumo is a free download while it’s still in beta for Windows XP, 2000, and Vista and requires the Microsoft .NET 2.0 platform be installed.

Keep Files Organized with The Magic Folder

Windows Vista Only: All too often, quick downloads and working under deadline leave documents, pictures, and other file types out of the specific folders so helpfully set up at installation. Free Vista sidebar widget The Magic Folder serves as a kind of maid for your file messes, automatically moving files you drop on it to their correct folders based on file extensions. The widget can be modified to move files to your own folder setups (allowing for some Getting-Things-Done-style filing, perhaps), but the neatest aspect is the option to have it watch a folder you choose and do its file-organizing magic whenever a new file appears. The Magic Folder is a free download for Windows Vista only.

Grab Text for your TiddlyWiki with TiddlySnip


Windows/Mac/Linux (Firefox): Eliminate another step on your path to wiki-based organization with TiddlySnip, a free Firefox extension. Once you’ve configured TiddlySnip to point at your wiki, online at TiddlySpot or off, you can submit entire web pages, your clipboard contents, or just the text you’ve selected to it, with custom tags and duplicate prevention. For those wondering what’s with all the tiddly talk, TiddlyWiki is a one-page, one-file personal wiki that you can bring anywhere and type away at to contain your thoughts, projects, and anything else. I’ve already started using TiddlySnip to store away StumbleUpon discoveries for later and pare down my lengthy list of bookmarks, but I’ve only just begun.